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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in conditioning (25)


Allow senses to open wide

Wherever you are, you have the ability to observe and perceive partially or impartially.  You view things with or without desire.  You perceive thoughts, concepts and identify with them or, identify with nothing.  You discern love and hate as opposites or as reflecting the same underlying message.  Fullness and emptiness are the same.

Notice whether you exert effort to understand, whether you struggle to listen with the head. Notice that the feelings that bother you are actually thoughts in disguise.  They are drawing your attention to another kind of sensing directly from the heart.  The mind sees things based on conditioning.  Can the perceiver of everything be perceived? That which is unchanging always speaks through you. Being does not experience.  It is the most intimate existence. Allow senses to open wide and know.


What resonates deeply?

Surrender guides one deeper into infinite knowing. Liberation is the revelation that "me" and "I" do not exist.  Life is not happening in a particular location. There is just life.  The essence of being is awareness. It knows nothing is ever actually sought or obtained.  It simply is.  Yet, mind imagines lots to do, become and outgrow. Conditioned mind tells you to free self from tangible things themselves imagined into experience.  Notice how experience shifts from the moment you accept freedom is.  You allow what resonates most deeply to reveal itself.  Stop resisting the way things are.  Notice inner messages.


See beyond words

You may get confused about your perceived conditions.  Wonder why your state does not seem to be changing or improving? You may ask why you think you are sick and not be consciously aware you constantly talk about imbalance, pain, suffering or discomfort. You may complain about some condition or relationship in your life and not realize the negative thoughts and nature of your words keep you from seeing or living anything beyond them.

Words are powerful. How deeply do you allow words and their vibrations to travel through you? What is the impact on your state of mind? To what degree do words trigger emotional reactions in you? How tightly or loosely do you adopt context as explaining who you are?

Feel the nature of words you use. Notice whetehr they reinforce things that enable yo uto feel good or feel frustrated or negative. Notice how words gain meaning for you. Notice using any kind of language creates a sense of separation. The mind understands words compare, distinguish and describe. Silence also speaks. Notice what expresses itself through you. 

In truth, nothing words describe is you.  He who allows himself to see beyond words senses deeper. All-knowing is always accessible beyond words.  Moving beyond self-imposed limitation and fear beings you to merge with love that is. This is pure freedom that speaks for itself.  Words do not do cosmic truth justice.


See the light

Many ways exist to see light.  You may sense it as a galactic phenomenon.  It shines through you and is you.  Notice viewing everything and everyone through the lens of love shifts your focus of attention.  You attune to a light within, a light body.  The conditioned impulse to judge falls away in favour of gratitude, reverence and humility.  An incredible lightness of being arises.  Only now is relevant.  Vibration and sound speak directly as inherent wisdom.  Mystical insight reveals itself as completely natural.     


Do what resonates

Be who you are. Do what resonates.  What does this mean to you right now? At a given moment, you choose to see and experience certain things and block out others.  As you raise conscious self-awareness, you broaden your choices and expand sensory perception.   Everything you do, you do for you. From the moment you realize every situation, relationship and condition serves you, the inner judge fades.