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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in resistance (65)


Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.


What is evolution?

Identity is loudly drilled into you by the ego mind.  From this vantage point, you evolve based on conditioned expectations.  In the same moment, who you are is revealed quietly in the heart.  Every human is trained to fear, deny or postpone expanding into the unconditional love.  Alignment of the heart and mind is one perspective of evolution.

All-the-while, you may sense different ways exist to grow and develop.  You are taught to build on what you are taught.  Another kind of evolution involves letting go of all that to make room for what is always here.  How does a person open his heart? Listen to the vibration of inner peace of soul. Put yourself in a place of silence.  What do you notice?

How you think does not truly determine what you feel. As you remove the mind from your perspective and trust intuition, then you shift focus back to the breath and heart.  You exist to recognize you outgrow beliefs and see beyond them. 

Heart is fluid and mind is rigid. The heart feels its way to the truth wheras the mind echos its own judgmental view.  As you open to Self-disclosure, and explore potential for changes within, you detach from logic and feel transformative.  As you allow unconditional love to flow freely, you move from evolving to remembering what is.

"In order to evolve, you must stand still long enough for your Heart to have a Conversation with your Brain." -Erin Dalli


What is stillness?

Stillness is not an acquired practice. Stillness just is.  It comes naturally when you have order. You may ask, what is this? Complete order is complete quietness of the mind.  This is the perspective of pure consciousness.

Now, man is conditioned to think he must seek things.  His quests, his efforts to become or arrive, distract him from the stillness inside.  Action may be viewed as resistance and a cause of disorder.  How does perception of disorder bring order?  That is, you may ask, how can the senses get you closer to the truth?

Feeling brings you closer to alignment than thinking.  Exerting effort is not the same as being aware.  Going aginst the flow brings disorder.  Where the perception of 'me' exists' in the mind, you sense division, difference and thus, conflict.  To be aware what is going on inside and outside is to begin to grasp the disorder, let go and transcend it.

In order to be unconditional love, it is first necessary to understand where and why you are provoked. Liberation only comes as you learn to feel negativity and what it tells you about the inner self so you can  detach. Realize everything tests you so you realize how much you can endure.  As you gain insight into your perceived thresholds or limits, you gradually remember why pain, suffering or anything only exists as long as you believe in it.

As Kahlil Gibran says, 'The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.' Angry or irritating people empower you more than you realize.


Why do the things you do?

The conscious process grows more apparent as you choose to stop questioning why you have particular experiences. You are finally willing to realize and accept you engage in everything to help your true self. This kind of revelation does not come easily to anyone who prefers the discomfort of resistance.

What if you discern that your fears take shape and form in your life and that physical existence has always been this way?  What if the most recent revelations that raise your self-awareness only seem to be of the most intense importance? What if everything and nothing is of equal relevance?

Deep down, the most upsetting discovery is making new sense of fragments that have always been and never left your side.  You are your own smoking mirror and filled with a new and yet somehow familiar inner joy. You are intrigued, sense you move further into some kind of wonderful that you hesitate to exert effort to define. You simply accept it and recall the feeling of being. This revelation is the most stable thing you know.


Release the guilt

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream: I was in a second floor of dank prison with a soundproof door and walls. The window had bars to a colorless, dirt courtyard. A dark man in my room squeezed through the bars to escape into fresh air. I felt this person was guilty of a crime, but I resisted calling the guards playing poker next door. Part of me wanted him to escape. I sensed the guards would not hear me call. I got the attention of a hot, black prostitute wearing red in the yard. She got the attention of the guards next door. They came and set me free. I was puzzled.

Steps:  (1) Reflect on details highlighted by your senses
            (2) Identify what content stands out
            (3) Notice the landscape, color and associated feelings

Interpretation: You are smarter than you think. The mind can seem like a mental prison. The very nature of ego is to instill guilt. This is bestowed on you as a child., the idea you are separate, unique and different. Your suffering depends on judging. You come to feel guilty for inclinations toward love, sexuality or anything you want that is natural. You are taught certain thoughts or behaviours are unacceptable in the external world.  Your nurtured action is to instill guilt (fear of not being loved) in children and other people.

This dream echoes you punish the self unnecessarily. Regardless of what you may have done or considered, it calls for unconditional love.  In truth, there is no such thing as guilt.  You only experience guilt because you think you are separate from what you want.  The fear of not being loved is unfounded.  You are love incarnate in a body that forgets its own being.

Notice your dream captors are gambling. The mind is leveraging some kind of wager.  Who are you playing against? Consider perceived adversaries. You may fear imagined consequences. Ask yourself to reflect on your understanding of 'risk.' Are your worried about losing identity, tarnishing reputation, changing values, principles or beliefs? You have risen to new levels of self-knowledge but do not yet feel comfortable with what you sense about your core urges and unexpected creative or other freedom.

Colors evoke intense emotions and certain ones stand out. Trust your intution about your own associations with color. Black is often viewed as negative, evil or a reflection of depression. Your conscious self urges you to eliminate dark thoughts. Red can represent things like love and passion, sexuality and life force. Reflect on the themes of resistance and surrender, where and to whom? You are the judge and jury.