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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in wisdom (33)


Realize higher dimensions of life

Notice to know the higher dimensions of life, one must have a consistent sense and vibration of peace and joy in one's being. This requires self-mastery of desire, emotion and impulses. Tuning into higher dimensions means you can receive, hold, translate and decode higher dimensions of energy. The kind of spiritual growth that moves humanity into higher vibrational states and allows interdimensional travel will ultimately transform our carbon-based body into spiritual form. This process unites 3-D existence with what we are taught is the afterlife dimension. This will end the mental process of birth and death and transform our reality in ways unfathomable to the conditioned human mind. The Truth can only be known and felt directly. Reflect on this mantra:

Everyday, I am expanding my own perception of reality

I am open to new ideas and ways of thinking

I am breathing alignment into my body

I am pure awareness

I am expanding consciousness

I am wise, complex, intelligent

I am guided toward my true destiny and highest potential

The entire universe exists in every cell of my body

My life is unfolding perfectly

I am surrendering to what is

I flow with the natural movement of life

I trust I am exactly where I need to be right now

I am divinely guided and I am safe

I am awakening to my own wholeness and love

I am here for myself with love and compassion

I am activating love and compassion within me

I am balanced masculine and feminine energy

I am awakening to the depth and love of my own being.

I am God

I am All

I am noself

I am Nothing and Everything Now


5 Tips to reframe rejection & criticism

It may not always be clear, but we always have choices about how to respond to what is going on around us and also to what is being directed towards us. Being open to explore our own role in the dynamic is important also. Breathwork often sheds light into our beliefs and patterns so we can change what we outgrow. Consider these 5 tips to reframe rejection and criticism;

1. Do not take things personally

Don Miguel Ruiz expands on this in a fabulous book entitled, The Four Agreements. When criticized, do not allow criticism or rejection to trigger emotions. We can respond with "thanks for sharing that..." or, "I am happy to discuss things calmly with you when I do not feel attacked," or, " Would you like to rephrase that?" If the person is unwilling, turn attention away, leave the room and refuse to channel energy into this.  (Differs from withdrawing in silence)

2. Ask the individual to repeat the negative comment

In many cases, the individual will not repeat it as s/he knows we are onto their game. If the individual does repeat the criticism, we can respond, 'we are not sure we heard that correctly.' Please repeat that... [or #3]

3. Say directly, "Sounds like you wish me to feel badly about myself..."

The individual may say no, no no, just offering constructive criticism or, yes I am! You are a _____! ect. This is an opportunity to take a deep breath and say to yourself "I am not my body, not my mind, not my emotions, not any name someone would like me to believe." (Conscious living is about knowing we have a choice about what to believe and how to feel)

4. Say, "You can say what you like, but I am not choosing to let that in. "

This would not be stated in a way to taunt someone on or nudge them into an argument. It is simply a way of standing our ground. (To ourselves, we can say. 'I am a confident person who is worthy, talents. We must also realize that the way we are being treated is reflecting how we feel about ourselves inside. If we want external behaviour of others toward us to change, we must be willing to take steps to explore how and why we feel about ourselves.)

5. "Say, " did you know critical people reserve the harshest criticism for themselves?

In fact, every instance we criticize others, we are actually making a statement about our own discomfort, pain, fear or inadequacy.  Whenever we criticize others, we are actually relfecting how dissatisfied we are with ourselves? That is a shame. We need not be mean or harsh. We can simply choose to be strong by loving ourselves enough not to be affected by false information. Loving and accepting ourselves fully means we love others enough to show them love rather than reacting in fear. This is done though an open heart.


3 Key pointers to the best advice ever

Many people ask what is the best piece of advice to guide you wisely through life.  Everyone collects such gems. Some have more impact and widespread relevance. Reflect on those punchy gems that are instilled by mentors and have a timeless effect on your evolving purpose or mission.

1.  Do not believe anything anyone tells you

No matter how much you read or how many mentors you consult, the only way to know is to experience directly for yourself. Knowing is not the same as belief. Knowing is awareness that cannot debate and requires no external proof.

2. Never look back and regret anything about the past

The key to everything is to be focused on the here and now.  Allowing the mind to wander into the past is simply a distraction from who and where you are.  Seeing everything as a lesson that keeps you in this moment.  Your materialistic life, you must live it as if you are going to die today. Do not waste time on activities that do not challenge and expand you. Stop talking.  Be a doer.  As for your spiritual life, see yourself as eternal and learn to function from this place of understanding.

3.  Never waste teachings & wisdom on those who do not listen

Choose carefully those people in whom to invest your attention and energy. Trusting intuition is about feeling your way into relationships and situations, learning available lessons and feeling the way out of what you outgrow, or creating something new that resonates with your Soul.  A key take away is to pay closer attention and listen to your vibes.  Logic can be a stepping stone to situations and valuable life lessons.  Yet, in a rigid condition, logic prevents you from experiencing anything. It can trigger suspicion and doubt. If you refine your logic based on changing insight and awareness, logic can be the Way to your liberation.


3 Ways to see wisdom in urges to escape

Its common to wish to escape from thoughts of discomfort and challenges that feel overwhelming. Life situations can escalate or get-out -of hand. Simple conversations can intensify, and trigger your emotions. Why assume changing scenery makes a difference? What is really going on? Ponder 5 ways to see wisdom in urges to escape: 

1) Look deeper to see what you really wish to escape  

Notice on the surface, you may think you wish to avoid conflict at work, in relationships or other situations, or even temporarily alleviate the stress you link to paying bills, keeping up appearances, multi-tasking or other matters. Turning inward reveals all urges to escape/ travel/ change scenery are forms of resistance to accepting true being (who you really are). Discomfort arising in relation to your external world reflects internal tug-of-war between the limiting Mind and expanding Self. This reveals why people often say they need a vacation to recouperate from the vacation or attend retreat after retreat. Rather than relax and be in the moment, an active mind focuses attention on what is not being done somewhere other than where one is.

2) Society/ culture programs humans to suffer.

Notice the Mind is programmed to oscillate between perceptions of pain and pleasure and focus mainly on misery of who you think you are not, where you are not and what you are not yet doing. This takes shape as focusing on the past or future, on what seems lacking or missing in your life, on what you no longer have or would like to and do not yet see materialize. This even comes across in calendar celebrations that recognize historical events but actually just keep you focused energetically away from now. 

3) Recognize & move beyond 'the what next syndrome.'

Notice the ways the Mind keep you thinking about the future and speaking using the future tense in language. You come to nurture expectations for what is next rather than appreciate where you are. It can take shape in a linear timeline vision for relationships (i.e. dating, commitment, marriage, children, house purchase, children, retirement ect), for moving up a hierarchy in the workplace, for envisioning step-by-step changes to any situation. Watch what happens to the urge to escape when you let go of all expactations.

At some stage, stepping back allows one to see through all the seeking and master the focus of attention. It dawns that physical existence is not full of problems to be solved but rather, full of mysteries to be lived directly. No questions arise in the Silence where nothing is happening and no-body exists to escape from.


Navigate the best you can

Bring yourself out of your head and into the heart. Trust the frequencies that arise in your experience. Go with the current. Life takes you to places that evoke every emotion you allow, including fear and discomfort. Discomfort is where you learn your greatest lessons. Go completely into whatever you feel. The best thing to do is to face everything you create for yourself for each experience has a deeper message. Nothing in life is easy but everything is simple,when you pay attention. Remind yourself that you are okay, regardless of what is unfolding. Experience is opening you up to parts of Self that you did not know existed.

Face the challenges you create for yourself. Each one is an energetic message just like every word emits an energetic frequency. This is the only way you emerge with the conscious wisdom that always exists within you.  The quality of your life expands and insight deepens in unforeseen ways. 

Notice you can view every event as a gift that brings deeper and more expansive levels of understanding. See yourself as generator, orchestrator and destroyer of all we experience. We are shaping ourselves and growing into true nature.