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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in peace (67)


All you need is revealed

Brace yourself: what you need is already accessible.   A trail of synchronicities points to this.  You cannot gain or lose what matters but you can change your perception or focus of attention.   Notice what happens as you step back and simply observe what is unfolding without judging.  Notice how resistance to change subsides. Do you worry or exist is a state knowing all is well?

As you begin to recognize the 'quest' within the question has different purposes and lessons, the game of life rises to a whole new level.  You can move through beliefs and perceived problems,  brainstorm possible causes, create affirmations, and new patterns.  Feel the roadmap to peace.

In essence, this tells you awakening is not the same for everyone.  What you think you want at different stages of life evolves.  Underneath every desire and quest, who you are is constant.  What stands out as a current priority is impermanent.  Each experience you choose serves you and also reveals what is permanent.  Everything is here but you may forget how to see.  Just ask.

"Act with a spirit of detachment, being equal to success and failure.  Such evenness of mind is called yoga."  -Bhagavad Gita


Be content in the changing world

As you gaze out into the world, change is everywhere.  You are invited to change and evolve based on what other people are doing. Come what may, are you always able to take change in stride and view it as an adventure?  If not, then some thought or belief is getting in the way. 

Know raising awareness of how you think and feel is an invitation to laugh at yourself and let go of what has already served its purpose.  Every moment is a new beginning beckoning. Transform your perception and transform your life.  Notice the exhileration and newness that refreshes and revitalizes. Allow the heart to clarify the nature of the experience that focuses your attention. How is it an invitation to love thyself, your conditions and everything around you all the more?

"All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis 


Untrain the mind

Everything you think and feel is a clue to the cause and effect of what you perceive in the world.  Each thought invites a comparison and then, judgment arises.   According to the conditioned mind, no neutral thoughts exist.  Notice how focusing on thoughts creates beliefs and habits.  Even before something happens, you assume history is to repeat or the future is worriesome. You dwell on fear unless you untrain the mind. 

Consider how you train the mind.  If, at some stage, you injure yourself while doing something you enjoy, physical pain may trigger that memory and fear may now hold you back.  If you applied for a job in an area of interest and were unsuccessful, you may be discouraged from applying for a similar role, fearing failure or rejection.  If, you have broken or difficult relationships, you may fear getting involved with someone new. If you regret something you said and dwell on negativity or are angry about something someone else has said, harbour grudges, this prevents you from moving on.  You see the world you have made but do not always register you are the source of all you see.

Recognize no thought is neutral.  The world does not think a certain way. It simply reflects back what you are thinking though your experience. Perception is not the cause of reality but the lens through which you selectively filter and choose to see reality.  You raise awareness by noticing your life unfolds based on choices to love or fear.  Notice your focus is not so much on what you see as how you see it. 

"Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them." 
-Rabindranath Tagore


Only one thing matters

Only one thing that matters is state of consciousness.  Everything else is relative. To connect with that which is beyond the self is the most selfless thing and yet, is often missed.  Notice what you decide has power to make you unhappy. What is missed?

The mind tells you what it wants. The heart says the world unfolds as something else. Peace is what transcends every mental perception. The purpose is not what ego mind assumes. Connect with what makes you weightless.  This is not a physical diet.  Feel the incredible lightness of being that is nothing, a state of non-division, pure innocence.


Be an evolutionary leap

Right now, where you are, everything is in perfect order.  Love is present.  You choose to see and feel and be this or not.  Mind chooses a point of view. Notice where you feel anything other than inner peace.  What message is your mind and body sending? What if everything you see or choose to see is part of a dramatic shift in how and what you see? The mind is restless and asks, 'where do we go from here?'  The heart is already everythere and has nowhere to go.