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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in control (41)


Something is at work here

Know something bigger than you is at work here. Trust in that.  Trust in what you cannot conceive, explain or predict. Love the adventure, the spontaneity and the playfulness of the unfolding.  Reflect on how it feels to let go of control, to surrender to life and make the best of whatever happens. Whenever you sense you know or grasp something, you miss nothing. 


What about forgiveness?

At some stage, if you allow yourself to be controlled by anger or other emotions, you may ask yourself whether someone deserves your forgiveness.  Step back.  Who or what is asking this question? Recognize the inner judge and behind that, the ego mind has your full attention until the moment you begin to sense the nature of this perspective does not feel quite right. 

As you observe this view from a more objective vantage point, you begin to recognize that exploring the concept of forgiveness assumes; a) its possible to do something wrong; b)that you can weild real power over another person; and c) that somebody other than you exists. Watch what happens as you shift attention away from the conditioned mental filters and you begin to see though your own assumptions.  Be open to seeing from a new vantage point.

If you ever contemplate forgiveness, you temporarily forget you also have the option to see everything through the lens of the heart.  This lens only knows pure love, acceptance and appreciation. It sees something good in everyone and every situation.  The heart is aware;

1) All is well in this moment;  Only the mind judges and creates a sense of duality (good/bad)

2) You cannot exert control over the external world, only how you respond to it

3) There are truly no divisions or separate self

4) Seeing through the eyes of another is a mirror reflection

5) The fear of not being loved is unfounded

6) Unconditional love is the essence of being (Love is what you are)

7) As the ego mind of the HUMAN awakens to the pure love of BEING = Oneness

8) Nothing is actually taking place as the mind would have you believe


The truth of intrinsic value

Brainstorm what you value. Notice certain metals, gems, and currencies may appear on the list. Notice physical and non-physical things you value evolve with you. Think some things are more valuable than others? Pay attention to who interprets what has value for "you".

Now, step back.  You begin to see nothing has value, or holds importance, unless you believe it in the mind, unless you buy into collective agreement about what has value. You begin to see the inner judge in action. Notice what happens as you begin to see through your beliefs. How do you feel about an inner shift to valuing more peaceful, mindful awareness

Whether or not you get that job, the relationship breaks up or stays together, or your wildest dreams come true, what has intrinsic value always provides what you need.  Observe: The less attached you are to people, weather, seasons and other things, the more you accept what unfolds in your scope of awareness with grace and gratitude. As well, the more receptive you are now, the more empathic you are of people and their circumstances, and the more willing you are to reach out and lend a hand. Everything points to what has intrinsic value.

It is said the more things of value a person acquires, the more fearful and insecure he is about losing them. As you remain reserved, do not allow yourself to attach or cling,  you come to appreciate where you are and an amazing thing happens. Fear and selfishness disappear. What you have or not is less important than how you feel. You only see the good in people.  Everything points toward it. You only see things as they are (not as the judging mind does).

Letting go of expectations shifts the focus inward.  Keep in sight the nature of impermanence and non-self.  Accept the insight of impermanence in this moment.  When you resist being here as  wholeness, you resist embracing true self.  Be nothing.  Understand everything. As human beings, we share one Source, one origin. What we cannot change has intrinsic value.  Send energy of love and compassion to every part of the body.  All that matters is revealed.

"We are the men of intrinsic value, who can strike our fortunes out of ourselves, whose worth is independent of accidents in life, or revolutions in government..." -George Farquhar

All fear brings a message of love 

The mind cannot explain what its like to be emptiness, infinite joy or pure freedom. Rather than grapple with what it cannot understand, it orients you to focus on the future, to nurture fear of the unknown. It conditions you to interpret and judge as it does.

Notice what happens from the moment you grow aware all fear you feel silently invites you to see through it. A spontaneous shift of attention brings you to the present moment. The message of unconditional love and acceptance is unmistakable.

When you acknowledge that you do not know who or what you are, that is, when you cease to be concerned with the things the ego tells you to get worked up about, something divine takes over. Reasons for worry fall away. There is no thought of controlling anything and no fear of not doing so. Awareness flows freely. It knows any effort you make to obtain or be something implies you believe it is beyond you.  Notice your life reflects and reinforces how much fear is controlling or love is guiding you. 

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and let it come in."
-Morie Schwartz (from The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom)


Let things be as they are

Feel what existence is like as you not only forgive without question, but you intuitively see beyond error.  There is no chaos, imbalance, nothing to undo or rectify.  You no longer act out of fear.  You perceive no problems, no need for solutions. Dissatisfaction and restlessness are gone.  You are not at war with the mind, or struggling to stop thinking.  You drop pretensions, drop hypocrisies, and willingly let go of conditioning.

Observe what happens as you let go of the attitude of control and manipulation.  Nothing anyone says or does fazes you.  What has no effect ceases to exist in your scope of awareness.    As you let go of agendas, let go of the desire to transform, to self- improve or better understand, related people and situations dissipate that are incompatible with your energy vibration.  The intention of realizing ambitions, becoming famous or accessing magical power do not cross the radar screen.  You no longer notice opportunities to actively bring these things into your experience. 

As you let things be, the desire for more ceases. History is irrelevant. A sense of the past fades.  This is the returning to innocence, seeing things as they are without the filters of mind. You allow the natural state of being to reveal itself. Just being natural, being yourself is nothing extraordinary.  This is about noticing what is, that is all.

Consider when Lin Chi was asked, ”What has happened to you? People say you have become enlightened,” he shrugged his shoulders and said, ”Happened? Nothing. I cut wood in the forest, and carry water to the ashram – carry water from the well, cut wood because the winter is approaching.”

 "Man is a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally or not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human." - Aristotle

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