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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in relaxation (4)


Manage the internal

Notice when discomfort arises inside and creates restlessness, let it go. Everything comes up to be acknowledged and validated. As disturbances arise, relax inside. Leave it alone. Release it when u see it. Let the moment pass by. Train yourself to create space inside. Allow stuff to come up and transmute. Growth is when you let go of the root cause, inner disturbances not the reaction itself. This is inner work. Things happen around us that tend to pull us into a disturbance. Its wise to stay an observer.
Consciousness or focus is drawn to the point of maximum disturbance. Recall your will is stronger than the unconscious flow of attention. Want liberation? Are you willing to relax and let go, come what may? This is not a question of physical strength. Retrain the mind. Relaxation is always the answer-regardless of jealousy, insecurity, fear, anger arising, bring consciousness to it. This is not about suppressing, fixing or blocking discomfort. Simply sit with it, relax and release the blockage that caused the reaction. Transmute energy that blockage had over you. The power comes back to you. Reclaim that inner power. We either give our will (power) away to what is pulling on it or not. We are building the centre of Being to let go of the pull. We cannot deal effectively with the external til we manage the internal.



Attain a deeper state

Notice when you are not attempting to control your experience, all that remains is for you to watch, listen and be. You may come to tune into the watching, the awareness, notice its something quite fluid and flowing from one point of awarness to another. You may notice how your body feels, sensations arising and falling. You may tune into the silence or intermittent sound. Allow awareness to go rather than where you want it to go. Deep relaxation happens as we let go of control. Even as we let go of attempts to relax, something magical happens without us. There is no effort to sustain anything; not a thought, a pleasant or unpleasant feeling, or a memory. Every sensation lasts as long as it lasts, and is allowed to dissipate. Awareness may decide to stop and rest. Notice awareness moves as it wants to, where it wants to go, no attempt to control it. No effort need be made to stop anything from happening. Instead of seeing where you can direct awareness, you await seeing where awareness can take you wherever it wants. This may be somewhere or nowhere. Be like water. Notice watching water flow freely has a way of unwinding you, your thoughts and body. Nothing is pushed away but allowed to take its natural course. Listening to the wind blow, is akin to listening to the flow of the breath and water. There is no end to allowing everything be as it is. Every instance of letting go guides you to the next opportunity to repeat this. Attaining a deep relaxed state may happen, but there is no goal to stay or move. Notice your own allowing and resistance. No need to enhance anything.


Marinate in stillness

Notice what happens as you choose not to give an image or association to a sense of being. Sometimes it requires training to quiet the mind. As you simply feel 'I am,' you attune to an intuitive, subjective awareness.  It is unrelated to thoughts. You notice a beautiful, spacious, serene force that is always with you.  This is not a thing to pursue or seek.  A natural feeling finds you.  You do not have to travel anywhere. Be with it. Allow the external to continue.  Thoughts may arise. Witness everything.  See what happens. What arises? You need nothing to be in touch with inner being. As you detach from what you are not, you feel lighter and lighter.


Reflect on what you attend to

Wiliam James writes, "My experience is what I attend to."  Where do you focus your attention?  Notice how the mind is focused and also relaxed.  It is selectively aware. People do not always recall how to feel and engage in the simple things without hurrying. What would it take for you to be truly present at each step of the journey? Take a moment to appreciate things. Recognize the intrinsic meaning of just being.