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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in nature (70)


3 Ways to know truth for yourself 

Everything in life is a pointer that invites you to experience greater clarity. Imagine you are a mirror and choose to polish it. Ask yourself what it is to feel liberated. This is grasped in relation to its opposite. You measure heartfelt wisdom through direct experience.  Explore how it feels.

1) Let go of your reasons.  You are your own judge and jury.  Life gives you all the evidence to confirm what you value.  Be aware of how you navigate through life.  What represents your compass and reference points? Let them go. The helm of the ship knows how to steer itself.

2) Allow the Self to disappear. Be aware of what you cling to and how you create stepping stones or maps to follow in life.  Ponder the possibility that you do things for no reason.  Only the truth knows why things happen.  The mind can only imagine ideas of the truth.  You cannot change something using the same level of consciousness that creates it. Something sees beyond.

3) Say nothing.  See everything.  Nature is an infinite spectrum of miracles.  You are a telescope.  What you see is limited by filters. See them as they are and they dissolve instantly. 


7 Ways to see through lens of Soul 

Nothing and everything is unfolding in this same moment.  Wherever you think you are, all that is unfolding gives you opportunities to connect with and embrace reliable soul guidance.  Seeing through the lens of Soul is being aware of the bigger picture or deeper reasons for your choices.  Ponder seven ways to see life as it is through the lens of Soul or Higher awareness:

1) Recognize whatever you perceive arises with its opposite.  Positive and negative thoughts arise together just as opposite words produce each other and merge.  Each points to the other as a lesson to recognize the underlying message that is revealing itself.

2) Move without teaching. Simply be yourself without the intention to do anything. Watch the mind. You can move physically and be still inside.  Every choice you make is being watched. You never know who is watching, or seeing life differently due to what you say or do.  Imagine every step you take is inspiring yourself in another situation.  Be your own student and teacher.

3) Live such that you possess nothing yet appreciate everything.  Possession here implies thoughts of exerting control and attaching.  From the moment you realize what is real cannot be owned, you relax more in life, welcome what comes and appreciate impermanence.

4) Do not glorify heroes.  Come to see everything as a divine reflection and you are awake to true divine nature.  You no longer put people on pedestals or view anyone as better or worse.  Rather, you see everything as different versions of you drawing true essence to the surface.

5) Live in humility.  Ambitions weaken as they lose your attention. Do what you do without the aim of recognition.  Presume nothing.  Be devoted to heartfelt gestures for no reason.

6) Be empty. When you are empty, you are bottomless and you have infinite uses and paths. It means move in peace.When you do not treasure objects, you do not worry they could be stolen or taken away.

7) Respect natural order.  Notice the divine flow.  Allow nature to be the ultimate teacher.  It only ever reflects who you are at the core.  Everything arises from and disappears into silence.


6 Ways to appreciate change

Many people ground themselves in what is familiar and assume it is permanent.  You may resist change and seem to have difficulties when you encounter what seems to be perpetual change. Notice what stays the same is impermanence.  Be aware adjusting to this changes your life.  Consider these six ways to appreciate change that can be explored further, at your leisure:

1) Ground yourself in what feels good. Rather than focus on what bothers you, or on what you do not think is working, focus instead on things that feel positive and uplifting.  

2) See it as a turning point.  Notice every change is a milestone and a wake-up call.  Pay attention to the learning curve and opportunities to unlearn what you are ready to let go.  

3) Look to Nature.  Recognize that something has to disintegrate or fall apart before something new can emerge or be built in its place. Look to nature for examples of how plants, flowers and trees grow and pass away to make room for the up and coming.  Appreciate where you are.  See value in every stage.

4) Be alert to conditioning. Know joy is something you can choose to experience every moment, every day, in every experience just as negativity is a choice.  

5) Be empowered to know you create every change unfolding in your life. You can gain insight into yourself by recognizing higher consciousness always puts you in situations you can handle.

6) Get proactive.  Know you are ready to make the changes you wish to see in your life.  Whether its  relationship beginnings, transitions or endings, a career or geographical move, parenthood, or other new chapters of life, your focus and attitude help you weather storms.


10 Ways to Love Yourself More

Every moment is worth appreciating.  Whether you are reaching for new kinds of balance, success or guidance for something else, know everything in life is speaking to you.  Loving yourself and the world more consciously involves raising awareness of how you think and feel now and how this is reflected in and by the external world.  Notice what you are overlooking.

Notice what you overlook.  Be empowered.  Reflect on ten ways you can love yourself more:

1) Nurture the Physical Body- notice what you feed your body and how you care for it.  Raise awareness of how ingestion, digestion and elimination are really going. Be aware this is a feedback system.  The state of the physical body is a pointer to the state of your energy body.

2) Strengthen the Energy Body- notice the essence of being is energy and energy surrounds the physical body.  Whole, natural, raw and organic foods are rich in electromagnetic energy. Exercise, deep breathing, Qigong, Tai Chi, gardening, walking barefoot on earth, being outside in the sun and fresh air and near vegetation, prayer and meditation all invigorate the energy body. 

3) Read the Emotional Body- notice emotions are a gauge for how well you are listening to the heart. The more positive emotions you experience, the truer you are being to yourself.  The more negative emotions arising within you, the more you resist what the heart knows is right for you at this stage of life.   Emotions offer insight into your organs, systems and energy and how near or far you are to peace. The more you understand, identify and release emotions, the more you get messages your bodies are sending you and the more you show love to your true self.   

4) Address Imbalances- notice loving yourself implies being interested in why you do the things you do, why you think and feel as you do.  make connections  Notice the power of awareness to help identify what ails you and different approaches you can take to alleviate the suffering.  Nobody knows you better than you can know yourself.  Acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, aromatherapy, deep muscle massage like Rolfing, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, sound therapy, other forms of energy medicine, intuitive counselling, and meditation all help reveal and address imbalances or mis-alignments. 

5) Do Yoga- notice yoga is a mind, body and spirit practice which stems from ancient India.  Its aim is to connect with the divine and raise awareness of the feeling state of permanent peace. Various styles of yoga combine physical poses, breathing and meditation techniques.  Classes exist for all levels from beginner to advanced. Do yoga to be aware of muscles and abilities you did not know you have.  Discover where you hold tension or blocks to balance and well-being.

6) Be aware of Etheric Bodies- notice "etheric" generally means not visible to the naked eye. Recognize you are like an iceberg with the physical, 'visible' part of you like the part of the iceberg that is above water and the larger part of you like the much bigger part of the iceberg hidden to the eye under water. Loving yourself fully implies being open to exploring those things about yourself do not see or understand with the familiar senses. That which you resist persists.

7) Appreciate Spontaneity- notice that impulsive, spontaneous behaviour enables you to take an invisible load off, de-stress and somehow breathe easier.  No need to explain it, simply attune to impulses and explore them.  The urge to drop what you are doing and be light-hearted has a place. Dance in the rain, blow bubbles, have a pillow fight or do what comes naturally.  This is orienting you to what the heart knows.  Love only knows love.  Relish the signs and signals.

8) Listen Differently- notice that true listening is not limited to the physical ears and related organs.  Listening deeply involves detecting feelings, intuition, exploring dreams, dream symbols or dream therapy, unexplainable reasons you are drawn to particular people, conditions or experiences. Listen without the ears.  See everything is communicating.  How accurately you listen to others,  reveals how well you are actually listening to yourself.

9) Expand your Horizons- notice excitement and energy you generate when you undertake something new.  Doing something new makes you feel more awake and alive. Its healthy and uplifting to challenge yourself when you feel inspired and joyful.  Never take sparks of curiosity or positive feelings for granted.  They direct you in ways that are true to the heart.

10) Enjoy Nature more- notice that being in nature is not about where you go, it is about being in the now moment and observing how nature does this. Surround yourself with the harmony of nature and see this as a mirror for what is going on inside yourself.  This has nothing to do with what you may have done in the past or could be in future.  See what nature does without thinking.  be like the water.  Go with the flow.  Be like a tree.  Bend in the wind.

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Recognize the nature of choices

As you begin to recognize the nature of your choices, you can grow more conscious of what you are choosing and which aspects of experience are of particular benefit to you. Be aware what stands out. Notice the nature of your own specialized conditioning, your beliefs and selective attention. Notice that when you cease to focus on something, it no longer matters. Notice the intensity of your emotions and what they are telling you.

Notice how you feel about dreams. Notice whether you value them and how this directly relates to  your dream recall. Notice whether you are willing to open yourself more widely to dream messages and validity and if not, why not.  When you are willing to explore dreams, you are opening yourself to be more conscious about who you are.  You are opening to new levels of communication with deeper parts of your being.

Every night, you see from the perspective of Spirit. You know you are multi-layered and multi-dimensional and present at every level. From this space, you explore a wide open framework free of time and space.  This is a powerful window into the broader reasons why you choose what you do in this highly-focused physical reality. That which you remember about dreams is simply a translation through the biological senses and the filters through which you define experience. Notice how you are trained to recall and overlook certain details.  Be open to exploring. You are connected to love.