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Entries in energy (252)


5 Ways to surrender to flow of life

Many people will assume surrender means giving up something good, that is, sacrificing what they think they want. Yet, true surrender is something quite different. It is the key to balance, integrity and reconnecting with who you are. It is possible to evolve to sense surrender as precisely what you are.  That is;

1) Without resistance.  Your core harbors no negativity, no anger, no grudges, no frustration and no misunderstanding about self or the physical world.  Resistance is in mind alone.

2) Accepting of what is.  Your core reveals you need not change people.  This part of you is tolerant, grateful, understanding, able to reframe limitations as inner deceit. Further, focusing on now releases the illusion of suffering.

3) Yielding to natural energy flow. Your innate state does not judge or express emotional negativity. To detach from everything, cease to label or judge.  Embrace what is.  Take it in. Relate positive action and feelings without hesitation.

4) Offering relief.  Your core is untouched by fluctuating conditions, mindsets, reactions, obstacles and disruptive individuals.  Physiology, biochemistry, biology and unseen elements of mind- spirit, all adapt to changing external events.  Discomfort is its own lifeblood. The core is oblivious.

5) Inner Knowing. The universal insight of consciousness reveals you realize what is required of you.  Part of you recognizes events unfold without reason for dismay and dissatisfaction. The order of things is based on being alert and present. Your human being is changing vibrational frequency.  

"The creative process is a process of surrender, not control." -Julia Cameron


Discern energy as a self-portrait

Every human being is in the process of making choices in the physical world.  Every thought and feeling has an energy vibration that contributes to multi-dimensional patterns.  That is, sheets of energy vibrate on frequencies undetected by conscious radar.  What does it mean to your sense of realities?

Although a being's sense of "normal" experience is expanding, not every being chooses to be consciously aware.  In cases where you experience phenomena that other beings do not acknowledge or accept, they may view wider perception as 'extra-sensory' or, beyond explanation.  This reveals that perspectives can be rigid and static or flexible and fluctuating.

To take this a step further, consider mental attunement.  As you begin discerning energy vibration, you can learn to consciously discipline the mind and notice your own energy differently.  This is a new level of self-discipline. As you begin to mentally scan a variety of possibilities and timelines, what you take in with human senses changes. You begin to tap into altered realities and learn to shift interchangeable outcomes.

Consider how human beings question which aspects of their physical lives are illusions. Human beings do not always trust what they discern using their basic senses. They often doubt, scoff or disbelieve. Among those who do evolve to trust, some evolve further to experience intelligent light energy. This is a means of opening a door to much deeper consciousness.

By and by, you may come to discern energy as a soul mirror and self-portrait. The intensity of energy you feel through attitude, beliefs, emotion and unattained ambitions, offers insight into states of your character. The energy vibrations you receive determine whether you absorb uncluttered truths and to what degree you continue to perpetuate misunderstanding.

As one chooses to widen vision, to sense possibilities, one slowly reads energy. To sense soul-level energy is to begin to grasp form and features change based on one's personality and mental blocks. What you are willing to experience differs from what is. Mind power makes it possible for anyone to discern color and texture of energy layers and what exists in between.


4 Ways to reverse the energy drain

Tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of shifts in consciousness.  Human beings often link fatigue to practical, physical things like diet and lifestyle. Yet, humans do not always aware of the residue or trickling of energy that points to formless realities. Seeing self from a multidimensional pespective empowers you to move beyond the familliar.  Consider 4 ways to reverse energy drain; 

1) Remove energy blocks. "Energy drain" is a physical experience and often, a lmited physical perspective. Human energy is thick and dense. The physical body is made of an energy field of particles that appears solid but is actually fluid and flows like a conductor. Low vibrational thoughts and feelings congest chakras, block or congest the energy field and lead to reduced, functional capacities. Consciously changing thoughts and feelings consistently has power to transform experiences in this realm.

2) See things from a multidimensional view.  On a physical, ego-based level, a person sees in terms of personality, identity, that we take finite breaths, can only experience finite energy and are unconsciously run by thoughts that birth and death happen (and are possible).  Other ways of seeing remain off our radar screen until we reconnect with an over-reaching, soul purpose. Such revelations allow you to tap into a hidden, internal energy reserve to strengthen you. In other words, when honest, we move beyond responding based on instinctive survivial and shift into recalibration.  

3) Build confidence and self-value. Its not the volume of energy within that invigorates and renews the soul.  Rather, its determined by the nature of energy frequency and quality of energy vibrating.  Emotional or other trauma drains energy.  Unresolved trust issues would benefit from reinforcing one's energy field.  Decide to accept yourself and love what you do. 

4) Explore dream planes. The physical realm is based on time. The astral realm is based on endless space. Other realms are based on no-time and space or other qualities unrelated to time. Training one's consciousness to explore a variety of dream realms is part of a natural evolution of consciousness.  You can be recharged by simply freeing the soul temporarily from the physical body, by encountering healing spirits, and by reconnecting to your inner power. The help of spirit guides can also give a human being capacity to tap into more energy reserve during crisis.  Clearning blocks on a physical level permits initiations and the energetic state to explore into other dream realms.


Peer through layers of time and space

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- From my parents' bedroom on the second floor of their Georgian home, I could see through the wall into the upstairs hall. A Russian girlfriend stood there. Her physical body was dense and solid.  At the same time, I also saw different sized beings floating above, below and beside her.  Each being showed levels of opacity. Some beings were more transparent, as if light shined through from behind. Some beings had wings.  They each exerted effort to communicate.

Predominant Emotions- humility, surprise, and acceptance.

Interpretation- Each human being can grow to discern stages of awareness. This is a process to expand the self through learning and healing. The nature and depth of your perception in the physical world is based on vibrational patterns of energy that often go undetected. You are awakening on new levels.

Core energy is constantly changing.  That is, your energy is converted into forms that alter what and how you accept and perceive.  If you believe in discarnate souls, you may sense some that visit the physical plane. Non-physical entities may visit the physical planes between lives, on route to other dimensions, to act as spirit guides, or to observe even if they never incarnate physically.  Purposes are varied. If you sense something difficult to describe, certain revelations unfold.

It appears you are evolving to transcend limits you create to block self-understanding.  Walls are barriers, obstacles or boundaries that prevent you from experiencing what lies beyond them.  Habits or patterns can often be traced back to early family conditioning. To see beyond them is a sign of maturity and growth.  You may recognize you deviated from a karmic path and are now preparing to get back on track.


6 Tips to eliminate drama

Certain emotions create mental obstruction and drama. Relate a clogged toilet analogy. If you choose to get worked up, that does not unclog the obstructon. To bottle anything sets it up for release sometime. You choose how to perceive and react. Consider these tips to learn more about the constant energy flux of your life and how to eliminate drama;

1) Choose not to believe. Whatever you think takes form and manifests in your life. If you do not believe in something, then your senses will not permit you to experience that. Yet, if you experience drama, or repeated discomfort, you have not yet uncovered certain mental blocks or dissolved them.

2) Respect your need to grow. Every event that unfolds, every sensation you feel, helps you move through phases of mental, physical and other healing. To be aware of your rigid mindset enables you to work through unconscious doubt, complaints and illusion that obscure what you perceive now.

3)See through the inner judge. Labels create imaginary divisons, hierarchies and power dynamics  They do not exist. Self-induced boundaries re-organize spatial zones and energy vibration in ways that do not serve you. Being aware of what you do empowers you.  Itis possible to evolve and sense what you had missed previously.  Ego has reason to deny truth.

4) Nurture open-mindedness. To disagree or react with distast to people rejects their ways of thinking, being and feeling. To deny or invalidate views other than yours is to close yourself off from layers of truth. To disavow truth is to create waves of energy in form of drama. To accept alternative or co-existent realities, is to concede something other that what you currently experience is connected to the physical world.

5) Recognize the impact of density. Humans are light energy beings. The nature of thoughts and feelings influences if one experiences a lightness of being or, a heavier sense of existence. Drama weighs heavy on the mind. To be unwilling to adjust or change prolongs emotional storms. You exist as you are to learn to release energy and restore other energy inside.

6) Reframe where this is leading. Discomfort evokes stress, conflict or striking realism. Yet, more is happening than you consciously register. Many human beings do not realize they acknowledge drama, explore cause and perpetuate it as part of a process to get beyond it. Thoughts of anger, hostility or revenge imply you misunderstand karmic lessons. As you deliberately take responsibility for conditions and choose to evolve, you gain the insight required to transcend drama.