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Entries in wealth (9)


Wealth is not what you think

Every moment, you are invited to be mindful of the way you view yourself. Notice how the mind invites you to define and accumulate wealth.  Be wary.  Material wealth and physical attributes do not bring lasting pleasure.  The quality of the relationship you have with yourself is key to accessing the flow of wealth as joy. 

So, the nature of joy you experience and how secure you feel in the process is a measure of success.  Being heart-centred enables you to feel your way into states of abundance. Being mindful of this practice invites other kinds of abundance into your life.   Begin with an abundance mindset.  Be open to feeling fulfilled. Here is a guide to allow more abundance into your life.  Notice your inclinations and freedom to shift focus:

1) Respond rather than react

(Allows you to assume role of objective observer.  This aligns you with personal power, expands your awareness.  You choose to see from a higher vantage point, get in touch with Higher Self and develop your capacity for compassion.)

2) Interact using kindness & honesty rather than attack, defend or criticize

(Whenever thoughts focus on criticism, you put yourself through unnecessary stress and anxiety which stem from the control of negative ego. Be aware of where thoughts are heading.  This helps you see expectations as they arise and what silently drives your choices.)

3)  Accept innate worth, goodness & beauty rather than deny or overcompensate

(To connect with your authentic self is to be in touch with feelings, and to focus the quality of your conscious thoughts on love, joy individuality and freedom)

4) Recognize your unique being rather than compare yourself to others

(This is an invitation to be aware of the dominant voice that guides you at any given moment.  Notice if this is the judgmental oppressor or the part of you who already sees the best results.) 

5) Focus on who you are becoming rather than the past

(If you feel plagued by self-doubt, this leads you astray, distracts you from true reality and what is possible.  Remain sensitive to your feelings and know when you diverge or go off track.  Hold a clear vision of your optimum future self.  As this is reinforced, your subconscious moves from your existing self-image to align with this and manifest a new reality.)

6) Be generous with Self rather than stingey or scarcity- minded

(Unless you are compassionate and generous with yourself, and willing to take positive action to support your best interests [and those of others], your life will remain unchanged. To experience an abundant life, simply open your heart and let love in.)

7) Be open & receptive rather than bossy, manipulative or controlling

(Notice breakthroughs you make as you see yourself from a more expanded point of view.  The challenge is honouring your feelings and allowing yourself to trust them.  Monitor the intensity of your will. Be flexible rather than resistant.  Notice how smoothly life flows as you allow it.)

8) Be conscious of how you think and feel rather than unconscious

(Sensing your deepest feelings is a gauge for how you are progressing through life.  Your soul always calls you to adventure.  Intuition allows you to know instinctively and directly.  This gives you access to deeper wisdom through inner senses,  a more expansive view of what is available to you.)

9) Be responsible & open to all possibilities rather than blame & deny

(Turn your back on your inner critic.  Give up arrogance. What parts of Self do you pledge to accept?Declare a clear positive intention to attract what you desire.)

10) Focus on humility rather than judge and be righteous

Whenever you are about to make a life choice, ask yourself this - where am I coming from?  Does the ego- mind drive or the heart centre inspire my action? The heart is key to your authentic being and opens the door to something far deeper.


6 Ways to create synchrony and wealth

Wealth can be felt as the awareness of and interconnection among at least six areas of your life. You can sense how these areas influence how you think and interpret what is unfolding.  Discern with gratitude. This opens you up to sense new dimensions of happiness. You benefit from recognizing how you decide what to think and feel.  Your beliefs determine what you see happening, not what is.

The universe moves constantly. You influence events you perceive. Your thoughts and depth of self-understanding initiate purposeful visualisation and action. This isn't about getting things. Its about being receptive to the wealth that is already available to you.  No matter where you are or what your conditions, you can take responsibility, recognize synchrony and progress into deeper wealth. 

Exercise: list things you feel enrich your life. At a bare minimum, aach of the following areas requires attention for you to feel your way into true wealth: 

Financial- Go further than visualize paying today's bills or meeting basic needs. Imagine what you do with lots of money. Be specific. How can you provide value or serve? Behave as though you already live an abundant life and abundance comes to you in varied forms. Connect with your soul. Sense a better life is already within reach. Be receptive. Act like you are wealthy. What does this feel like?

Relational-Go further than imagine a mediocre situation or accepting your relationships that evoke discomfort. Go deeper. Know everyone you encounter invites you to love yourself more. Celebrate people in your life. Notice they enrich you. If you envision more attention, affection or intimacy, set the example.

Physical-Go further than imagine what it would take you to lose 10 more pounds, or to fit into a new outfit.  Move beyond external appearances. Go inward.  Realize what you've learned about your self-image. Accept yourself more fully.  Tell yourself you have the discipine to get more active, and do it.

Spiritual- Go further than envisage a connection to Forces beyond you. Open your perception and recognize what you had thought were coincidences are really cases of meaningful synchonicity.  See how you already feel connected to things you're unable to explain. Reach out to discover what you can do to feel even more connected. Wealth has levels of invisible and immeasurable joy. 

Emotional-Go further than simply brush those negative feelings under the carpet.  Envision how you wish to feel.  Show yourself what happiness and joy feel like.  Do that. Choose to spend time on those activities that boost your energy, get your juices flowing and make your life more fulfilling. 

Intellectual- Go further than describing what you need to learn for the next test at school or business meeting, or what you might wish to know to raise your kids for another year. What kind of learning would really motivate you? Where would you like to go to learn? What materials would you need? Why does the subject drive you? Tap into reasons for enthusiasm and expand on your sense of wealth.



Each of us perceives some things in abundant supply in our lives. However, visible and invisible sources of affluence exist.  Whether or not you appreciate everything remains to be seen.

A writer is never at a loss for words.  Ponder how you express words with and without judgment.  Notice words adopt the connotations you give them.  Alone and quiet, they mean nothing.  The question is, what is the intention behind a writer's words?

An experienced builder offers a wealth of insight to architects and city planners.  The question is, does such a builder acquire knowledge for his own benefit or does he have an altruistic side?

An investor can build a large property portfolio.  The question is, is this investor working purely for himself (i.e. is he self-interested), or does he have a wider vision for whom he is or can help?

A missionary tends to overflow with religious ideas.  The question is, are people always persuaded that his perspective on the world is as valuable as he thinks it is?

You may have more than enough food to eat and consider you have enough to waste. After a dinner party, you may have so many leftovers, you compost for worms, leave some for the raccoons and throw some in the garbage.

A family may consider its pets to be its greatest source of wealth. How many people do you know whose cats, dogs, or other animals have become the centre of their universe?

Parents may feel their primary source of wealth is their children or other family members. The levels of love, affection and compassion shared may seem inexhaustible and unconditional.

Such examples remind you wealth is understood in different ways. It could take the form of money and material possessions. It could be something  measurable or immeasurable.  

In essence, you feel rich when you focus on what triggers joy in life. Wealth begins as a state of mind.  If you desire to create new kinds of affluence in your life, as you visualize it, then you'll be more likely to realize it. 


Wealth without women?

Napoleon Hill says, "man's greatest motivating force [to create wealth] is his desire to please women." Do you agree or disagree? 

According to Hill, the only things that have changed from prehistoric times is man's methods for pleasing women.  Men who accumulate material wealth might also attain fame and power, but is this always basically to seek approval of women?

Hill also states that "it is this inherent desire of men to please women that gives women the power to break a man." The women who then understand a man's nature are therefore in no fear of competition from other women. Men may be powerful and competitive with other men, but Hill believes they are easily managed by the women of their choice. 

Some men admit they're being influenced by their women of choice--their wives, mothers, mistresses, sisters, friends, colleagues--but they refrain from rebelling againsts this influence.  The man who fails to recognize that the influence of the right women has done more to help men achieve success than all other forces combined, is losing out on a very powerful force.

Moreover, Hill expresses the view that women understand men better than men understand women.  He thinks men wish to be seen as stronger in public while women tend to run things like clockwork at home. The phrase, "who wears the pants in the family?" arises in jest.

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