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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in well-being (17)


Alter points of reference

Notice how what you allow yourself to see shifts as you alter points of reference. 

Rather than pinpoint flaws and tell yourself you'll feel better as you alter your appearance or behaviour, look deeply into the heart and connect with the perfect being staring back.

Rather than remark on an apparent lack or imbalance in your life, focus attention instead on the ideal scenario and allow yourself to feel unconditional love, wealth and well-being now.

Rather than work toward something, telling yourself that you'll know fulfillment at the end of the journey, imagine and savour fulfillment now, regardless of what you are doing or not.

Rather than rack your brain to determine how to make something possible within logic of the mind, be still. Recognize everything is already happening without you doing anything.

Rather than exert effort to explain through the mind, feel your way to what is here now.


Reframe illness

If you ever feel under the weather, notice the words you use to describe your state and how experience unfolds to confirm them. Notice what messages the body is sending to you. How do you think and feel about this? This is an opportunity to see through misperceptions.

On the surface, you may feel overtired or over-extended. You may pinpoint restlessness, second guess some of your choices or brainstorm what is next. If you focus on imbalance, sadness, dissatisfaction or rejection, you invite more reasons to feel this way. Be aware of the world you create for yourself.  Only the body is sick. How you view the body and your state of mind changes everything.  Beyond this, what does not change may surprise you.

Watch what happens as you view it all as a teacher. Identify what are you really feeling uneasy or sick about. It's not what you think. Its not the nature of a job, condition, dead pet, or state of relationships that triggers the physical symptoms you notice.  Its not what seems to happen to you, but how you feel about it that affects your energy states.  Shift focus to isolate what you think you fear.  Now, step back to recognize why this fear is an illusion.  Peel away the layers.  Be more selective about your thoughts and the words you use.

Imagine how your life presents as as you recall all is well already.  Sense the joy of laughter and the impact of self-recognition. Healing is a state of mind. The state of being is perfect.


Rediscover what is natural

What matters does not come through your familiar senses and brain so much as through your skin, your emotions, your heart and your entire body.  Notice how closely you listen. 

Recognize who you are and make peace where you are.  Notice your relaionship with others.  Appreciate the uniqueness of others as well as your own. Know everyone complimentary.  As you listen more closely to how you think and feel, make these discoveries:

1) Anytime you allow uplifting thoughts to fill you, nothing else remains

2) Anything you conceive is yours to be, do or have provided you are open to receive it

3) Any obstacle you can think of, already fades as you shift your attention

4) Anything you think about attempts to distract you from how you truly feel

5) Anytime you align with what feels like bliss, happiness, joy, love, confidence, appreciation, love, well-being, wellness, and abundance, you rediscover what is truly natural.  You allow yourself to be where you want to be rather than imagine what you have to do to get yourself here. As you get your head out of the clouds, and are picky about how you feel, this is the swiftest path to recognizing where you want to be and already are.

"The more things seem to change, the more they remain the same." -Steven L. Hairfied (An American Monk) The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma


Allow authenticity to speak

Every moment, the mind thinks and speaks using words.  What you choose to utter reveals your sense of self-worth and much more about you than you realize.  What do you hear yourself say? What are your word choices telling you about authenticity?

Authenticity is unconditional love.  Being this is doing nothing but implicitly accepting who you are without fear. It is seeing life energy, the shared force, in everything. It is all seen through the lens of love. You are aware the conditioned mind blocks you from seeing universal oneness. When you say "I think," this echoes a sense of doubt or dissatisfaction already. Notice what you imagine into being for whatever purpose you also imagine.  Allow or resist presence that is, the unwavering love that embraces all.

Choose to truly listen. What do you notice? Write down some of the words you use. Notice the feelings that aise.  Be aware of emotions. Words are defined concepts that are, by nature, limiting. Even now, you are invited to learn and unlearn self-perception. Notice thoughts and feelings may draw attention to reasons for feeling less than perfect, less than unconditional love, peace, balance and well-being, that are all inside.

"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam


Emptiness simply is

Your nature is awareness that is self-aware.  There is a quality of lucidity and intelligence so familiar they go noticed. You embody a tremendous sense of love and well-being. You can align with perfection or balance regardless of what appears to be going on outside of you.  This authentic you knows emptiness simply is.  How willing are you to be simple, to let go of the tendency of the ego to do what it does? You always have free will.  Every moment, you are invited to let go of deeper and deeper opinions, identifications, and judgments that are irrelevant to your true self.  Nothing is required to reach a liberated place.  Stop trying and resisting.