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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in happiness (49)


Let go of Attachments

Notice attachment to pleasure, is an obstacle that evokes suffering. We attach ourselves to sources of pleasure because we expect happiness from this, forgetting happiness is always in us as the essence of true Self. To expect joy from the external, from relationships, jobs or other experiences, is to create energetic attachments. If we find these things make us unhappy, we create an aversion to them. Likes and dislikes are impediments on the spiritual path. Basing our happiness and unhappiness on the external makes us feel powerless, dependent and unable to control our destiny. Although happiness seems the basic need of all, why does it seem so few rarely find it and actually dwell here?
Well, just as a pure, clean mirror reflects our true nature beneath and beyond the skin and bones, certain pure, clean faces reflect our core happiness. This is why its saidd the eyes are windows to the soul. We give our power away each time we look away, think a person or situation is reason for our happiness. Other faces and situations evoke discomfort, and our happiness is distorted. So, we tell ourselves we dislike them. This is simply ignorance. Only as we reconnect with core being, go through purification, let go of what distorts true nature do we begin to feel happy at a smiling face because it dawns this reflects our inner radiance. Sri Swami Satchindananda reminds us nothing and nobody an give or take away our happiness, only distort our own timeless inner happiness. This is echoes in the timeless Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Thus, only as we connect deeply with Self is it possible to exude this happines or true nature. Its not based on what we do but being intimate and reconnecting with the truth of who we are. As we grow increasingly fearless, our destiny presents in greater clarity. Its up to each of us to seize the day, and listen to the heart to feel truly alive. Only then do we authentically allow fun and spontaneity to arise and be our compass does soul consciously guide the course of our lives.



Navigate through what arises

Notice anger and discontent arise. Yet, conditioning teaches us to fear expressing truth, to resist sharing feelings, and to believe expressing anything other than calmness or happiness is bad or wrong. Even within yoga or spiritual circles, emotions that don’t echo only peace, love, gratitude, and joy are often judged as out of place.
Truth is, dishonesty about the ups and downs of life is insincerity. To say one thing directly and yet, express different feelings behind the scenes, suggests what we think, say and feel are incongruent.
Inner well-being comes from the connection and harmony between our inner life and the outer world. As we live from soul, our thoughts, feelings and action naturally align. When something does not feel right, imbalance plays out in our lives to guide us in new directions.
Assuming we must always be happy may misinterpret the sutras, yamas, and niyamas. After all, true transformation involves bringing discomfort to the surface, being honest with ourselves as part of accepting and integrating everything. This is the path to embody wholeness. Each instance we are not open with others, tells us we are not open and honest with ourselves in ways we do not yet recognize. This process of opening the heart to cracks is necessary to guide one into the vibration of true peace and contentment.
Why is it that we tend to overlook mental-emotional afflictions? How is it helpful to run from ourselves? We can only do so for so long. Our emotions or instincts arise as our buttons are being pushed, causing a negative reaction instead of a positive action. It brings us face-to-face with another side of duality before going beyond.
Triggers invite us to face our shadows, to let go of harmful behavioral patterns. Through the lens of svadhyaya, or self-study, we can see shortcomings otherwise invisible to us. The journey inward is a way to dismantle why we react to certain people and ideas, and it helps us explore new directions.
Yoga is about raising awareness. As we grow more aware of our humanity, we naturally feel more comfortable expressing it. Maybe we get angry, frustrated, or upset sometimes because we practice something that stretches us to new levels of awareness and acceptance of who we are. What enters our scope of experience is always the perfect tool to navigate what arises to guide soul growth. We are like invisible air that takes shape through wind, moving clouds and swaying trees and then, blows away.



Restlessness is a sign of transformation

Notice at the perfect moment, light penetrates like a catalyst to clarify what disconnects from all that is real and matters in heart. By affirming our dignity and allowing others theirs, we are able to honor ourselves, connect as equals, move forward with insight.
Earlier in life, I often heard myself saying things like;
"Everything happens for a reason"
"It was for the best"
"It was a blessing in disguise"
(all of which were relevant in context...)
In passing, such phrases sound optimistic and seem harmless. Yet, with maturity, I realized I had been taught to dismiss very real concerns and feelings worthy of considerable attention. People would cross my boundaries, be hurtful, or behave in ways that went against my core values or intuition and I would be overly tolerant and accepting or too easily forgiving. Making light of difficult situations was a superficial way of glossing over issues. This felt better in the short-term, but ultimately, it solved nothing and left hidden issues to linger. In fact, as I go down the rabbit hole, it appears I mastered the art of pretending things were fine when they were clearly not.
Part of my awakening has involved recognizing I would hide or avoid anger that deserved to be felt and expressed, Rather than working through hard emotions or confronting unresolved issues, I used to simply downplay or dismiss them. Believing traumatic events must serve as “learning experiences” or focusing on the silver lining behind every negative experience, did not allow me to experience the fullness of the wisdom they held. Assuming I had a handle on it was how I hid from insecurities. It was a clever way I pulled the wool over my eyes until I was ready to go deeper.
I went through stages where I was convinced spiritual practices I engage in are always positive. Feeling detached also came to mean I was not fully conscious or present. I was very good at focusing on the positive or being overly optimistic. Had no idea I was projecting negative feelings. At some stage, it dawned positive thinking is not the way to overcome problems. Facing shadows is far more effective. Rather than attempting to “rise above” emotions, I learned to feel, heal and move through them.
Pride is difficult to detect in ourselves because it is a refusal to admit wrong or see a need to change. As the light of our dignity shines more brightly, we realize that we don’t have to be perfect. Showing vulnerability and humility invites stronger connection. We move from the superficial into soul-level relationships. We grow approachable rather than seem intimidating. We don’t see ourselves as better or worse than anyone else. We are the same.
It is freeing to hold ourselves with the dignity that comes from simply being human. We don’t need to achieve “greatness” to have worth and value. Greatness is innate . We might be inclined to seek excellence because it feels meaningful, energizing and expansive, but not because it defines who we are.
It dawns pride that drives us at certain stages of life prevents us from acknowledging our human vulnerabilities. When driven by shame or illusion of inferiority, its uncomfortable to say, “I’m sorry, I was wrong, I made a mistake.” When pride rules, we believe we’re always right or we fear backing down. This makes it difficult to know and sustain intimacy.
A self-centred culture teaches we must achieve self-actualization (enlightenment) to be truly happy. This quest also contributes to a tendency to avoid difficult or painful emotions. Rather than trying to solve problems in environments that cause suffering, self-centred culture teaches people that they alone are responsible for their destiny. At certain stages, maybe you relate?
What stands out is that negative thoughts and feelings serve a purpose. They do not exist so we avoid them. Rather, they point to a diminshed self image, deep hurt, sadness and that emotions that require acceptance and validation. Negative thoughts exist so we use those thoughts to propel positive actions. Simply putting on rose-colored glasses and ignoring deeper issues does not make them go away. Choosing instead to forge friendships, look people directly in the eye, be candid and share vulnerability, are keys to being more assertive, self-loving and decisive when it counts.
Ultimately, discomfort is a soul-level sign that something is not right and needs to change. If you think you lessen discomfort by simply avoiding it, or normalizing abnormal behaviour, situations causing distress will remain. Yet, to recognize the nature of our unconscious behaviours, is to see restlessness is itself a sign of our ongoing quantum transformation. We are catching up with the light.



Access more joy 

Notice for some, joy may seem out of reach or not experienced regularly in daily life. What is your experience of happiness for no reason, that which is embodied, open, energetic, alive? Does anything arise? Were these passing states? Is it just a state you imagine when you feel stressed and seek to get somewhere else? What is required to tap into it as an enduring part of our Being? How often do we celebrate simply Being right where we are, come what may? How often do we sense beauty and tenderness? Aliveness and openness grow more accessible as we open and value the whole of existence. Its like shifting awareness from viewing life as a problem to solve, into seeing life a mystery to experience. Do we feel obligated to feel joy or is it spontaneous? In the same way, to commit to realize full potential, empathize with the suffering to around us makes us feel more connected to our world. It is also part of our commitment to being whole to feel open to loving the world as it is. As we cultivate presence, this natural capacity within each of us, we actually cultivate paths for joy. Being open to light-heartedness happens as we pay attention and cherish all of existence. The quality of life is experienced in proportion to allowing our capacity for delight to guide us. This is a gift we give ourselves as we pay attention. Joy happens. It arises from the simple experiences; jumping into piles of leaves, tuning into the scent of a flower, the wind blowing on our face, a snowflake landing on the tongue, the taste of a strawberry. The experience of joy is so-life giving that it feels natural to find joy in everything from sunrise to sunset and all that unfolds in between.

Vulnerability is strength

Notice the more vulnerable we are, the more invulnerable or untouchable we are. Contrary to what is often taught, we are only ever vulnerable to ourselves. What other people think is irrelevant. Fear of vulnerability stems from fear of self-love. The irony is that to be vulnerable is to be truly powerful, confident and free. To be fully open and transparent, is to hide nothing, fear nothing and be indomitable. As we love and accept ourselves as we are, fears and insecurities fall away. We only seek to control others so long as we are run by insecurities. The more vulnerable we are, the more the subconscious trickle of negative thoughts/ beliefs dissipates. Society is designed to make us protective of self-image. Social acceptance is based on a keeping up an "acceptable" identity. Embracing vulnerability invites us to break the shell that hides who we are so we reveal it and grow as a Soul. Society trains and challenges us to project and reach outward for a sense of success and happiness until something shifts our focus inward. As you choose love, choose to be more gentle and kind to self and others, you embrace vulnerability, consciousness expands and realities shift. Being conditioned into anxious states keeps us looking outward for success and happiness so people avoid finding security within. Fear is metaphysical energy moving into greater fear and illness. Vulnerability is a path to opening up and questioning everything you think about yourself, to go with the flow of what comes and goes. As consciousness expands, what one fears losing turns out to be the construct of social conditioning. At the perfect moment, it dawns the transition from metaphysical and physical to purely metaphysical is simply a change in energy. Being aware of everything as energy, is a state where fear no longer runs you. As long as you fear death, attachment, identity, the body, life mirrors your fear. As you begin to see fear is illusion, you stop fearing judgement, retribution, constructs, ideas linked to death and dying. Caution though. This goes way beyond a mental journey. True aliveness unfolds through a mulit-facited, visceral journey. Ultimately, vulnerability is a choice and a vibrational energy field. Trust is also a vibration. Choosing to let go of defenses that cloud more than the solar plexus is life-changing. It marks milestones, stages of Soul transformation.