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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (91)


What about forgiveness?

At some stage, if you allow yourself to be controlled by anger or other emotions, you may ask yourself whether someone deserves your forgiveness.  Step back.  Who or what is asking this question? Recognize the inner judge and behind that, the ego mind has your full attention until the moment you begin to sense the nature of this perspective does not feel quite right. 

As you observe this view from a more objective vantage point, you begin to recognize that exploring the concept of forgiveness assumes; a) its possible to do something wrong; b)that you can weild real power over another person; and c) that somebody other than you exists. Watch what happens as you shift attention away from the conditioned mental filters and you begin to see though your own assumptions.  Be open to seeing from a new vantage point.

If you ever contemplate forgiveness, you temporarily forget you also have the option to see everything through the lens of the heart.  This lens only knows pure love, acceptance and appreciation. It sees something good in everyone and every situation.  The heart is aware;

1) All is well in this moment;  Only the mind judges and creates a sense of duality (good/bad)

2) You cannot exert control over the external world, only how you respond to it

3) There are truly no divisions or separate self

4) Seeing through the eyes of another is a mirror reflection

5) The fear of not being loved is unfounded

6) Unconditional love is the essence of being (Love is what you are)

7) As the ego mind of the HUMAN awakens to the pure love of BEING = Oneness

8) Nothing is actually taking place as the mind would have you believe


Cat got your tongue?

If you ever lose your voice, you may hear its a punishment you get because you speak too much. You may also hear its an invitation to listen more closely to what others say or leave unsaid.  You may even ask if this figment of the imagination is a result of overthinking.

Among theories offered, people refer to witches in the Middle Ages.  In this Era, behaviour viewed as a threat to the norm was greatly feared, often misunderstood and declared heresy.  Witches, for instance, were put to death.  If you saw some practice that could identify a witch, its said her cat would "steal" or control your tongue so you couldn't report the sighting.  Some people view this as a myth.  You may also hear a Middle Eastern Tale that says liars had their tongues ripped out and fed to royal cats. Thus, varied unique reasons exist for silence.

As you stop focusing on the external and turn instead to feel heartfelt love, you begin to sense another view on selective speech.  Here, the heart echoes spiritually unconscious messages that the body is sending through physical ailments. If you temporarily lose your voice, the heart is drawing attention to  the fear of speaking up balanced with attention on the bliss of silence.  Who is identifying and decoding your story? Its no accident that the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart in embryonic development.  All answers stick out.


See it all as One

Watch what happens as you move from viewing events though personal, mental filters, to imagining self in someone else's shoes.  Look into the mirror and see other as Self. This is a shift from ego self-centredness that invites heartfelt  acceptance, compassion and love.  Light bulbs are triggered.

On other levels, as inner shifts of attention occur, something inside notices a fallacy of altruism.  Nothing happens and you feel no difference, no sense of other, and everything is suddenly an extension of one being.  Everything, every crumb of bread, every cloud, leaf, pebble, animal, vegtable, mineral or grain of sand contains the elements of all else. Its all part of a hologram.

How do you register or recognize this cosmic being? What does it feel like? Can it be perceived?


All or nothing

Ever think you have to choose between all or nothing? Notice what happens as you begin to recognize all, nothing and every possible experience in-between are all here for the taking.  You have the freedom  to recognize what this is really about, and the freedom to choose how to feel.

The mind is conditioned to expect to doubt, to make you think you have to deprive yourself or sacrifice  what matters most. The mind's perspective is clouded by its own judgmental filters.  Let them go.  See what happens.  Shift focus to view everything through the lens of the heart. 


Be honest with yourself

Look into the mirror and be honest with yourself. Notice which thoughts arise and which feelings stand out. How often do you view things through the lens of an unconditionally loving heart?

The universe, or soul or higher self are always whispering to guide us in loving directions. Higher self always sends us the minimum message required to achieve the highest good. What happens if you choose not to hear what the higher self is conveying though events you encounter in your life or what dreams are revealing? Notice what happens if you resist the signs the body is giving you.  It breaks down.  You get sick so you must slow down and are given another chance to see. 

Ultimately, you are only ever loving or non-loving to yourself and perceived others. To recognize that everything is forgivable and redeemable is to know everything can be rectified. All your words and gestures are simply energy vibrating. If you ascertain you do something unloving, do loving things on your own accord to create or re-establish balance. To walk in self mastery is to do things out of love or the universe will go great lengths to get your attention.