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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in music (5)


Sound healing to re-align well-being

Many people are growing aware that breathwork can be a useful tool as part of a healing journey. 

Yet, you may not be aware of how powerful sound healing therapy can be as it combines breathing practices with healing sounds, energetic vibrations and frequencies.

Chanting and mantras involve vocalisation of tones. This chanting or repeating mantras is another ancient form of sound healing that can be combined with playing crystal healing bowls or tibetan bowls. The rhythmic vibrations produced by chanting are believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and can be incorporated into meditation practices.

Chanting and mantras are observed and felt to enrich wellbeing. They may promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance focus by engaging the mind with rhythmic vibrations. Some cultures and traditions suggest that specific sounds or mantras can harmonise energy and contribute to overall mental and emotional balance.  Many individuals find personal benefits from incorporating chanting and mantras into their wellness practises.

Beyond traditional instruments, music itself can be a powerful healing tool. Music therapy encompasses various approaches, including receptive and active forms. Receptive therapy involves listening to music, while active therapy involves creating or performing music. Both have been proven to promote healing and relaxation. The diversity of instruments available can complement different kinds of meditation (i.e. yoga nidra) and kriyas.

Overall, music therapy has shown positive effects on mental health, promoting relaxation, and facilitating emotional expression. Further, it has been shown to aid in physical rehabilitation, alleviate pain, and support individuals dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The personalised and non-verbal nature of music therapy makes it accessible and effective for many people.

If you feel you would benefit from sound healing, there are many ways to explore options. You may be drawn to in-person group events or personal healing sessions.   Contact me about breathwork and soundhealing services. A new Youtube channel will soon be emerging to showcase some of my approaches to sound healing.


Tune into syncronicity

Notice when multiple individuals enter your life and reveal something in common, its telling you to tune into intuition, pay closer attention to something and act. It synchronicity. We cannot see synchronicity, but we can see the consequence of it. That it, synchronicity draws attention to things we do not initially recognize.
Similarly, as stages of awakenings occur within, you cannot tell exactly what has happened to yourself but see the consequence of it in how you think and feel. Something mysterious is happening. The more you feel it, the more awareness expands, the more you start to grow aware something inside you will start responding to it. This is the activation of subtle senses that tune into energy.
In another way, what has happened in you can trigger unfolding processes in others. Your synchronicity cannot be the cause of my synchronicity. Yet, your awakenings can preciptate the 'ah-ha' processes of others. My awakenings can energetically reverberrate in ways that prompt others to see differently. That is, if something has happened somewhere and we become available to it, we remain vulnerable to it, something can start responding in us that is parallel to it.
So, if someone plays music that inspires you to dance, the urge to dance is not caused by the music. Its a parallel urge within you. Something dormant, the energetic urge to dance, is provoked, inspired. If it is a cause, then everyone would dance to the same music. That would be hypnotic trance of the Pied Piper.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Crop Circles

(Image: Hand of God Nebula; source: ESA)

Dream: I dreamed crop circles are being created on the side of the moon.  The sacred geometry is willed into place by a floating finger shape that is conducting stars like a symphony.  Patterns are drawn in the air (vaccuum) and materialize magically on a cosmic rock.  They are then projected from planet to planet like a film until they materialized in particular earth grain fields. Its as if they finally know where to materialize. They only stay until they disappear. 

Insight: crop circles represent communciation with your highest Self and reflects deep awareness of higher vibrational life forms.   You are tuning into suble senses and the presence of a wider reality. This invites you to pay attention to the mystical in everyday experiences.

Geometric shapes are widely viewed as highly symbolic as their configurations lead the dreamer towards inner completion or enlightenment.  Despite this, we are conditioned to seek fulfillment and success in external worlds, to nourish our own dissatisfaction, as though we are continually empty and repeatedly need filling up.  Such an insatiable hunger is perpetually unfulfilled and cannot guide us to the truth or what we truly are.

Symphonies are powerful expressions of creative energy. The presence of sound suggests the dreamer may be ready to express some strong feelings, may not know in exactly what form would be best understood to the intended audience.  It may call for an experiment, to test out and share one form of expression or another.

On a deeper level, focusing outside of us prevents or postpones subtle experiencing of Oneness that we already are.  We are in this world, but not of it.  It all comes back to facing our own mind which is the source of love as well as all of our suffering.  The process invites us to reclaim inner power over our own mind, putting that into practice, one thought and feeling at a time. 

So, on some level, we are each the key to deciphering our own crop circles. Much like we can each look at a cloud in the clear blue sky and see something different, we can all tune into crop circles and allow them to guide us to hear not only the silent music of the spheres, but also our own self-created music and harmony.

Among our services, we offer Dream Consultations as well as an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course. Contact us for more details.


Let go of limitation

Notice as we let go of limited ideas of who we are, the fluid truth reveals itself. The more mysterious something is, the more we come to think we understand it until we are humbled by what the universe reveals though us. It dawns that a constant decoding process of the brain and sensory systems allows us to experience perception, create a reality based on illusions happening outside us.
Turns out, based on color spectrum, the colours that we are not are projected back into the world around us for us to see. Our perception is between 360 to 720 nanometers. We have 88 octaves of experience across spectrum of sound, thought. Light is the 55 octave above sound. This is the only octave of visible spectrum. Beyond that is the non-visible spectrum. The pineal gland is that part of us that translates light beyond the visible spectrum. The pixels we thought are us, are not us but only reflect the light signature of us in motion. Each time we think we move, a whole other group of pixels are reflecting us. The only limitations are the beliefs we hold consistently, such as time. Otherwise, the real is energy in constant motion.
Based on Hermetics, the entire universe is mental not material. What we perceive in the external world is not material, its energy. How we decode it changes based on level of consciousness. Our beliefs, expectations create a reality unless something shifts and wider awareness takes over. Linear time only exists in the mind. Actually everything happens now, every reincarnation exists simultaneously. Let go of all that you have been taught. Feel the way into the next stage of remembering. Shatter your own myths.
So, from an infinite point of view, no such thing as past lives exist, only parallel lives we jump into, at will. As we move into higher dimensions of vibration, the world around us starts to shift into this new vibration in resonance. This creates changes in our perceptions and has effects retro-causally. This means we live in a different timeline and certain changes are noticed like the spelling of a brand name or pattern of glasses.
As we elevate consciousness, all dimensions of time also change. We notice the result of the change of consciousness rather than how this happens or what we must do to get here. The urge to analyze falls away. This process is all about transcendence of judgement and duality. We are the designer of our own game for the benefit of our one conscious expansion. The reason we exist is to remember how to love and receive love. Choosing love accelerates the motion of energy, allows us to activate dormant systems. The things we do not like about ourselves simply project in the world around us and take shape in ways that perpetuate a visious circle so we continue to believe lies.
As authenticity arises, we fall in love with Self, and everything else as well. This is the path to illuminate from within, to recognize one is and has always been enlightened. In duality, we simply do not see see things as they are, but how we judge ourselves until judgment ceases and love is all that remains. What we assume is bad or not working as we had hoped in our lives, eventually turns out to be a blessing and precipitates shifts.
Consider the analogy of musical intervals. Musical chords can be played in ascending or descending order and change the vibrational effect. The seed of sadness has within it the seed of love and joy. Depending on the order of notes played, different emotions are evoked. Inverse relationships of music are profound. As consciousness expands, big connections stand out. 
For example, research reveals thirteen musical intervals (full spectrum of sound) are perfectly represented by the geometric pyramids of Giza Plateau. Sound is the absorption of light. Its representaation in wave form is a rainbow spectrum of light. This suggests the pyramid complex is a musical key. In 3D, we are taught time only moves forward. Yet from a higher dimension, time flows backward and forward. It is retrocausal. Turns out, time is a torus that loops on itself.
So, we have a view of the universe that is grounded in our unique perception and observation bias. Step outside of that, and see that our sense of reality has been grounded on a recurrent pattern. We incarnate to recognize and get past our self-created patterns to remember who we truly are beyond all that. Engaging in conscious alchemy takes the experience to whole new levels.



The power of sound

Music offers a range or vibrations.  What you listen to is not always what you hear. You may underestimate the power of sound to uplift, renew and restore, and also to effect your flow.

Notice music effects your mood, sense of health and well-being. Notice certain kinds of music appeal based on your thoughts and emotions. If you feel sad, do you listen to music to wallow or do you reach for sounds that enable you to feel better? If you feel under the weather, or wish to shift focus after a hard day, do you instinctively tune the radio to a specific station? Reflect on genres of music that trigger a range of emotions. What attracts and alienates you? Notice what closes you off, evokes hard feelings. What soothes the soul is soft, peaceful, harmonious.  Notice whether you tune in your thoughts and words to the frequency of well-being or talk your way out of it.  You are not your words but may come to believe them.

As you act to raise your vibration, you also sharpen senses and open to higher awareness. Everything has a vibration even if your ears do not register. Know the range of sounds you think you listen to is not the only kind of sounds you hear. Vibrations penetrate consciously and unconsciously. All sound arises in and vanishes into silence. This quiet vibration is the loudest sound many people claim not to hear. Notice what apparent lack of sound feels like.  Under which conditions or where do you sense unconditional love, balance, or acceptance?

As an energy transmitter, you relay vibrations as a form of communication. The nature of your vibration affects the clarity of your vision, senses and the depth of your imagination. Each vibration has an impact on allowing or resisting harmony of body mind and spirit.  Have confidence to inquire beyond all notions.  Feelings are more intimate than thought. Reflect on what happens as you feel the sound and silent vibration of Tibetan Singing Bowls.