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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in resistance (65)


3 Tips for a reality check

The significance of events presents itself, yet people do not always grasp it. The universe shifts to resend its messages. Consider 5 tips for a reality check;

1. Stop Resisting. A series of events unfold to teach how you resist being and accepting where you are. Follow intuition.

Whenever something apparently negative happens, deeper lessons resonate. You are not only drawn to kindred spirits with similar energy and interests, but also human beings who benefit from your help. Experience invites you to re-evaluate what matters and what does not. The subconscious presents knowledge. What are you choosing to receive? Ignore? or reject?

2. Notice delusion. The sources of perceived problems are somewhere other than where you consciously choose to look.

Take notice what you are allowing. Initial reactions may include blaming sources outside yourself for your current conditions or, abdicating responsibility. This is all illusion. As you review how each creature you encounter treats you, review your own reactions and what they say about your fears and phobias. Physical existence offers means to rid oneself of bad habits.

3. Reclaim inner power. Patterns draw attention to your core state of awareness, what remains misplaced and attached. 

Thoughts of purpose ground you. To sense no purpose even offers insight into meaningful states and lessons.  When the ego mind is given too much control, it distracts you from accessing superconscious levels of knowledge.   You gradually access what concerns you at a given moment. As you dissolve resentment, you discard compulsive thinking and forgive. 


5 Ways to surrender to flow of life

Many people will assume surrender means giving up something good, that is, sacrificing what they think they want. Yet, true surrender is something quite different. It is the key to balance, integrity and reconnecting with who you are. It is possible to evolve to sense surrender as precisely what you are.  That is;

1) Without resistance.  Your core harbors no negativity, no anger, no grudges, no frustration and no misunderstanding about self or the physical world.  Resistance is in mind alone.

2) Accepting of what is.  Your core reveals you need not change people.  This part of you is tolerant, grateful, understanding, able to reframe limitations as inner deceit. Further, focusing on now releases the illusion of suffering.

3) Yielding to natural energy flow. Your innate state does not judge or express emotional negativity. To detach from everything, cease to label or judge.  Embrace what is.  Take it in. Relate positive action and feelings without hesitation.

4) Offering relief.  Your core is untouched by fluctuating conditions, mindsets, reactions, obstacles and disruptive individuals.  Physiology, biochemistry, biology and unseen elements of mind- spirit, all adapt to changing external events.  Discomfort is its own lifeblood. The core is oblivious.

5) Inner Knowing. The universal insight of consciousness reveals you realize what is required of you.  Part of you recognizes events unfold without reason for dismay and dissatisfaction. The order of things is based on being alert and present. Your human being is changing vibrational frequency.  

"The creative process is a process of surrender, not control." -Julia Cameron


Expand more than your mind

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous.

Dream- I drove a hatchback car onto the lawn of a physician who lives up the road from my parents. A male laboratory technician from university was the passenger. Over-sized, sticky snails crawled around us inside the vehicle. The man beside me decapitated one to eat it. I watched in disbelief and hesitated to get out. I focused instead on one snail's third eye.

Predominant Emotions- disgust, aversion, and resistance.

Interpretation- You have remained outside or felt alienated from traditional forms of healing. Something draws you to connect with a source of healing inside. It requires you detach from the familiar.  Spontaneous healing occurs on invisible levels. You sense steps to initiate new kinds of self-healing.

Snails are often associated with slow and steady progress. You evolve at your own pace. Does part of you feel you are "losing your head" over something? You hope to get ahead and this requires you getscattered thoughts under control. What you are seeing does not yet make sense. Stick with it. Reality is not going anywhere. You have alternatives to discipline the mind.

The opening of the third eye represents of a period of profound spiritual awakening. This is also known as of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher conscious awareness.  As you begin to realize levels of perceived reality are illusions, you dissolve them, to reinterpret electromagnetic energy. As your frequency rises, you suddenly receive images, metaphors, still-frame and animations from other realms. Experience, test and explore what is revealed and you expand.


8 ways to stop resisting change

Humans are encouraged to love every being, including themselves. This seems to require a stretch beyond what most people think is possible. Universal acceptance implies respecting all views about physical, mental, emotional, spiritual sides, and dimensions you may not yet acknowledge or even consciously register.

At this moment, if you are unwilling to adjust your views or unsure how to be more receptive to the unfamiliar, then you could dream the ideal. You could change. Why do people resist change or shifts in their beliefs? Consider these eight ways to stop resisting change. How and where do you relate?

1) Reframe discomfort. Everybody creates mental, spatial and other comfort zones. Examine yours. Why feel awkward when people get too close or, offended by ideas that oppose your principles? Why doubt an event because you have not shared a similar experience or when you are unable to explain it? Your feelings reveal levels of flexibility and rigidity. They are clues to deeper fears, resentment and views worth attention.

2) Transcribe thoughts. Many people will assume things are too difficult as they are. Things you hear about the physical world may not seem to jive with your senses. You may not consciously realize your thinking process or how you doubt and deny inner signs. To journal thoughts empowers you begin to see through fears and other illusions that ego creates.

3) Choose maturity. Over-protection from disappointment prevents self-directed learning. Children will grow up without coping skills and become intimidated by the adult world. Choosing maturity enables you to learn to manage new situations. Regardless of the past, you can be willing to grow.

4) Deny history must repeat. You may be thinking, it did not work last time, or improve, so why now? As you become more conscious, you slowly dissolve misplaced assumptions. You become bold, daring. You chose to shape new events.

5) Develop mental discipline.  Memories of pain, suffering, confusion or discouragement may drown your senses. Emotion is a dimension of ego. Conditioning creates instinctive reactions that occur to a perceived threat or challenge. As you realize emotions become the body's response to a thought, you realize you can change them without filtering.

6) Tackle self-worth issues. Life events tests your levels of self-esteem. If you do not believe you are good enough, talented enough, or enough in other ways, then esteem blocks you from taking action.  You may not have been taught how to embrace life with a positive attitude.  Its never too late to learn.

7) Expand perception. As you discern peer pressure and external ideas for what they are, you realize conforming is a choice just like awakening or transcending is a choice.  To learn to release unnecessary feelings leads to unfamilar sensations.  You shift to a different state of alertness.  You rediscover what it means to be present, to attune to energy fluctuations. You confirm your reality with new thoughts. They may defy words. This is okay. Sensing expands to teach you.

8) Shatter your myths.  Part of you may wonder if your impetus for change is grounded in self-love or inadequacy. How do you know? Where you believe only change will make you happy, then inner work would be desirable to strengthen self-acceptance. How does resistance affect your life?

"Belief like any other moving body follows the path of least resistance."
- Samuel Butler 


Perpetual change

No event, no relationship, no feeling, no joy or sadness, no situation, ever stays the same.  All setbacks are a matter of perception. Even setbacks themselves change. Why? Higher Forces empower us to shape our perception, to evole with our understanding and acceptance of that which does not change. The external world is constantly changing but only as the physical senses see things.

It may be a revelation but you are not the center of the universe.  The essence of being is one of many expanding universes.  Humans are but a small part. The big picture is constantly changing, and we constantly participate in and contribute to the changes inside ourselves and around us.

We have at least two choices; to resist change or participate in and embrace change. Every change can be resisted. Every change can be facilitated by cooperation and good will. How will you choose to act today to further clarify your own sense of success?

"There are two big forces at work, external and internal. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, disasters, illness and pain. What really matters is the internal force. How do I respond to those disasters? Over that I have complete control." -Leo F. Buscalgia

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