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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in oversoul (2)


Decode the upheavals

Notice ongoing upheavals in our lives, the Earth and cosmos, echo an unprecedented opportunity for inner growth. As we expand consciousness, we get honest with ourselves about what is no longer working or serving us, take steps toward conscious change. Denial or repression of who we are causes misery. Keeping busy, gettting lost in addictions, is not an effective solution. We can progress from thinker to talker and doer to being. As we remember more, we recognize, dismantle patterns, activate more of our true abilities, create space for what we blocked, believed was not real or possible. We stay confused, hit rock bottom or endure rebirth. To realize we need not prove our worth, allows us to shap out of it.
At the perfect moment, we recognize we are consciousness with the potential to change matter. It dawns it is our decision how we look at the past, future or any moment. The nature of focus has power to alter perception and shift timelines. How we mentally review or describe a given event changes the vibration of an experience, reorders us at a cellular level, changes how life unfolds since then.
Such energy shifts create space in the mind for a new era of travel. Imagine moving along planes of consciousness, between realms initially seen and unseen. What may seem unreal or denied by the ego and physical senses is very real to a larger part of us or the Oversoul that orchestrates the whole thing. Imagine travelling freely without passports, without barriers or restrictions that have us buy into illusory limitations. Imagine the implications of unlimited being.
Those who are ready energetically are guided, taken to places best suited to their own vibration and potential for expansion. Staying open and receptive allows us to get excited about new possibilities that unfold beyond a purely mental journey of ideas. Being in harmony energetically is what transforms visions from a level of heresay into the energy flows of direct spontaneous experience.
As light, soul travel already occurs interdimensionally, here and now. Deja-vu offers a sample glimpse of wrinkles in timelines. We discover the experience of multidimensional being from the point we stop believing this as a mere possibility and shift into awareness of the only real option. To know and be unified with all that is is to know wholeheartedly who is in charge of reality and take full and complete responsibility for what is.
Turns out, light and technology move faster than the human mind can fathom. Imagine creating worlds faster than blinks of an eye. The imperative is to master the mind. Self-mastery changes the game. Time- space, wormholes, portals, stargates, leylines, grid realities, all begin to align out of pixelation as part of passing thru the zero point (the veil), on many layers and fractals. The big secret is. humans have mastery in our DNA. Learning to activate it is a test.



The Secret to True Nature

Notice that as we let go of outdated beliefs and reveal our true colours, our entourage shifts and changes until we are in complete resonance with multidimensional nature. Every mind makes its choices between embracing truths or turning away. We guide self on the Path. Change is always both good and bad, because change, even when it is refreshing, always entails perceived loss. Nothing new appears unless something old ceases. There exists despair and equanimity. Impermanence is both. Its synchronicity that the lotus grows out of the mud and the phoenix arises from the ashes.
Much of my writing refers to death, absence, and disappearing from one world, body or state into another. Focusing only on immortality resists the wisdom offered by ideas of death and prevents one from feeling truly alive. As consciousness expands, one shifts from belief that death is an end to awareness of energy in motion, transforming, transmuting, changing form, state and ultimately, parallel realities.
If you want to understand True Nature, simply observe cause and effect over time. When the time is ripe, True Nature reveals itself. Every personal and emotional teaching of impermanence that life is kind enough to offer, deepens my capacity to love and expands innersight into the over-soul and its projections. We are all on a journey to realise that everything is based on love, connection, abundance, and freedom. No matter the experience, we can choose to perceive it through these high vibrating frequencies, and therefore embody more of our divinity in our current reality.