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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in peace (67)


Its all cued up

You are reading this because this is what your vibrational nature is attracting.  As you make peace with where you are, then better feelings unfold or remain consistent within you where you are right now.  When you make an effort to bring others where you are, that is, encourage them to see what you see or feel what you feel, if these people are not ready, these people do not align with you. Feel the vibes. Discern the path of least resistance.  Notice what you are doing.  Are you allowing most of yourself to be in harmony?

The key is to recognize your vibration and make choices that enable you to feel good.  When you are inspired by or drawn toward things, you make decisions based on joy. Yet, its not your responsibility to bring others to your level of vibration and awareness.  You relate to others based on the emotional scale.  Know you are ready for environments that nurture your vitality and enable you to reclaim inner power.  

The best things for you are all cued up.  Ask and it is given but do you accept what is made available energetically? Standing where you are, notice how you feel.  Be  eager to express appreciation vibrationally regardless of what others are doing.  Identify positive aspects where you are to make peace with where you came from.  When you appreciate people as they are, you are also accepting self fully.  When how people feel about you no longer matters, resistance within you fades. Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy dissolve. Tune into feeling good now without requiring you or others to be different.  Allow others to be as they are.  Accept all of you.  Reasons for your fear no longer exist.  Allow the essence of being to be present and so it is. All things always work out for you. Know this and live in wisdom.


Feel your path of least resistance

The path of least resistence is the key to everything. It enables you to see beyond what you are conditioned to see or believe.  It is the means to align with the truth of the real you beyond form.   Notice people often struggle.  How does this serve them?  How do your observations awaken you?

Be aware that inaction is a choice.  Be aware no response counts.   Be aware that going against the grain or making emotional waves are not paths of higher wisdom.  Experience how it feels to detect or resonate the vibration of a silent observer.  This evokes the peace and serenity that are the authentic you.  


Feel the truth in your heart

To know the truth of your authentic self is to awaken to the truth of all things. To feel the unconditional love youa re is to know you have nothing to forgive. What is it that dominates your consciousness? As you push aside your reliance on others, and move beyond the desire for approval, you rely on your intuition. You accept limitless being. You are present with what is. You know what you read or what anyone tells you invites you is not you. Everything points to the harmony you feel outside the story.

Feel the wisdom in kindness and compassion. Trust in choices that echo peace and love. Resonating peace quiets the mind and empowers one beyond measure. A sense of self disappears. Bliss unfolds. To be still is to be true to soul, to rcall the inner gift of fearlessness. You are pure love.


Rediscover inner treasures

Notice how often you dream of where you are in the present moment, and which thoughts and feelings capture your attention. Notice also when you dream of where you perceive you are not, doing what you hope would like to avoid. How do each of these experiences resonate? Why does each one serve you?

Many people take steps to resist or subdue what enters the mind. Tension arises as one exerts control. Other people make peace and allow whatever comes to flow rather than fight. They notice the mind releases itself from temporary emotional reactions. Which living experience uncovers inner treasure?


Connect with living experience

Some people seek knowledge as a means to an end. Yet, teaching reveals itself to those open and aware. When you make peace with existence, a given situation presents and you allow it to be. So, it is not what you read or hear that matters, but how living experience unfolds within. The inner guide is the real you.