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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in control (41)


You are the key to the door

Notice expansion of consciousness begins dimly where one perceives nothing of other objects and beings, but only inner experiences of one's own Soul. As perception develops, it grows creative. As maturity and integrity occur, multidimensional perception emerges. One begins to discern a wider spectrum of colours, sounds and textures. The coalescing of once familliar senses allows one to begin to tune into diverse roles being played in the big picture. Innersight or psychic consciousness arises based on energetics. The nature of the endocrine system and its role in our optimal functioning of Being enters awareness. Through ceremony and spiritual practices, biocircuitry illuminates to come online. As vibration rises, remembering deepens. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, the less you need to eat to sustain yourself. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and emotions are easily managed. As self-trust grows, the nature of energy centres, planetary, pyramid and star grids, as well as what is required to reactivate them, enters conscious awareness. It dawns certain structures and beings are invisible to the senses until one can handle the flow of intense energy required to illuminate one's inner circuit board. Only those vibrating at extremely high frequencies match the frequencies of crystal temples and pyramids and can enter sacred rooms. Certain higher vibrational temple doorways emit a long white flame. Imagine a cosmic gateway, which links this planet to other galaxies and also acts as a direct link to the Divine Source. HUmanity has reached a point when different versions of Earth are arising. It is imperative to come to understand the energetic nature celestial bodies and their meaning to us. They are the language of our consciousness and the path for different advanced technologies. Choosing love is choosing to work directly with your consciousness and Spirit. Entering into dialogue with beings that are currently beyond the widespread level of collective perception, can guide one to deeper inner knowing that is always available to everyone.



Focus on breath to realize the Divine

Notice a common belief is that to connect with God or Divine Source requires a prolonged practice, sacrifice, mediator or heroic effort. Letting go of such beliefs guides one to realize a focus on breath is key to realizing one's own Divine Nature. Watch what happens as one lets go of the belief one must do anything to be whole and complete. During meditation, breathwork, yoga, other spiritual practices, a blissful state may arise akin to a rush. The desire to go deeper into it may lead to involuntary breath holding. Does it seem you must exert huge efforts to go deeper, to get anywhere or realize something you work toward? Each breath affects the whole because each of us is the whole. Although breathing is natural, for many people, it is unconscious and uncontrolled. This state blocks knowing True Nature. As long as the breath remains unconscious, it is not part of spiritual practice and one feels separate from Divine Source. To focus on the breath (in yoga- pranayama), we learn to vary the length of inhalation and exhalation as well as to suspend both, either to retain the inhaled breath or empty the lungs completely. Conscious, controlled breathing is like reclaiming true power. By bringing unconscious activity into conscious awareness, and by focusing on the present moment, pranayama and other breathing techniques begin to transform breathing into a spiritual practice. Regular conscious breathing leads to different stages of remembering about what it is to feel truly alive. Watch what happens as you engage in breathwork more often. (image from



Rediscover paradise

Notice though often overlooked or temporarily forgotten, we are one with Nature. Freedom is calling each of us on a unique path of remembering. This desire will take One to where it rises from: Self. All other desires burn in the fire of the divine Sun. An archer metaphor suits. Although our intentions and actions are under our control, the direction taken by the arrow as it leaves our bow of life is influenced by variables beyond our control. How we respond as the arrow flies is up to us. Do we rise up to a higher level, appreciate life from a whole new vantage point? All Nature calls us away from suffering and fear into our own Divine Being. Any sense of separation from the Divine, from Truth, is merely imagined into experience. This is how suffering is born. The unchanging, ever-present Truth in the hearts of All. The world is a mosaic of expressions in which each of us is invited to awaken. To discover paradise is already all around us is also to recognise paradise within. The serenity in Love is a kind of paradise. The Truth is Self-evident.


3 Tips to embody deep gratitude

Nurture the vision of gratitude and escalate into heartfelt appreciation. Embody those feelings as vibrations and sensations as though they are happening in this moment. What is a simple way to do experience the greatest joy and liberation? Inhale and exhale. Notice the sensations of love and acceptance amplify. As we focus, we are one with these sensations that expand and amplify who we are.

Watch what happens as we recall what it feels like to breathe fully and rhythmically. Notice a feeling of gratitude expands.  Sensations of appreciation enable us to unleash more of what we know. Be open to a system of smooth and constant rhythm of energy that feels like a refreshing and exhilarating ocean wave. Life is a series of inhales and exhales. Holding the breath is like choosing to consciously pause life, recalibrate  into freedom, clarity and joy.

Consider these tips:

1) Do breathwork regularly to allow good sensations to nourish the entire body

2) Feel energy growing and expanding throughout the body

3) Discover going beyond comfort zones transforms us (where strength, growth & freedom happen)


3 keys to feel more joy

Many people seek more joy, wish to create it in the external world.  You may desire stronger or more intimate relationships, more reasons to feel happier more often. How to make this happen?

1.  Stop forcing the issue

It is always helpful to focus attention on activities that evoke joy, make you feel good. Yet allowing more joy into your life is not about what you have to do, but what it is helpful to stop doing. It is about raising awareness of where you interfere, prevent joyful experiences from happening, get in your own way.  When you wish to force something, you tense up and can no longer allow what is natural to happen by itself.

2. Get beyond the analytical mind

When you stop thinking about something, you stop attempting to control.  When the thinking mind is quieted, it moves into alpha or theta brain wave states, and this opens the doorway between the conscious and unconscious mind.  The autonomic nervious system then grows more receptive to natural, high-vibrational information.

3.  Feel the way here

By raising our energy though feelings and elevated emotions, we become less matter and more energy, less particle and more wave.  We flow with and as, the energy that is everything.  The bigger the field we can create with these energies ( as awareness and consciousness), the more the uplifting energy flowing through us is felt and reflected back in the world around us. 

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