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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in ego (90)


8 Messages about permission

Nothing appears or disappears from our life without our permission. Yet, this is easily overlooked.  How often do you find yourself in situations where; a) you must decide to give or deny your permission, b) you feel hurt, betrayed or compromised as someone acted without asking your permission or c) you encounter situations where multiple levels of permission (or approval) are required? This is an opportunity to delve deeper into what is really going on with the recurrent theme.  Ponder 8 messages about permission; 

1.  Everything that comes or goes is for your highest good 

2.  Nothing leaves your life unless the related lesson is learned

3.  Issues only arise as you cling to unworthiness 

4.  Sometimes persmission issues are what someone else needs to go through 

5.  Denying your permission is an effort to control

6.  The need to obtain approval invites letting go

7.   Being detached from results shifts situations without force

8.  Efforts to recreate the past prevents accepting and doing your best in present



a) I give myself permission to love myself unconditionally as I am

b) Nobody can hurt, trigger or intimidate me without my consent

c) I am a growing, evolving being

d) How much I give or deny self love is reflected back (love more & things accelerate)

e) No impediments/ obstacles exist except in thought (mind)

 "Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence."-Gary Zukav

"With each inhalation of your breath, allow yourself to go deep within the inner aspects of your soul.  With each exhalation, give yourself permission to release cloudy, limiting thoughts, stifled emotions and stagnant energy." - James Van Praagh

"Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi


4 Signs you function at your optimum

Its common to assume you can improve something about yourself, your life and conditions.  Consider 4 signs you function at your optimum:

1. When an organ is working properly, you are unaware of it

Notice when an organ is working properly, you do not feel it. Involuntary processes function naturally. If you see your eye, you have cataract.  If you hear your ears, ringing in the ears is getting in the way of hearing. 

2. When you are thinking clearly, your brain is not in the way

Notice the difference between casually looking at something and looking intently, the difference between half listening to something and hearing intently. Doing anything with force has one's focus on muscle tension and misses what is otherwise obvious and apparent.  If you tighten muscles to pull yourself together, you only constrict yourself. All humans strain muscles with the thought its achieving psychological results. Straining muscles is actually a distraction to free energy flow.

3. When you are aware of the ego "I" you are aware of the chronic tension inside yourself

Notice you are in fact seeing with your eyes in the sense that everything you see in front of you is a condition in the optic nerves at the back of the skull where you are aware of all this and far more. Yet, how consistently are you aware of the "I" as the eye?

4. The mind has to be empty to see clearly

Notice the biggest ego trip of it all is that you must get rid of your ego.  Who is asking to get ride of the ego? How can I stop identifying with the wrong me? You cannot achieve the mystical experience because you do not exist. The realisation you are the mystical experience of the universe.  You cannot catch hold of it nor can you get rid of it. It enters your experience by divine grace. When you speak, it is silent.  When you are silent, it speaks.  All methods are simply gimmicks for strengthening your ego. If you realize you cannot transform yourself, then the main obstacle to mystical vision has collapsed, and that was a sense of 'you'.


4 Tips to move beyond limitation

Its common to question the meaning of obstacles that present one after the other and may feel overwhelming. Where do they come from?

Obstacles are simply self-created limitations or challenges that you create for yourself to stretch into and engage more of your capacities so you grow.  Consider 4 tips to reframe and move beyond limitation:

1. Shift from the ego to soul perspective

Whatever your situation, ego judges everything through filters of fear.  It sees problems and worries, and works toward a light at the end of the tunnel. Your psychological drama is mistaken for life.  Soul recognizes the old must fall away to make room for the new. Soul sees no tunnel.  If relationships fall apart, if you lose your job or if some environmental storm damages your property, Soul sees all of it as more of what you outgrow dissolving to reveal what you are not yet seeing clearly.  Being able to see everything as it is and accept it as it is, is about accepting positive and negative views on everything. Its about creating detachment or distance from every event.

2.  See beyond linear time

A key hindrance lies in our idea of, and addiction to time, in our habit of anticipating a future in light of the past. If you focus on history and assume it must repeat, then your life process cannot grow.  Every moment can feel fresh and new and be felt as a tremendous possibility.  Today, what you are is not the point.  Seeing beyond linear time is creating this moment as a privilege. You are worthy of being given a choice about how you live.  Exercise the privilege consciously. 

3. Stop talking about more than one version of you

Some voice within you echoes you could do better, be better or find a situation better suited to you.  There cannot be two selves in one body.  That is to say, there is no better or worse you, no more or less talented you. All kinds of states of mind and dreams present and you choose which to identify with.  How you see yourself is what manifests in your experience. How much you love yourself or fear success and true greatness affects what appears in your experience. The witness creates the person and thinks itself separate from it.  The witness sees that the person appears in consciousness.  

4. Evolve into your humanity

Each person can have something different going on in the mind.  You must be able to switch off the made up world to see another reality.  If you can identify what is real and what is made up, this is a spiritual process, a deeper understanding of who you are. You can choose love, misery, issues, its up to you. Choose consciously the nature of your experience.  Being in a state of compulsive reaction is a backward step in evolution.  Being conscious is what distinguishes you as a human being and allows a sense of inclusiveness to resonate and shape your existence.


5 Hidden things you seek

Ever ask why you wish to be happy? why you associate happiness with doing particular things or being with particular people? Ever reflect on the underlying motivation to get from here to there or become truly fulfilled? Consider 5 hidden things you seek that all else is pointing to;

1. to feel on a deeper level

You may want a new career, a car, stronger or more intimate relations, a course training or qualification, a sum of money, to buy a home, be a parent, be debt-free, or realize another dream. Whatever it is, the journey to creating it helps you grow.  You savor moments of happiness and then, want more. Anything you think you want, whatever object or situation jumps into mind, you are drawn to the feeling evoked by the thought of having it.  What you really want are manifestations that reflect feelings of security, comfort, safety, acceptance and completeness. As you come to question all your wants, something deeper pulls you.

2. to get beyond self-concern

Initially, it may seem the key to happiness is to obtain new credentials, roles or experiences, but every desire is a pointer to what drives it.  Ask why your  focus is often on what's next? The urge to climb a hierarchy, be a leader, create and expand on identity, all arises if you suffer from an inferiority complex, grounded in sense of lack and neediness. To be free of this complex requires you not only see what drives self-concern, but also see how behavioural and cognitive approaches that are purely about affirmations and how the conscious mind thinks do not deal with the unconscious and the power of the superconscious mind. People want a quick fix for restlessness without investigating the deeper why.  This does not require them to see the root or deal with unconscious anxieties. Visualizing life shifts, taking a pill or getting a new role, are temporary measures and do not get you permanently beyond self-concern.

3. to be truly empowered

No shortcuts exist to getting fully beyond the ego's grasp. Mantras, affirmations and magical instruments are not the answer.  They do not bring real empowerment. Embrace a hero's journey.  Only by making inner demons conscious and defeating them are you free from blowback effects of unconscious forces.  They keep you secretly feeling small, limited to ego perception and understanding, at the mercy of the demands of internal and external others, (what the entire social system is based on).  This state of lack and sense of internal fear, desire and neediness, does not allow you to know what real love is.  Only by transcending the ego does the real power of love grow accessible. 

4. to know conscious surrender

You are gaining insight into unconscious and conscious surrender. You can go into unconcious surrender in every aspect of life.  This is the power of being doing everything to us. Feelings, emotions, thoughts happen to us.  This is the very understanding of what s taking place.  The ego does not wish to surrender and the being does not have to surrender.  Once you understand, you know there is only one will.  There is not his will, her will, their will and God's will.  There is only one will, the divine or that which is.  Face the unreality of who you thought you were and disssolve all of that to find the truth of the supreme real that is not thinkable, imaginable conceivable in any way. It comes from a level of consciousnes beyond your ability to grasp or control or to know that you can only surrender in absolute humility. 

5. to unveil the ultimate 

Most people have a fear of not living life to the fullest. Those who want to love and to be loved suffer the most because they resist letting people and experiences in that echo this.  It hits there is no limit to the quest for expansion which is also unending quest for love. The key is to stop resisting life.  The moment you use a word to describe what drives you, a concept is created.  The feeling of being in love, complete inner security and safety is bliss beyond words. Being in love with "it" is being home but still growing, expanding into more of yourself. Every vision you have and experience you create is a hidden quest to receive and share love in new forms. Life is then an experiment in getting to know and understand yourself.  Every experience here is valuable. Unveiling the ultimate allows a new sense of direction and fulfillment to reveal itself.


Value unmet expectations

You expected something, and it didn't happen.

You expected something, but the opposite happened or nothing.  Your ego is shaken, you are in emotional turmoil. Whenever you are miserable, look deeper to uncover why. Empower yourself.

Causes are not outside but within you. The common practice is to look outside, to lay blame or ask:

Who is making me miserable?
Who is the cause of my anger?
Who is the cause of my anguish?

Just as you cannot be intimidated without your consent, you cannot realize what is really going on by focusing outside yourself.  If you look outside you miss a deeper message. Watch what happens as you look within instead.

The source of all misery, anger, and fear, is hidden in you, (the ego).  From the moment you recognize the source, you feel who is beyond it. To know is your own ego that gives you trouble is the end of its hold over you. Nobody consciously perpetuates his own misery or discomfort if he understands it.

Ever notice how humans are conditioned to focus on what is not working rather than on what is? Shift your focus of your attention consistently and transform the nature of experience.