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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in frequency (71)


Awaken to the energetic journey

Notice the idea of awakening is not real. Awakening is only someone else's experience unless the real thing happens in our lives. Those who simply overhear and repeat ideas emit different frequencies than those who act based on conscious awareness, true innate intelligence or direct knowing. Less-than-direct experience keeps us oscillating betweeen ego and heart rather than be integrated heart-mind. Our perception and experience shift based on our changing vibration. We see things as we are until we see them as they are- pure love energy. The physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual bodies are all on their own journey to align in harmony and stillness. We each determine the pace of our alchemical journey.


Shift to reclaim Inner Power

Notice true power arises from within and waits on us to unleash it. We access inner power through self-awareness, conscious intention, speaking our truth, pure desire to uplift others and the self. Tapping into our inner power requires making purposeful choices to direct our thoughts, emotions, behaviors and access higher vibrations. Pursuing external power weakens our inner power since it requires external approval or validation. Many of us do this. This is why we must shift focus to “reclaim inner power.”
Reclaiming inner power is about being present, withdrawing consciousness (attention) from what does not resonate with our frequency and acting to continue raising consciousness. This is continuously choosing mindsets, behaviors, and emotions that guide us to walk in love and trust versus fear and doubt. Its like, choosing to give versus take, to surrender rather than to worry. Choose to ground in higher vibrations that emit signals of peace and contentment. This guides one towards the highest version of self. It dawns we each walk in full power when we own and use our gifts in different situations to benefit our collective humanity.
Reclaiming our power also implies not suppressing feelings. Its about creating boundaries to build a sense of safety and see from another's point of view. When we give ourselves space and solitude, soul flourishes.
If you feel triggered, insecure, or mistreated/ betrayed, whether it's really another person treats you that way or it doesn't matter: you feel betrayed and you can no longer receive love or connect; The innate desire to be seen, heard, valued cannot be felt if you hide behind a shield. As you discover innate security, it dawns negative feelings are only triggered and they guide us to deeper truth.
Feeling complete in yourself implies you are not dependent on another and already tune into and live your own truth. You no longer need external validation or acceptance yourself as you are. Relationships truly enrich us from the moment we recognize we are the ultimate source of all we need. This is the path to codependence no more. All experience enriches our journey of awareness.



Sound guides us back to harmony

Notice our original ancestors used sound and light in harmonious healing spheres to bring transformation and information to all surface life beings. Sound transforms and light informs. Each Soul that arrived on Earth had its own musical frequency, and all living beings are still enriched with a core vibration, which often goes undetected. Each note is originally attuned to the music of Gaia, this primordial sound print literally vibrated through every cell of everybody. Its possible to tune in deeply to our soul selves and also hear the sound print or note of each plant, each mineral, tree, animal and human being. This and other natural abilities grow sharper as part of awakening based on alignment of cosmic vibration. The ancient catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis came about through the mis-creation of sound within the Crystals of Gaia. Disharmony still occurs today through the existence of ‘noise’. The noise referred to is created by things like machines, chemical toxicity, electromagnetic interference and negative emotionality. Now is the moment to harmonize the Earth to the great note of the individual, planetary and galactic Soul. Each step we take to live more consciously eases us into harmony with Soul, and we align with the music of the soul of the Earth and Cosmos. This entrains the energy field of all living beings to absorb more light. Thus, any darkness that lies within the cells is seen as it is and the living being is transformed into light. (Art by Lisa J. Winter)


Engage intuition interdimensionally

Notice everything is a state of mind which emits a frequency. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and deepen awareness of subtle energies and realms right here. This is about activating, strengthening innate abilities and systems to move through dimensions at will. Recall intuition is language of the Soul. Astral and other Beings pierce the veil and observe human activities in 3-D yet, only as one expands consciousness does one glimpse astral beings and travellers as well as venture consciously to explore other stellar worlds.


Reactivate the Truth inside

(Image: solar faraes credit NASA)

Notice every instance you recognize and let go of some ego-driven focus or pursuit, you are recalibrating energy, strengthening and re-vitalizing natural systems of energy fields. In order to rebuild the Earth fields to a level they were in ancient times, that is, that were connected by an active, global, interconnected free-flowing energy pyramid system, we have to purify psychological resistances and attain liberation from ego. Seeing what is real within oneself, loving our true being fully, only happens as we see through the ego as it works through us, and shift to act in resonance with the the real. This radiance enables what is real to shine and emerge in others. To function optimally, we must vibrate the core frequency consistently. The nature of emptiness makes space for the fullness of natural energetic capacities to transform reality on an unfathomable scale. Every stage of consciousness emits vibration to shape our course. We each have a unique path. To what degree we allow conscious shifts within and the level we build our capacity to hold energy, is our compass to create and navigate new realities. Meditate on it.