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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fear (155)


Vulnerability is strength

Notice the more vulnerable we are, the more invulnerable or untouchable we are. Contrary to what is often taught, we are only ever vulnerable to ourselves. What other people think is irrelevant. Fear of vulnerability stems from fear of self-love. The irony is that to be vulnerable is to be truly powerful, confident and free. To be fully open and transparent, is to hide nothing, fear nothing and be indomitable. As we love and accept ourselves as we are, fears and insecurities fall away. We only seek to control others so long as we are run by insecurities. The more vulnerable we are, the more the subconscious trickle of negative thoughts/ beliefs dissipates. Society is designed to make us protective of self-image. Social acceptance is based on a keeping up an "acceptable" identity. Embracing vulnerability invites us to break the shell that hides who we are so we reveal it and grow as a Soul. Society trains and challenges us to project and reach outward for a sense of success and happiness until something shifts our focus inward. As you choose love, choose to be more gentle and kind to self and others, you embrace vulnerability, consciousness expands and realities shift. Being conditioned into anxious states keeps us looking outward for success and happiness so people avoid finding security within. Fear is metaphysical energy moving into greater fear and illness. Vulnerability is a path to opening up and questioning everything you think about yourself, to go with the flow of what comes and goes. As consciousness expands, what one fears losing turns out to be the construct of social conditioning. At the perfect moment, it dawns the transition from metaphysical and physical to purely metaphysical is simply a change in energy. Being aware of everything as energy, is a state where fear no longer runs you. As long as you fear death, attachment, identity, the body, life mirrors your fear. As you begin to see fear is illusion, you stop fearing judgement, retribution, constructs, ideas linked to death and dying. Caution though. This goes way beyond a mental journey. True aliveness unfolds through a mulit-facited, visceral journey. Ultimately, vulnerability is a choice and a vibrational energy field. Trust is also a vibration. Choosing to let go of defenses that cloud more than the solar plexus is life-changing. It marks milestones, stages of Soul transformation.


Return to Love

Notice what it is to be truly good to yourself. This is about more than simply resting periodically, drinking before you get thirsty. Its about stopping to smell the flowers often, because you can, not because you have to. Its about not only dreaming of what is out of reach, but taking steps to taste the dream again, as if for the first time. Its about fearlessly taking risks to go that extra distance for good reason only to discover there was never any real risk involved. Afterall, Love is all we ever think we want, need and seek and its always here, nearby, ever-present, inviting us to see and embody it.


Retain deeper lessons and grow

Notice I've lost track of how many times I've died. What matters most though is how I have learned to live. These experiences and lessons cover countless civilizations, timelines, realms, on this planet and others. Some worlds and vibrational information gathering are purely musical, telepathic, geometric or beyond description. Consciousness moves through, sheds and transcends bodies. Books exist on this. Others are already being written.
During the early stages, it was about struggles for survival, safety, and stability. Like a film reel, I am repeatedly running from danger or authority, escaping control, the wrath of accusations of heresy, inconceivable abuse, torture, decapitation, immolation and even the unspeakable. I see from within and beyond body, feel caught in a cyclical trap. Many of those deaths came quickly, were painful or painless. Yet, the complete disconnect from feeling, lack of love, acceptance, connection and belonging evoked more suffering than anything physical. That revelation catapulted me forward, upward.
Next, I moved through experiences that highlighted emotional isolation and repressed sexual energies. In this film reel, I know mistreatment from individuals who are brutal yet, unaware, have a warped sense of self and struggle to function within their own version of reality. Through this mirror, I shifted from physical, biochemical and feeling disconnect to reconnect with natural healing. I allowed the body to do what its meant to do. This opened valves, unleashing limitless creativity and discovering doorways to true intimacy. Again, as winds shifted, a new tune began to play.
Then, journeys arose to reveal events in other spheres that led to low self esteem, lack of will power, hesitation to take personal responsibility. The film reel offered flashbacks about where I was manipulated, exploited, subjugated, dominated by misused power. Only as it dawned that nobody can intimidate me without my own consent did I experience huge shifts in energy, focus, direction, life conditions. It dawned I create my own magic, remove myself from environments I outgrow, come to feel limiting or unhealthy. Sometimes situations repeat in different settings, then hifts also happen simply because I have learned what is there to learn on a deeper level. This happens as I grow to resonate with something deeper, that which I know as my Soul.
Later on, moving through the heart, death seemed more about observing taboos, what we are culturally taught to fear, avoid and resist. The biggest lesson here for me is death is not about losing anything. Rather, its about strengthening a sense of what is always within us. At this stage, death happens as we are ready to recognize and let go of imbalances in our perception, grudges conditioned predjudices and related lies we tell ourselves. Conscious shifts in focus and consciousness are fuelled by the desire to feel more deeply and rediscover another facet of what it is to be truly alive.
Every life contains millions of decisions. Some are big and others seem smaller or less significant. Yet, every decision we make over another affects the outcomes and the direction of our path. At certain points, irreversible variations occur. Regardless of timeline or focus, our choices reveal who or what we truly are, far more than our ideas of limited abilities. Many versions of ourselves exist inside us. Every moment, every one of our thoughts and feelings have an influence on our course of direction. And this course changes. Reclaiming true power and sovereignty shifts gears again. From here, you consciously move in many directions and have a much wider sense of the unfolding.

Accelerate new life shifts

Notice the sense of holding yourself back is a pointer to the root of your own fear and resistance. Its not who you are that actually holds you back, but who you think you are not and the influence of this identity over your choices. You may forget what you are made of, forget how to access it or tune in. Much like the penguin is aware of the significance and benefits of ice water, yet does not always jump right in, we are each aware that our discomfort holds the key to our own salvation. Deep down, we all know what feels right yet the question is, do we always listen or simply cling to "the familliar"? We are each like a seed that contains all genetic material to transform into a progessive seedling, plant and tree. We can continue to produce our own seeds and stay in a karmic cycle, or, come "full circle" and embrace a new way of being. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life. We hold the seed of our own energetic and crystalline light body transformation. At what point do we cease to resist and recall what feels natural?" As we meet guides on the Path, they can assist in different capacities, depending on what we allow or resist. Sufi poet Khalil Gibran reminds us, 'the teacher who is indeed wise does not invite us to enter his house of widom but rather, guides us to the threshold of our own mind' so we awaken.


Face Fear in the Eye

(image credit: )

Notice its common to resist change or what the mind thinks it represents. Feel the power that arises as you take the bull by its horns, embrace the uncertainty, take those unpredicable things head-on and look deeper into what bothers you without delay. Some people would suggest hanging in there and doing what you have always done is best. Yet, being true to the heart is about staring the source of fear in the eye. Reminding ourselves fear is a catalyst for greatness and growth guides us to master our Path. Feeling our way, heeding intuition, is key to a more fulfilling life.