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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspirational quotes (206)


Three points for clarity

You may ask how to develop mindfulness.  Its less about doing than letting go.

Regardless of the area of your life, keep these three points in mind:

1)    The most important time is NOW

2)    The most important person is in front of you (in the mirror or whom you offer service)

3)    The most important thing to do is to care (show compassion)

"Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, except exactly who you’re being right now."- - Neale Donald Walsch


Impossible to ignore

Notice what happens as you do your best to form a conscious relationship with all that is good. You focus your attention on uplifting thoughts, on activities that enable you to feel good about yourself. Suddenly, you have more and more direct experiences that reveal to you what is impossible to ignore. The obvious invites you to be more aware of the nature of your own metamorphosis. You look for the path or bridge you are already on.

Its like a breath of fresh air.  You feel the release of clarity, of sensations, feelings, signs and synchronicities that all point to something the conditioned mind refuses to believe.  You sense you are receiving something hard to define but you know with increasing certainty how it feels.  Everything is a silent teacher inviting you to trust yourSelf more.  

In essence, you are shifting from a logic and reasoning-based existence to something that feels like it cannot be physically explained. Standing back gives you insight into real stability. You begin to realize that your beliefs create a mental image and your attention focuses the thought energy to hold your perceptions together. Beyond what you think you see, vibration is behind what is emerging in your physical experience.

The heart knows when you desire to know something, the universe gives you evidence of it. Unconsciousness may deny it but awareness confirms it. Open the senses. Recognize the nature of the journey expands based on your attention. As you focus on different ways love presents in your life, what you feel is impossible to ignore. Through appreciation, inner power quietly makes itself known. What do you feel is impossible to ignore?

"You can measure the impeccability of your word by your level of self-love. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace." - Don Miguel Ruiz


Timing speaks

Perfect timing is all there is. Everything flows like a river running downstream unless the mind gets in the way to stifle momentum. Allow yourself to feel the synchrony among all your life choices. Watch what happens as you only see connections, only allow yourself to think and feel that you are doing your best.  You no longer focus attention or thought energy anywhere else.

Notice how you allow time to speak to you. Notice that when you are grateful for the time you give yourself, and how you use time, that life gives you more reasons to feel gratitude.  As you detach from distractions, watch body, mind and perceived conditions. You no longer think or experience things you do not like.  You are always in the right place, right time.

As you respect and value yourself, its amazing how you recognize timing is always perfect. As you choose to see value in everyone, that is what you look for and see, and this is what they show you back. Allow yourself to see something lovable in every other person.  

Drop everything. Be in harmony. See through a lens of equality. Suddenly time is silent.  As you recall you are an unlimited being, its no longer relevant to focus on past or future.  From the moment you have no point of reference in time, you recognize what lives eternally.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." -Albert Einstein


Everything is working out

Everything is working out  as you knew it would.  Understand the process.  Know that thought is power.  You invite what you dream into your life.  You ask and receive what you are asking for from the moment your attitude and words align with your vision. Feel how it is to experience fulfillment and well-being.  Receive with open arms.  Feel the magnetic nature of it.  Whatever it is, its here.  View yourself being it and so it is!

As you create a vision, talk and write about it, this nurtures the will to make it real.  The universe guides you and shows you a way. Feel receptive.  Notice what unfolds as you are flexible and open-minded.    Open the heart. The focus of your energy is like magic.

How you think and feel always has an unseen vibration.  No reality is responsible for your vibration.  How you think and feel reflects your perception of reality. Change how you perceive.  Alter your experience of reality.  Simple. Deliberate creation is about staying in that good feeling place.  Visualize the best outcome.

"The Creative knows the great beginnings. The Receptive completes the finished things." -I Ching


Build on the legacy

Whatever you do in life, do what you love. Sense your legacy.  How do you see it? For whom is this legacy really? People you know and/or do not know? What about yourself?

At different life stages, notice what happens to your priorities. Notice what you begin to recognize emerging in 'the purpose of it all.' Notice what you have an urge to do or share more consciously, what you wish to give back as a gift or gesture to leave the world a little better than as you found it.   Ponder some examples;

1) Pinpoint key moments and experiences. Notice what you view as defining factors of or influence on your drive, focus and love for your discipline, livlihood, people or series of career moves.  How does all this factor into the bigger picture?

2) Networks & Communities.  Notice your core motivation.  The focus on networking is this: What *I* can learn, what am *I* interested in, how can *I* increase *my* visibility and growth. Networking is generally *self*interested.

The focus on community is more selfless in nature. Together *we* co-create know-how, build bridges, orphanages, wells, hospitals, schools, animal shelters/ reserves, endowments, foundations, non-profits and other projects. The view is nobody is as effective or far-reaching as *all*.  Altruistic networks emerge.

3) Connect with the hero inside yourself.  Notice how it feels to be balanced and fully human,.  That is, appreciate each aspect of yourself asit  is and all the wisdom that arises through experience,  Notice what stands out in your current awareness, who or what compliments or enriches your existence.

4) Acknowledge what is burning inside you. This is a wake-up call. You are beginning a process that is like a deep form of soul-searching.  Take notice of who or what you are helping in your daily practice and what comes into your awareness to cature your attention. Do you have the inclination to give time, money, services or something else out of generosity? Who are you helping? Notice where and when you desire nothing in return.

5) Allow energy to flow and watch- see beyond the physical things and potential effort exerted to the energy that speaks through you.  Love and serve yourself and others.  This kind of legacy speaks through vibration, waves, nature and that which is beyond words.

Share your perspective on building on a legacy.  What does it mean at this stage of life? Is it something you do, are doing must do, cannot do or something else?