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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in peace (67)


Be happy no matter what 


Notice how external events train the mind unless you see the physical world as it is.  To discover you are awake is to observe thoughts, feelings, the underlying vibrations and expectations. The desire to control subsides.  Choose to feel good no matter what.  Do not allow people to discourage you. Imagine the worst.  Know how you view is always for the best.  

Every moment invites you to be aware of what people and situations you permit to affect you and how.  When emotional reactions arise, they are serving you.  The universe invites you to notice, understand and let go.  Loving inner peace is always yours.

"... the soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears." - Native American Saying


Know not what to say?

If you would like to say something, and you are unable to come up with something, this may evoke distress.  Yet, what what does it mean when you know not what to say and feel at ease with that? As you surrender into the state of not knowing, you connect deeply to something indescribable within.  You realize what truly needs to be known already is. What you think is important is a mental thought that separates you from that which is known.  You begin to sense every label is an imagined concept that has no bearing on what truly matters. Judgement is a limited perspective.  Suddenly, you recall how it feels to be happy where you are and just be.


Journey into consciousness

You are attuning more closely to different degrees of vibrations and more subtle nuances that stand out as you.  Allow tuning into what feels like you and allow yourself to let go of what does not. By meditating, you grow more fully aware.  You notice things and can also let them go and do nothing without judging.  You free yourself from what you understand.  Withdraw from thinking.  Reality is felt as love, peace and harmony.


Forget everything ever taught

What would your life be like if you forgot everything ever taught? What remains? How does it feel to reconnect with new levels of awakening? Envision the sensation of unconditional love and pure consciousness. Notice the mysteries you uncover and how you feel your way along. Notice what is suddenly irrelevent.  Let it go.  Realize how close peace truly is.


Observe in silence

Notice the nature of how you interpret energy as you observe in silence. Listen to the judgment expressed by those around you. Taste the flavour of the air. Feel what stands out and notice what is already fading into the background. Smell colours and texture of the entire experience. Notice what you choose to retain and what you choose to let go.

Notice the invitation of silence. Everything is empowering you to reframe and expand on what you see.  If it is observable, if you hold onto identity, then you still cling to the "I-me".  The self you cannot know is just a thought you wrap in flesh and believe to be real. Whatever appears to cause pain blocks the recognition that the pain-body arises from within the mental self.  The true has no trouble.  Silence is unwavering peace.