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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in soul (109)


7 Ways to see through lens of Soul 

Nothing and everything is unfolding in this same moment.  Wherever you think you are, all that is unfolding gives you opportunities to connect with and embrace reliable soul guidance.  Seeing through the lens of Soul is being aware of the bigger picture or deeper reasons for your choices.  Ponder seven ways to see life as it is through the lens of Soul or Higher awareness:

1) Recognize whatever you perceive arises with its opposite.  Positive and negative thoughts arise together just as opposite words produce each other and merge.  Each points to the other as a lesson to recognize the underlying message that is revealing itself.

2) Move without teaching. Simply be yourself without the intention to do anything. Watch the mind. You can move physically and be still inside.  Every choice you make is being watched. You never know who is watching, or seeing life differently due to what you say or do.  Imagine every step you take is inspiring yourself in another situation.  Be your own student and teacher.

3) Live such that you possess nothing yet appreciate everything.  Possession here implies thoughts of exerting control and attaching.  From the moment you realize what is real cannot be owned, you relax more in life, welcome what comes and appreciate impermanence.

4) Do not glorify heroes.  Come to see everything as a divine reflection and you are awake to true divine nature.  You no longer put people on pedestals or view anyone as better or worse.  Rather, you see everything as different versions of you drawing true essence to the surface.

5) Live in humility.  Ambitions weaken as they lose your attention. Do what you do without the aim of recognition.  Presume nothing.  Be devoted to heartfelt gestures for no reason.

6) Be empty. When you are empty, you are bottomless and you have infinite uses and paths. It means move in peace.When you do not treasure objects, you do not worry they could be stolen or taken away.

7) Respect natural order.  Notice the divine flow.  Allow nature to be the ultimate teacher.  It only ever reflects who you are at the core.  Everything arises from and disappears into silence.


Let it be

Imagine the life of your dreams is unfolding.  Allow it to be.  Know it is already here.  The only thing that stands in the way of the actual experience is your own mind. Watch the thoughts that pass through your head.  Notice what you focus attention on.  It is not a matter of asking how you can make it happen. Rather, it is a case of surrendering into what already exists for you. Get this: you do not know what it is until the moment you allow yourself to see, feel and find it.

Its as if every dream you could ever imagine is manifested in this un-namable place.  All of it is accessible to you from the moment you let go of any thoughts or beliefs that say its not possible. The conditioned mind only echoes why you do not deserve it, why a relationship cannot work, how obstacles stand between you and what you would like to have.  Watch what happens as you see through self-imagined illusions.  Decide to feel as though you live the life of your dreams.

Give this a go: visualize what feels right at this stage of life, allow yourself to see it clearly as you awaken in the morning and as the last thing you see before you are going to sleep.  Love all you do and see everything you do not do as a blessing.  Love all that arises.  Appreciate it is all directing, nudging and pointing you to what the heart already knows.  See one synchronicity guides you to another and another. Know every encounter and event is divinely orchestrated.  You do it all for your own learning.  The soul is awareness unfolding the bigger picture. Let it be.

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." ~ Paul Valery


Hear music of the soul

Right now, in the moment, you are ready for anything.  Come what may, you have to be ready.  Behind the scenes, you are the conductor of the whole orchestra.  You can read the music of the world around you and feel your own vibes.  Everything has unique sound vibrations. As much as you love your own music, you can also be inspired to thrive by appreciating good role models. 

Be aware every moment offers opportunities for new inspiration and breakthroughs in areas of your life. You may hold an idea or a vision, like a piece of sheet music in your hands.   Imagine you are conductor of Fantasia. Whatever you do or not is a masterpiece. Reflect on where the music of the wind is taking you, on where you would consciously like to blow in. Ponder who or what is to join you on this journey. The world within and around you is alive with energy and possibilities. How you live, where you go and how, is based on awareness of the music playing in your soul, based on which dimensions and alternatives you notice are open and available to you.


Feel what it is to be truly alive

Every moment invites you to find fun and light-heartedness in whatever is happening. Feel your way into what enables you to be truly alive. Let the soul be your pilot. Imagine no limitations, no doubt. Tickle yourself, crack a smile, come what may.

Be aware that as you let go of pockets of resistance, what you dream arises instantly. You are all that stands in the way of not loving every moment to the fullest. Be bold, daring. Discover what is beyond your wildest imagination. This is an open invitation.


Be in the moment

Be in the moment. As loving what is grows more important than self-preservation, you move beyond the ego 's perception of the world.  Attention focuses on who you are.  It is the guru, God, or Oneness inside.  It is the Universal Spirit.   Notice what happens as you recognize core self as an ocean of loving awareness.  This is aligning with the Soul present throughout this physical incarnation.  Know the body is not who you are.  Nothing you think even gets close.

Inside, everything unfolding is divine grace.  Light radiates through everything. The Soul lives in eternity.  Time and space of the mind do not exist on infinite planes of consciousness.   Everything is a mirror and a teacher of endless, unconditional love.  Appreciation is endless.