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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in illusions (10)


You are more

You are more than any physical perception or situation.  You do not have to try to be more positive, to try to feel better, to try to change what seems to be your current state.  Personality and ego are not you.  They are conditioned patterns, grounded in illusions of time that are irrelevant. 

Notice whether you hear a voice telling you that you are anything less than unlimited, successful, confident and expanding into more.  Be aware of the mechanism at work within the mind without allowing it to control you.  At your centre, the authentic you feels another perspective.  Be that.


Notice vibration is value

Many people nurture beliefs about value and perpetuate their own misperceptions and misunderstanding. Consider your own assumptions about value.  Do you imagine value only comes from physical action? Notice how you limit your sense of value. Realize you have the capacity to be more aware of things that bother you, of feelings that worry you, of knowing what you do not want. Realize this all tells you what you do want.  Notice every feeling has a vibration.  Every feeling has value and tells you if you are aligned with what matters.  What do you want to feel?  What matches that? How do you soften your resistance?

As you realize you have intrinsic value, you also realize you have control about how you feel. As you tap into the energy that flows, you have the potential to experience everything that enables you to feel good. You are in the process of recognizing beliefs that are not working, and creating a bridge to beliefs that move you from illusions of lack, pain and scarcity to a life of abundance.  Life is easy when you choose.

The power of the mind is what matters. You are in the process of remembering to free the mind from the illusions you create and perpetuate with worry and resentment you harbour.  Your response to things is already changing. Thought is vibration.  You awaken to the tug of war you create with your own polarity and how you can ease up on the habits of thought. Your response keeps you in a chronic place and you can get out of this at any point in this process.  Amazing things are unfolding in your life.  Accept or resist.  Once you know you are the essence of energy being, there is no going back to ignorance.  Bliss is now something else.  You feel aligned with vibrational reality.  You sense value in expansion you do not see.


Rely on the path

To know your thoughts and emotions intimately enables you to weather any storm.  When you live under the influence of afflictive emotions, you forget who you are.  When you look for strength and trust outside self, you grow more afraid of illusions.  In order to free the essence of being from the mind, it is necessary to understand and transcend afflictive emotions that you permit to control you.  Awaken from the dream.

What enables you to realize new levels of awakening? How does life show you sources of pleasure also bring you insight into experience of pain and suffering?  Why does heightened awareness serve you?   


Get ready to shatter those myths

Whatever it is you think you cannot do, this actually means you choose not to do it for reasons hidden from conscious thought.  You may fear exerting effort, feel uncomfortable about making a change or resist doing something that may not meet expectations. Whatever it is, get ready to shatter those myths you imagine into being.  From right now, they are no longer attached to you.  Things are changing fast.

Well, what are you waiting for? The moment is here to identify and transcend the illusions that convince you to feel less than you are.  Take out a sheet of paper, a tape recorder or, do whatever it is that makes sense to get it out of the system. Express yourself.  Then, stand back and review those emotions or sentiments from the observer perspective.  How do you choose to Transform Your Life?


Why are you here?

Human beings are inquisitive creatures.  They tend to ask loads of questions and search for answers.  You may begin to sense it all leads back to the fundamental idea of why you exist.

In my ebook, Expand Consciousness Now, 185pages of tools and strategies alert people to how they think and feel.  How would life change if you always processed material to your best advantage? You would expand tremendously, accelerate learning, discern differently, multi-process more efficiently.

Consider that unconsciously, you process energy on many different levels that are not recognized by the conscious self.  They key to remembering is to align unconscious ability with conscious awareness. 

Imagine how your life transforms already.  Awaken to the ability to sift through thought data bilaterally and inter-dimensionally.  Open to capacity to read energy, feelings and retrieve data from everywhere. 

You can empower self to discern illusions more consciously, to detect underlying motivations in self and others, to trust what is in your best interest, sense what is purely ego-based and also learn key lessons.

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