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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


What makes life easier?

You may ask what makes life easier? Get into the mode of self-inquiry. Brace yourself: everything that happens in your life you have chosen, asked for and created. In this way, everything that unfolds is inviting you to own it, to take responsibility and grow.

Recognize you are not defined by your conditions or unfolding events in your life. Ask yourself what each experience teaches you. Appreciate all that arises. Be detached. Do not permit emotions to control you. Ask why you create situations that preoccupy you. Why do you need this? How does this invite you to exapand and be greater love? 'Why' is the query that triggers breakthroughs and transformation. You gain insights and clarity at the pace you are willing to accept. Being aware allows access to inner peace.


See through the fear that blinds you

Imagine what it is to feel what you feel in the heart uninhibited by conditioning.    Imagine what freedom feels like.  Be the direct experience of your own Spirit. Imagine life without the rules and laws that are ingrained in the mind.  Imagine how it feels to be guided only by the heart, by intuition.  Allow all feelings to flow.  What comes to the surface; wounds, fear, frustration and imbalance come up so you can deal with it and release it.  Allow yourself to experience new expanding levels fo freedom.  Come to sense all realities are illusion by nature.  Allow bridging consciousness to speak through you.  You contain it unconsciously. Whatever you are not ready to see is within you.  As you let go of degrees of fear, levels of inner knowing arise and come to conscious awareness.  The heart is the portal to everything. Be an openly feeling person with no resistance.


Step through the curtains

If you wish to move into a new place of freedom, you allow yourself to be happy and free regardless of what is unfolding in the perception.  The very thing you are creating is releasing that which you outgrow.  You are unlearning, coming to unknow yourself.  The new things you are discovering change how you view Self, how the world seems to be unfolding.  Every moment you are changing your relationship with Self, your understanding of what you are. Let go of what the mind seeks to grasp. Bask in the uncertainty.  Step through the curtains with eyes wide shut. Whatever comes up reflects what you are now letting go.  Brace yourself. Give birth to a new version of you.


Be in the moment

Be in the moment. As loving what is grows more important than self-preservation, you move beyond the ego 's perception of the world.  Attention focuses on who you are.  It is the guru, God, or Oneness inside.  It is the Universal Spirit.   Notice what happens as you recognize core self as an ocean of loving awareness.  This is aligning with the Soul present throughout this physical incarnation.  Know the body is not who you are.  Nothing you think even gets close.

Inside, everything unfolding is divine grace.  Light radiates through everything. The Soul lives in eternity.  Time and space of the mind do not exist on infinite planes of consciousness.   Everything is a mirror and a teacher of endless, unconditional love.  Appreciation is endless.


Passion brings you here

When passion burns inside, the mind interprets this passion.  It comments on what you are doing. Notice how you come to this place.  Notice what you think you need to get to where you are.  Notice what you focus attention on, like your desire to be what you are not.   Notice thoughts come and go in your life.  Notice what is outgrown. Notice that fear is all that stands in the way of love and self-discovery. Notice what it is to feel satisfied, to be at peace.  Nobody looks at a map when here. Notice nothing stands in the way of the light of the open heart.  God is the omniscient one seeing.