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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in trust (74)


Breathwork opportunities

In light of the current climate, I am increasingly contacted  by people interested in Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, Stanislav Grof's holotropic (cathartic) breathwork and related breathing practices.  As it stands, I offer regular group workshops and private sessions that are tailored to client needs. These services are offered in-person and also remotely. Contact me directly to discuss breathwork and opportunities to live life more fully.  What if personal revelations and living differently are within reach?  Now is the time to trust your intuition and the universe more.


5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience. 


5 Tips to take things in stride

Life is full of surprises.  We may tell ourselves that we assume we always know our destination and are familliar with the route of travel.  Yet, in many cases, our journey turns out to be more of a winding path with frequent stops or detours in unexpected places.  It can sometimes feel very confusing, even trigger emotional roller coasters.  Our personal and professional relationships may also be challenged. Here are ten tips to take things in stride;

1. Listen to the breath

2. Tune into body sensations

3. Grow aware of thoughts and beliefs and core values

4. Ask for advice or guidance from someone you trust

5.  Grow aware of to whom and why we give our power away 


Somebody asked me

Somebody asked me why it sometimes seems like everything is working against them. The feeling that they are often under the wire to get places or pay bills on-time, that they feel disempowered by people or conditions. In a nutshell, this individual seems to move through degrees of stress to discomfort, and forgets one may also thrive on conditions of uncertainty.  Who can relate here?

What if, whenever things seem to evoke negativity or fear, we could stop and breathe deeply?

What if, we could shift from thinking something or someone is working against us, to sensing everything is always working in our favor in some way, nudging us in the best possible direction?

What if, the next time we wish we were somewhere else, doing something else, with someone else, we ask ourselves how being right where we are, is itself a blessing?

What if, we could remind ourselves, other way always exist to see, feel or respond differently to our physical, mental or emotional or other conditions? Which other avenues are opening to us?

What if, we could let go of wishing we could control everything, and simply trust more?


5 Reasons to Trust

Ten reasons to trust:

1. The more we trust (the universe), the more the universe gives us reason to trust

2. The more we trust ourselves, the more we build our confidence (and it shows!)

3.  The more we trust, the more we strengthen our intuition

4.  The more we trust our intuition, the sharper senses grow & more our perception shifts

5.  The more we trust in love (what we feel), the more consciously we manifest