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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in resistance (65)


Choose to allow inner guidance

Everyone is given the information about how to move to a place of ultimate health and well-being and yet, not everyone chooses to listen. Everyone has infinite capacities yet, some people exist in a state of mind where they choose to deny that. Everyone is multi-sensual yet, some people ignore their higher senses.   Everyone is fundamentally innocent and free yet, many find reason to feel guilty and imprisoned by mind.

Why do you choose not to live in the present every moment? Why do you resist enjoying everything about your life now? Why do you limit your experience in any way? Why are you attached to particular events and people? Why fear outcomes?  Why not smile at everything and take everything as a blessing in stride?

Not everyone consciously shifts their vibration to tap into wisdom available to them, yet some people choose to remember innate fearlessness. The conditions of your existence determine your level of receptivity to all you are given, to what the real you knows about the physical and non-physical. You opt to be soothed or annoyed by it all.  Funny, you cannot cease to be or cease to discover all that is new.


Value the contrast

As you remember you are a vibrational being of pure love and wisdom, you know all is well. Revelations continue to unfold through your physical experience. You allow or resist, align with who you are, or not.

Everything hinges on your understanding of vibration within. Be aware you emit and shift vibration deliberately or not.  Your physical body and perception are affected by external vibration or not. That is, you choose to take on lower vibrations that contrast the real you, or not.  Your energy vibration makes experience different.   This reminds you the non-physical part of you projects the physical part of you here.

As you feel contrast in 3-D time-space reality, you focus with the confident, loving and secure you expanding vibrationally in ways undetected by physical senses, or, you selectively forget that, and focus instead on fear and on things you are not. Each person feels non-physical streams of consciousness. You have free will to feel joy every moment or, to shift away from knowing the truth in order to feel contrast.

When you ask for things, and they do not present right away, you may forget you have to go to them.  Your physical self vibrates at a certain frequency. Thought and desire manifest a certain frequency. To value contrast between what you allow the physical you to experience, and infiinite possibilities available to you, is to realize and accept what it means to be moving forward indefinitely as a limitless being.


Come into resonance with who you are

To have a timeless experience of knowing does not require an external confirmation or explanation.  Do not underestimate the power of asking to let go of all fear, hatred and negativity.  This may shock you, but on non-physical levels, you already transcend this.  The physical you is invited to align with who you are.

Feel the visceral sensation of butterflies through the body.  This triggers more and more joy and a range of feelings beyond bliss and words.  What is your bridge back to pure positive energy? Are you there yet? 


Choose to align with who you are

Notice the focus of the ego mind. As you choose to feel things that do not enable you to feel good, you forget you also have choices to change focus, reframe perceived transitions.  What you miss is not what seems to be leaving or changing beyond your control.  What you miss is not people or conditions, but the security and love you associate with them.  You control how you feel about everything every moment.  

As you release resistance, you align with who you are, the unlimited source energy and unconditional love ego denies.  To focus on anything other than the feeling of being connected with the essence or source within is to postpone alignment.   As your vibration shifts, your destiny shifts. Ease your experience in the present.  What are you waiting for? Do the best you can now. Allow alignment to reveal itself.


When do you avoid what is?

When you engage in compulsive thinking, you not only avoid what is, you allow the mind to persuade you to believe that you exist somewhere other than where you are.  To resist who you are only creates more suffering.  Eventually, reasons for why you resist fall apart, but unless you awaken to understand why, delusions are replaced by more delusions.  It is never too late to more consciously Transform your life.