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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Uncover Evolving Life Purpose: 12 questions

As you reach a life stage when you are ready to explore or shift life purpose, you are ready for new levels of reflection.  Sit down in a quiet place with some paper and a pen or a computer. Answer these questions.  Be honest.  You are doing this for yourself:

1) When someone asks you to describe yourself, which words do you use? Notice you form your identity with words. Notice how would you like to shift this self- view. Write some experiences you would like to explore; different passions and perspectives. Watch how your sense of purpose evolves though words you write and speak aloud.

2) What do you enjoy doing with with the physical body? Notice the nature of your body image and identity. Notice the common belief about life purpose is "I am (what I do with my body)". For example, you may say: I am a boxer and my life purpose is boxing or I am a drummer and my life purpose is drumming.  Be aware you are not limited to what you do with your body at any life stage. If you cease to use your body one way, this does not mean you no longer have a purpose. True purpose is independent of conditions. How you feel about yourself points to but does not identify life purpose. Notice body experiences catalyze desire for new ones. Be aware the body itself is simply an experience the wider you is choosing.   The body is not all you are and not who you will always be. Watch how your perception of your body and purpose are changing.

3) What do you enjoy that engages other aspects of self (mind, spirit & senses)? Notice how it feels to expand beyond a limited body identity. Ease into a wider level of perception. Notice something watches, engages and triggers the body and emotions. For instance, a sense of the dearly departed, insight into what your children or lovers are doing when they are out of sight, and knowing who is going to call before the phone rings, are signs of wider perception. Know you engage in wider frameworks of communication as a pivot point.  Life purpose evolves based on your awareness and vantage point. Recognize the position from which you are looking affects how you view yourself, your purpose and priorities.  Notice you are many things, not one thing.

4) What are your strengths actually telling you? Notice whether what you like to do is what you are told are your strengths. Notice whether you come to believe what you are told or listen to the heart and do what feels right regardless of what others say.

5) What brings you a sense of freedom? Notice what prompts you to focus on a particular mission or end result. Your beliefs. See through the light of understanding. There is actually nothing you are tied into, no karma. Nobody is making you do anything except you. All scripts are changable. Imagine how life feels with subtle shifts of practice and identity.  Notice your views on control. When ready, discover you physically translate as events what Spirit conceives as a feeling and energy patterns. The mind inteprets or translates symbols of freedom while the spirit embodies it.

6) Which experiences awaken and nurture your confidence? Notice fear is learned. Love and acceptance (confidence) are innate. Notice perceived challenges serve you, draw attention to who you are beyond fear. Notice what sorts of connections you are making with what you do, with what you have done and envision doing.

7) Imagine how you see the world as a person with limited physical senses. Notice which senses are magnified? missing? What compensates for the absence of others? Notice how feelings and what you have available to you is used to construct your reality. Notice how multiple perspectives are available to you. Notice how you are able to more consciously access these resources or what is required of you to do so.

8) If you could teach something to others, what would you teach? Jot down a message you would like to share with a group. Brainstorm how you would do this. Imagine what you are doing in five years and behave as if you already are. 

9) What would you do if money was not an issue? Notice judgments about money that surface and how they reveal mental blocks of scarcity.  This can prevent you from doing what you love. 

10) Write your own eulogy. How would you like to be remembered ?

11) Who do you truly want to be? Be aware of which aspect(s) of you enjoys life most and how you can you focus more attention and energy here.

12) Who inspires you? Notice the qualities of these inspirations awakening in you.  Notice you are integrating aspects of these lives into yourself. Notice the larger part of you is already conscious of experiencing these lives.  Notice the larger part of you is having experiences that the physical you is feeling. Be aware any life challenges you take on relate to evolving and transforming into who you want to become. The larger part of you knows everything is unfolding in complete harmony.

If you wish to explore these and related life questions in more detail, to be empowered and inspired, contact us about our life coaching services.