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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in stillness (13)


Be open to the Source

You may have dreams where someone invites you to 'see reason' or another point of view.  You may also have dreams where this Source of wisdom invites you to step back and see your fears from a new vantage point.  These dreams may surprise you due to your own willingness to listen. 

Guess what? This apparent person or source of wisdom is a version of the higher self. It shows love and compassion and invites you to recognize conditioned beliefs as the illusions they are. Know it is within your power to bring these dreamtime revelations to conscious living now.

Give this ago: view each person you encounter as a messenger from the higher self. Each person points to what you listen and whether you allow the paradox of fear to capture your attention. Notice every time you do something, you create restlessness. The more you do, the further you are from stillness. Stop thinking and measuring Self based on what you think you do. See deeper.

As you do nothing, freedom happens, solutions are obvious, you abandon sense of Self and all identity. Doing nothing allows mental energy to arise. This only has power in stillness. Notice "you," the body and preoccupations disappear. Stillness presides. Listen to the sound of silence. This allows peace to arise. Let go. Be still. Open the door of the heart. Freedom comes to you.


Access untapped energy

If you feel worn out or even tired inside, you are likely asking yourself how you can access untapped energy.  The mind is always thinking, doing, believing.  Its like a dog between your ears that never stops barking. What happens as the mind and movement of thought freezes?

Stand still like a statue.  Feel how the joy and delight increases in stillness.  Recall how it feels to keep your body inactive.  Watch.  Pretend you are a tree. Appreciate mimes you see in passing busking on the street. Stillness allows energy to build up and recharge. Keep the mind perfectly still a few minutes. Tiredness dissipates.  It only exists as you think about it.

Get to know how it feels to be in the present moment. You do not have to describe it. The path is where no traveller is seen. As the mind rests, "you" disappear. The mind recharges its superpower. It loses interest in the past. Allowing stillness to be a focus boosts your energy.  As the mind strengthens itself, it regenerates its own energy, sees past problems.  You think clearly without making mistakes.  Revelations emerge. Notice which 'inner knowings' you are now ready to hear.

When you are at peace with yourself, you are easier to live with and its easier to live with yourself. In many cases, physical, emotional, social problems appear to arise based on stress.  This happens when the mind is overactive, tired, brittle. When it is soft, nothing bothers you.  What do you notice as you open to more stillness in daily life? What does the experience feel like? How does this affect you?

“There is a point where in the mystery of existence contradictions meet; where movement is not all movement and stillness is not all stillness; where the idea and the form, the within and the without, are united; where infinite becomes finite, yet not.”  -Rabindranath Tagore


The noblest work

The mental dream prompts you to focus on external drama, imbalance or confusion. As you step back and observe your life, you lose interest in deciphering thoughts, emotions and resistance.  Consciousness flows all around you.  As you let go of what no longer serves you, you lose yourself in stillness.  Feelings of joy arise spontaneously.  The radiance of perfect life stands out to you.

To release yourself from the drama is to sense you float above it.  What does it feel like to taste life in ways you cannot recall doing before? As you become aware of how you feel in all interactions you have with the external world, you can surrender into a heavenly place where soul abides in mutual respect with all life.  As you let go of everything you are taught to think is important, a nurturing feeling and light fill you completely.  Multiple dimensions of reality reveal themselves to you.  Each of them draws attention to timeless blessings.  Unconditional love is expressing itself through you.  Awakening opens doorways to infinity.  Expansion does not end.  There is no final destination.

"The stages of the Noble Path are: Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration." - Buddha

"The noblest work is to cultivate the soul." - Sadhu Vaswani


Marinate in stillness

Notice what happens as you choose not to give an image or association to a sense of being. Sometimes it requires training to quiet the mind. As you simply feel 'I am,' you attune to an intuitive, subjective awareness.  It is unrelated to thoughts. You notice a beautiful, spacious, serene force that is always with you.  This is not a thing to pursue or seek.  A natural feeling finds you.  You do not have to travel anywhere. Be with it. Allow the external to continue.  Thoughts may arise. Witness everything.  See what happens. What arises? You need nothing to be in touch with inner being. As you detach from what you are not, you feel lighter and lighter.


Rush no more

Many people rush through life as they are told the proverbial clock is ticking. Some people notice that acquiring experience and labels to define personal identity loses appeal, even grows meaningless. What happens as you begin to sense no self actually exists? How does it feel to begin to tame the mind?

Something inside echoes nothing has any inherent reality.  Nothing belittles what you have done so far.  The truth is not found through the lens of mind.  Seeking results merely blocks true mind from manifesting.  To reject or accept what arises in a scope of awareness is still action.  Silence and stillness reveal what is.