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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in trust (74)


Return to Love

Notice that to love another anything is to see the face of God. As we consciously love another, recognize the mirror reflection, we love and accept ourselves fully, we see the perfection through imperfection. Anything we do not love is a teacher about love, guiding us to let go of illusions of separation between real and unreal.
In this world, we are taught to seek someone else's idea of a better life, external approval, something other than what we are, to aspire to be somewhere else with someone else, to be only selectively aware and to selectively feel, to avoid what evokes discomfort. Thoughts keep us focused on the external, create chronic dissatisfaction, prevent us from remembering what it feels like to be happy now.
Trust is about refocusing inward, releasing fear and judgement of others, ourselves as well as the unknown. As we trust, something always invites us to stretch and grow into the full spectrum of our emotions and unleash untapped potential. At a given moment, whatsoever is needed arises beyond scope of ego mind. Surrender arises from deep down, from a knowing all is well.
Happiness then, arises in the present, where truth is, where we let go of the fear something can be or go wrong. When we allow mind to wander between past and future, we get lost in depression that negative history may repeat or anticipation life canot meet our expectations and will disappoint. Only as we stay present, do the best we can with the body we have, does trust arise as a focal point of awareness and shift vibration. The same energy can be felt as fear or peace in this moment. We control a gauge of how we feel.
In essence, we get all we truly need. As needs arise, they are satisfied. That´s the beauty of trust. By and by, we learn existence goes on providing, caring, supporting our journey. We are not indifferent to existence. It does not ignore us. Trust fully and no obstacle exists that cannot be overcome. As we truly get the knack of trust, all worry disappears. This is the way to blossom into fearlessness.



Secret of Inner Flowering

Notice the popular view is that evolution is a linear process, that humans evolved from apes, grew their brains, went from four- legged to two-legged creatures. Another view is no such evolution exists as mind understands it. The original DNA or vibrational signature echoes a different picture. In this light, we are always human beings. Evolution is a byproduct of human consciousness. This inner flowering happens as energies shift and purify. Inner journeys may be guided or stages may occur spontaneously. The will, deep trust and surrender guide evolution of consciousness. Humans evolve yet evolution happens. At each step, one finds oneself more blissful, peaceful, silent, even bubbling with joy. One is intuitively drawn to create ways to experience and share more joy. At the ultimate peak, only pure bliss exists. It is within reach of all. We are each responsible for the nature and pace of our own journey.


Build strength by facing the unknown

Notice how many different ways can we face the unknown. Each of us must put up with limitations we create and impose on ourselves. We cannot have faith in God or Higher Forces if we resist knowing and trusting ourselves. We may say we love others and seek truth yet, how fearless are we? Unless we conquer each fear, our love is tainted and truth is compromised. Bravely jump. Radiate divine light.


Get back to what is real

Notice pure consciousness is. 'You' arise by taking on projections of the world around you. Pure consciousness is colored by them. "Your" identity takes shape as you decide to accept or modify the projections. That decision gets repressed in the unconscious and becomes a fixation. Once repressed, you can no longer change it. Your thinking process grows from projections and your decisions arise as the basis of thought. Ego (who you believe you are) arises from who you are told you are. The false idea of you stems from early projections, decisions and fixations. It's like ego is the image you see in the mirror. The basis of the underlying operating system (beyond the mirror) often goes unrecognized. The ego wants center stage. Eliminate the operating system, and the ego disappears ('you' see no reflection). Yet, to hold 'your' attention, ego imagines problems. This prevents you from seeing behind the curtain/mirror. By thinking it's unworthy, in need of improving, ego prolongs its false existence. As long as ego can maintain the illusion of imperfection, 'you' do not see ego arises from false logic. No entity really bears your name, personality, or sense of person-hood. It's an illusion created by pure consciousness, filtered through primary projections. To eliminate the fixation, grow aware the projections are false. By imagining inadequacies, you perpetuate suffering and the illusion of separation. The real issue is the projections only arise because originally what was offered was a lack of love. Do not trust the projection that produced 'your ego'. It was not God saying he did not love you, it was people in your life that unknowingly withheld /did not provide constant, unconditional love. No matter how much self-improvement you do at level of ego, you are still unworthy because of the structure of the ego. No matter what cosmetic changes you make, no matter how much money you obtain, none of it will end the projection the core of the ego desire to improve itself. Only by growing conscious you are a Being of Light does the desire for love shift beyond Ego processes and yearn for improvement. Innermost Source of love is pure consciousness from where all creativity comes. Be the endless field of abundance, joy and bliss.



Shift to reclaim Inner Power

Notice true power arises from within and waits on us to unleash it. We access inner power through self-awareness, conscious intention, speaking our truth, pure desire to uplift others and the self. Tapping into our inner power requires making purposeful choices to direct our thoughts, emotions, behaviors and access higher vibrations. Pursuing external power weakens our inner power since it requires external approval or validation. Many of us do this. This is why we must shift focus to “reclaim inner power.”
Reclaiming inner power is about being present, withdrawing consciousness (attention) from what does not resonate with our frequency and acting to continue raising consciousness. This is continuously choosing mindsets, behaviors, and emotions that guide us to walk in love and trust versus fear and doubt. Its like, choosing to give versus take, to surrender rather than to worry. Choose to ground in higher vibrations that emit signals of peace and contentment. This guides one towards the highest version of self. It dawns we each walk in full power when we own and use our gifts in different situations to benefit our collective humanity.
Reclaiming our power also implies not suppressing feelings. Its about creating boundaries to build a sense of safety and see from another's point of view. When we give ourselves space and solitude, soul flourishes.
If you feel triggered, insecure, or mistreated/ betrayed, whether it's really another person treats you that way or it doesn't matter: you feel betrayed and you can no longer receive love or connect; The innate desire to be seen, heard, valued cannot be felt if you hide behind a shield. As you discover innate security, it dawns negative feelings are only triggered and they guide us to deeper truth.
Feeling complete in yourself implies you are not dependent on another and already tune into and live your own truth. You no longer need external validation or acceptance yourself as you are. Relationships truly enrich us from the moment we recognize we are the ultimate source of all we need. This is the path to codependence no more. All experience enriches our journey of awareness.