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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in perfection (24)


9 Tips to Be Yourself

In the event you temporarily forget, here are nine tips to be yourself, right here, right now:

1) Recognize innate perfection.  Anything you see in yourself that is less than perfect is illusion you imagine.

2) Relish the journey you create for yourself. In order to live dreams, you must take intention to action and run with it.

3)  Be honest with yourself.  Be truthful and authentic in all you do.  Then you have nothing to hide or lie about.

4) Accept what you are.   This requires seeing through what others think you are and not conforming. It takes courage.

5) Acknowledge the source of your power.  This does not stem from ego but from aligning with the heart or Spirit.  True power is grace and cannot be forced or controlled.

6) See your intrinsic value.  Choose to see everything is of equal value.  True balance is felt when inner and outer worlds feel same, and both point to the gift you give yourself.

7) Express your uniqueness.  Do not hide your visions, what you feel and know you exist to be.  Create a new baseline or accepted norm by fearlessly blazing a trail.

8) Love everything. Random acts of kindness are like 'paying it forward.'  Such behaviour uplifts the energetic dynamic of this planet. Being truly real/ yourself is loving everything equally without exception.

9) Create a new reality. Everything you think, feel and experience begins and ends in you.  To change your life, simply change your perception.


Tap into the source of wisdom

Life is what you make of it or no-thing.  The dream you build for yourself begins and ends in the mind. The mind can be trained to choose consistently that which cannot be seen. This unseen is recognized as truth and experienced as the only real option.

What if you have a source you can consult to guide you that is always available and always right? Guess what? You do.

When you are in touch with your spiritual side, you are in touch with the source of infallible wisdom. This is the source of divine inspiration.  In this moment, it is the reliable source of a constant supply of answers that guide you to what is best for you and everyone else. It is that part of being that knows you are exactly where you are supposed to be, and can only ever be in the right place at the right time.

Ultimately, your experience matters, not what you do or where you go.  Everything is an opportunity to reveal the ego as it is so you can see through it.  Healing your own mind is recognizing there is nothing to fix.  This revelation also helps the collective mind. This is getting closer to the perfection you experience already right where you stand. To say you are satisfied implies something other than fulfillment exists. Only happiness, peace and wholeness do.  You embody them now. Accepting this is being happy wherever you are, taking joy in all that you do, and being in awe of yourself.


Envision the perfect life

Watch what happens as you envision the perfect life. Imagine nothing about you or conditions requires fixing or improving, that you are always making the best of where you are.  Be aware of how you feel when you are convinced everything is unfolding perfectly, that everyone you meet is a messenger from the soul.  Realize perception of worlds begins and ends in you. All experience is an extension of how you feel. Let go of a need to control. Take note of of how is your life blossoming now.


Everything has perfect timing

Everything is expanding. Notice what is on the move in your life and what appears to be slowing down.  It all has perfect timing.  We are moving and away from internet until after October 8th.


Allow illusions to dissolve

Notice what happens as you begin to realize improvement is an illusion. That is, everything is unfolding perfectly already and nothing requires you to improve on it.  Be aware your life requires no improving.  Its how you think about it that creates a problem.  None exist. Cease telling yourself anything is wrong.  Perfection cannot be improved upon. This is what you are. Watch what happens as you stop denying it. Allow illusions to dissolve.  Clarity reveals itself.