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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in wisdom (33)


Embrace true nature

As you head out into the world, take a few moments to recognize connections exist among what you think, feel, do or not.  Ponder this.  In essence, "you" are not separate from anything.  Nothing you do or intend is ever as isolated as you think.  Trust your intuition.  Each person you encounter, each opportunity you notice, is all inviting you to expand your perspective.  True nature is speaking through everything.   Internal and external nature are same. Boundaries are imaginary.  Chose wisely your roles in this movie.  The unfolding invites you to trust more.

"Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally." -Isabel Adjani


The message of wisdom

Wisdom cannot be repeated or learned through a teacher. Wisdom speaks directly through what you experience, through sensations. It is something you feel, not something you think or work out logically.  The unspeakable is forever within.  Seeing through the lens of wisdom is to see and appreciate things as they actually are.

Most often, you see things as you are, that is, you are conditioned to see only what the mind filters and wants you to see.  This is about how you perceive and relate to life.  Wisdom exists in the space between books you read and relationships you have. 

You may ask, "when is the best time to get wise?, who is the most important person?, and what is the key thing to do? Everything is now. Whomever you are with at a given moment invites you to show love and appreciation. If you are alone, this means you.  If you are with others, care.  Timeless wisdom is any pointer that evokes peace of mind, unconditional love and acceptance.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.


Liberate consciousness

You only know how to ask for love as you were given or not given love as a child.  Whatever your experience, you only ask for love through how mind interprets that, through a conditioned lens, until you see through your own patterns and recognize love is what you are.  You need love to survive and without it, you do not exist.  It is validating on different levels.  To liberate consciousness is to move through all the layers that block you from reconnecting with the heart and its timeless, universal wisdom. Love unconditionally and you hear, see, speak and feel no evil.  One is love and only sees through that lens. Be aware of all you do and are now.


See the light

Many ways exist to see light.  You may sense it as a galactic phenomenon.  It shines through you and is you.  Notice viewing everything and everyone through the lens of love shifts your focus of attention.  You attune to a light within, a light body.  The conditioned impulse to judge falls away in favour of gratitude, reverence and humility.  An incredible lightness of being arises.  Only now is relevant.  Vibration and sound speak directly as inherent wisdom.  Mystical insight reveals itself as completely natural.     


Lose your head

Remember the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland? She evokes fear in anyone she does not like by threatening to cut off his head.  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow often causes goosebumps with tales of the Headless Horseman.  He appears as a ghost to warn of the danger of decapitation. Does the prospect of being headless scare you or trigger other feelings?

Another way to lose your head is to stop analyzing. You can view every moment as a golden opportunity to quiet the mind and look deeper inside yourself. The moment you step outside mind, you rediscover what is there. You have intrinsic value, lasting strength and unconditional wisdom. Where is your head right now? Only as you choose to recall who you are can you become all you are meant to be. Your world is created in you.