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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in trust (74)


Read the mind of the opposite sex

Every human being has repeated opportunities to read the minds of other people. You need not do this for a living. It comes in handy and can be almost necessary to anticipate or learn to think like someone else.  The question is, how often are you accurate in mind-reading and if not, why not?

Consider you plan to meet a partner or spouse in a particular location at an approximate time.  If it turns out that person is not there, you may choose to wait.  Some people wait forever. You may have a cell number. The person may or may not be available.  You may assume the worst, give up and leave.  Reflect on these ideas to read the mind of the opposite sex;

1) Intuition is a gauge. The loving part of you is a telepathic mind-reader and the fearful side is the doubter. You already know whether your impulse is to love and give another the benefit of the doubt or, distrust. You either listen to intuition or not. You choose to understand reasons behind it or not.

2) Emotions reflect your energy state. Each of your reactions to a person or circumstance offers clues to layers of your own emotional baggage. To clear a channel to receive insight about someone's thoughts, its necessary to be willing to learn to discern your feelings and transcend them.

3) Vibrations intersect. Learning to anticipate or explain your partner's behaviour offers insight into your vibrations in relation to that person's energy. As you exert effort to read someone else's vibes, you gain insight into self-acceptance based on how you read compatible or incompatible frequency.

4) As you forgive, you are also forgiven. People underestimate the significance of unconditional compassion. Whatever you think and feel about others, you simultaneously do to self. As you choose to understand another person's position, view a situation from their perspective, this deepens a soul connection and allows release of negative energy.

5) Remember your secret thoughts are known. The closer or more attuned you are to your own thoughts and reasons behind impulses and actions, the easier it is to recognize the motivations. To work through anger, fear and frustration, permits a person to sense and grasp energy vibrations beyond that. Forces beyond already know everything is transparent. Not all humans have reached this state of conscious awareness. Everyone works to remember expeirences of being, knowing, sensing and healing on infinite levels.



10 Ways to respect every moment

To persevere under trial is to realize you are required to stand various tests in this lifetime. Call them what you will. They arise without warning. These events are not required to make sense to your human mind. Begin teaching yourself to look beyond what you have been conditioned to see.

At times, you feel treated unjustly for no obvious reason. You may feel confused to be singled out. In truth, everyone is chosen yet, interprets a calling differently.  Each experience teaches you a new level of respect for self, for authority and for higher awareness that trials themselves trigger in the soul. Consider 10 ways to respect every moment you are given;

1) Do what is right. This does not mean related choices have no cost or consequences.

2) Nurture a loving attitude. This enables you to gain wisdom from reasons for discomfort and disappointment.

3) Believe for the best. Higher forces have the power to turn any situation around, at their pace.

4) Trust in the unseen. You may not see a way out of a predicament. This is just limited vision. You are not yet conscious of all that is.

5) Sustain faith. Such mental energy gets you through anything. Setbacks catapult you ahead.

6) Support the hurting. A human being truly lives when he does deeds that cannot be repaid.

7) Express the truth. Sooner or later, dishonesty catches up with anyone who follows this path.

8) Open your heart. Take steps to encourage others and inspire them to create fresh attitudes.

9) Rise above deception. Thoughts and feelings of worry, inadequacy or insecurity are not you.

10) Honour your true self. To raise awareness helps rediscover who you are and why you exist.


5 Ways to respond to the inner mystic

When you have an experience you do not readily understand, you still have the power to decide how to respond.  Human beings forget that they hold profound, inner power.  This also means one can evolve to sense, acknowledge or expand energy vibration.  It extends from how you accept or reject yourself.

In essence, you are in charge of what is happening, how you choose to view a given occurrence. You unconsciously determine what serves your spiritual side and what does not.  You choose your principal focus and which emotions unfold.  To discern things does not mean you feel worthy or committed to the process.  How do you respond to the inner mystic?

1) Detect unfamiliar sensations.  This might lead you to hesitate, hold back from embracing and accepting for fear of being judged.  Such a reaction implies you have not yet detached fully from what does not matter.  All in good time.

2) Jump to conclusions.  To assume you know the depth and significance of all thoughts or visions that appear in mind, may be premature.  A process transpires to encourage you to shed beliefs and move into the realm of pure knowing.  A wise being recognizes the difference between higher truths and untruths.

3) Opt to be constrained by external forces.  You may simply deny anything is out of the ordinary.  You can decide you transcend perceived outer circumstances or, evolve further to recognize conditions are imagined to distract you from what lies beyond them. To shift mindset and energy vibration enables you to understand choices differently.

4) Assume no coincidences.  Such a mindset is a stage in learning to let go of conditioning absorbed in the physical realm.  As one evolves to sense every incident arises from the non-physical, higher realms, one begins to remove the veil.

5) Recognize channelled energy. To discern you channel energy confronts you with choices. You direct it to negative thoughts and behaviours or discipline the mind in other ways. This ability enables you to take responsibility for the nature of transformation in your life and perspective. Holding love as the deepest truth allows a person to let go of fear and see beyond time, space and human-imposed limits. Open dimensions.

"You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience." –Teilhard de Chardin


Ease into a life of pure joy

Many people will ask themselves what it requires to live differently than they currently do.  Human beings often detect restlessness.  Part of you is poised to do something about your own.  After all, what makes it so hard to change? What prevents you from accepting guidance? Choose to ease into a life of joy;

1) Allow harmony to reign.  Effortless energy is at work beneath the surface.  Tap into that and it gushes out to remind you of the power of your free-flowing, creative spirit.

2) Open your heart wider.  The art of giving and receiving love is an expanding process.  It strengthens your immune system, brings renewed mental and physical strength, awakens deeper compassion and peace.  Love offers so much that does not yet enter your mind.  What you do not register is very real.

3) Choose to trust first.  This means you do not opt to trust out of fear.  Human beings lie out of fear.  You can decide not to be influenced by fear, not to give away your inner power. Learn not to judge or desire to do harm, even when others do not necessarily follow your lead.


4 Ways to reverse the energy drain

Tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of shifts in consciousness.  Human beings often link fatigue to practical, physical things like diet and lifestyle. Yet, humans do not always aware of the residue or trickling of energy that points to formless realities. Seeing self from a multidimensional pespective empowers you to move beyond the familliar.  Consider 4 ways to reverse energy drain; 

1) Remove energy blocks. "Energy drain" is a physical experience and often, a lmited physical perspective. Human energy is thick and dense. The physical body is made of an energy field of particles that appears solid but is actually fluid and flows like a conductor. Low vibrational thoughts and feelings congest chakras, block or congest the energy field and lead to reduced, functional capacities. Consciously changing thoughts and feelings consistently has power to transform experiences in this realm.

2) See things from a multidimensional view.  On a physical, ego-based level, a person sees in terms of personality, identity, that we take finite breaths, can only experience finite energy and are unconsciously run by thoughts that birth and death happen (and are possible).  Other ways of seeing remain off our radar screen until we reconnect with an over-reaching, soul purpose. Such revelations allow you to tap into a hidden, internal energy reserve to strengthen you. In other words, when honest, we move beyond responding based on instinctive survivial and shift into recalibration.  

3) Build confidence and self-value. Its not the volume of energy within that invigorates and renews the soul.  Rather, its determined by the nature of energy frequency and quality of energy vibrating.  Emotional or other trauma drains energy.  Unresolved trust issues would benefit from reinforcing one's energy field.  Decide to accept yourself and love what you do. 

4) Explore dream planes. The physical realm is based on time. The astral realm is based on endless space. Other realms are based on no-time and space or other qualities unrelated to time. Training one's consciousness to explore a variety of dream realms is part of a natural evolution of consciousness.  You can be recharged by simply freeing the soul temporarily from the physical body, by encountering healing spirits, and by reconnecting to your inner power. The help of spirit guides can also give a human being capacity to tap into more energy reserve during crisis.  Clearning blocks on a physical level permits initiations and the energetic state to explore into other dream realms.