Go deeper

The deeper we explore our beliefs and the reasons why we nurture certain dreams, the more intimately we grow to know ourselves. Funny thing is, many people are consciously unaware how they relate to body and mind, and how they are deluded by the boundaries and ideas they conjure up. When was the last time you looked at yourself naked and saw through some of your own misunderstandings?
The deeper we go, the more separation disappears. Notice whom you admire and for which reasons, perceived qualities, accomplishments, ways of thinking or being. What if everything you notice in your scope is a mirror for something you are invited to learn about true self? What if the essence of being starts empty?
As you imagine you belong to no country, you have no religion, affiliation, or race, you sense the meaning of discarding all labels and descriptions of adopted identity. What remains? How does the process serve you? This meaningful journey invites you to peel away layers of what is not you : Transform Your Life.