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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in soul (109)


Live the Hero's Journey

(Visionary art- "Soul's Journey by Rassouli)
Notice ongoing upheavals mean we each encounter challenges and are confronted with some very tough decisions. Some view this as opportunity for soul growth. Old mindsets or thinking may be threatened. Intuition or spirit within compels us to take steps to move ahead. These situations are meant to test us, strengthen us, and hone our complete trust or surrender to the unknown.
Although yoga echoes we each embody all we need, much like genetic material in a seed only unleashed in proper conditions, core knowing arises in stages based on evolving consciousness.
So, according to Joseph Campbell, we are on a Hero's journey. That is, we are each the hero of our own epic tale. At pivotal moments, we get calls to action, such as direct threats to our safety, family, ethics, way of life or to peace of our community. Our comfort zone is disrupted to prompt us to go on a quest. This compels automatic writing to join dots of our unique journey.
If we refuse the call to take steps the heart knows are necessary to be in harmony with our core essence, we are repeatedly prompted with situations that evoke our discomfort. Still, if we doubt our abilities to move forward, or make excuses, refuse to take full and complete responsibility, resist change, buy into fear, we suffer, until we get the message to let go of the familliar, trust ourselves more.
At key stages, we invite mentors into our lives to guide us back on track, to see and accept our own light. They could give us an object, insight into issues we face, wise advice, practical training, even inspire self-confidence. Whatever the mentors provide, this serves to dispel our doubts and fears, give us strength, courage, humour to propel ahead through stages of our soul journey. As a teaching resonates, this moves us forward, gives us confidence to rise to the next level, take the next step of our path or destiny.
As we integrate new energy, our focus of attention and priorities shift. Ready to act on a call to adventure, we recognize the physical, spiritual or emotional, or multidimensional nature of our journey. Each of us may go willingly or may be pushed. Either way, we must cross the threshold between the familiar and unfamilliar worlds. It may be leaving home, a relationship or job or just doing something else we fear. However, as new thresholds present, taking action to face fear signifies our commitment to the unknown journey and whatever it may have in store for us.
Once out of our comfort zone, we are confronted with an ever more difficult series of challenges that repeatedly test us. Obstacles are thrown across our path; whether they be physical hurdles or people presenting to thwart our progress. We must overcome each challenge that arises on the journey towards the ultimate goal or transmutation of energy.
Its tricky at times, but we must learn who can be trusted and who can't. We may earn allies and meet enemies who will, each in their own way, help prepare use for the greater ordeals. This is the stage where our skills and/or powers are tested and every obstacle that we face helps us gain deeper insight into our patterns, character and ultimately deeper soul insight.
At some stage, we encounter unforeseen danger or magnify an inner conflict which up until now, we have not had to face. Through the course of experience, we prepare before taking that final leap into the great unknown. We may once again face some of the doubts and fears that first surfaced during our original call to adventure. We may take time to reflect on the sensitive nature of our journey and the treacherous road ahead to find courage to continue. This magnifies tension in view of the ultimate test.
The Supreme Ordeal may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that we must face to survive or for the world in which we live to continue. Whether it be facing his greatest fear or most deadly foe, we must draw upon all of our skills and experiences gathered upon the path to overcome this difficult challenge.
Only through some form of "death" can we be reborn, know the symbolic resurrection that somehow grants us greater power or insight necessary in order to fulfill our destiny. This is the high-point of our story and where everything we value is put on the line. If we fail, we will either die or life as we know it will never be the same.
After defeating the inner enemy, reframing death and overcoming our greatest personal challenge, we are ultimately transformed into a new state, emerging from battle as a stronger person and often with a symbolic transformation.
What we gain may present as an object of great value or power, a secret, greater knowledge or insight, or even reconciliation with a loved one or self and existence. Whatever form or state the treasure is, it facilitates our return to and focus on a new World.
At this point in the Hero's journey, its like a reverse echo of the Call to Adventure. We come full circle, create a new sense of "home" with an earned reward. Anticipation of danger is replaced with that of acclaim, vindication, absolution or even exoneration of self or someone close to us, the external. The moment arises when we must choose between personal gain and Higher Cause.
This is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with symbolic death. The final battle also represents something far greater than our physical existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to our Ordinary World and the lives of those we left behind on our quest.
If we fail, others will suffer and this places more weight upon our shoulders. Ultimately we will succeed, move through obstacles and emerge from battle purified and reborn. We emerge as a mature, enlightened being. Through the course of our journey, we learn and unlearn, face dangers, even death but start a new life. Our return may inspire hope to those once forgotten, offer a direct solution to their problems or perhaps a new perspective.
The final reward may be literal or metaphoric. It could be a cause for celebration, self-realization or an end to strife. Whatever it is, it represents three things: change, success, proof of our journey. The return "home", to true nature, signals things will never be the same



5 Tips to Live More Fully

Consider 5 Tips to Live more fully. 
1. Be true to yourself 
What you the most pressing issues in your life? Safety and survival are key.  Live a life that aligns with your own values, dreams, rather than trying to put up appearances or meet the expectations of others. Embrace your authenticity and follow a heartfelt path.
2. Prioritize what truly matters
How long have you been enduring key challenges? Perhaps long enough? Now is the moment to make new choices.  Stop getting caught up in appearances, pursuit of material things or societal notions of success. Instead, focus on relationship with self, what brings joy, love, and fulfillment.
3. Express your feelings
What are you working to resolve? How have choices so far been working out for you?  Do not suppress your emotions or keep your thoughts and feelings hidden. Practice honest and open communication, expressing your emotions and needs in a respectful manner. This can lead to deeper connections and more meaningful relationships or, simply guides you out of a situation that may not be good for your soul and overall well-being.
4. Cultivate friendships
Make time for your friends and nurture those relationships. Prioritize human connection and invest in meaningful connections that bring support, joy, and shared experiences.  Value interconnectedness.
5. Choose joy
Allow yourself to experience joy and happiness. Don't postpone happiness for some unknown time or wait for external circumstances to dictate your well-being. Find joy in the present moment and actively seek out activities and experiences that bring you happiness. Remind yourself you create your conditions and can change thoughts as well as circumstances. Many underestimate the power of intentiom. 

Be the Phoenix that transcends cycles

Notice the phoenix is a universal symbol of death and rebirth. It echoes what exists beyond cycles of regeneration, deeper transformation, transmutation, immortality. Referred to as a "thunderbird" in Native American cultures, this creature is widely felt to shape weather, wield inner power and abundance.
As a dream symbol, the phoenix echoes we are each a portal to a new reality. As energy, we dematerialize and rematerialize or re-invent ourselves. Our projections reflect state of our inner world. Every moment, we are source of our own fire and ashes, embody courage to face challenges, know soul itself is indestructible.
So, essence of being continues after death. The energy of consciousness is eternal. Even though our current physical body, 5 aggregates (physical form, feeling, perception, mental formation & consciousness), this physical energy may disappear, wider consciousness is. Truth is beyond belief. Energy continues. Awareness linked to our individual body is impermanent as it depends on things to be aware of.
To go beyond ego’s false ideas before physical death, allows transcendence. Yet, until that uncontrolled (unconscious) energy is exhausted, the cycle of death and rebirth continues. So, after death, soul returns, maybe in a dualistic realm similar to here where pleasure and pain, fear and happiness are available. But in another uncontrolled rebirth, we might be reborn as an animal or in what we call hell.
Come what may, hell doesn’t mean an endless situation or a place we cannot escape. Hell is not a permanent state. It is also not something outside of us that we have to fight. Hell is a vibration of consciousness. Hellish environments arise from our consciousness, from negative projections. Thus, feelings and frequencies create our reality. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a burning place waiting for those who deserve punishment. Nobody but ourselves puts us here. When our consciousness is ready, our hologram materializes based on vibration.
Rebirth, disease and death—these are basic human sufferings. But the nature of hell is extreme suffering that is far greater than the usual human sufferings. Despite its intensity, that state is also impermanent. It does not last and is not static and unchangeable. When the energy for that state of consciousness ends, another arises, until one stabilizes the cycles and is fazed by nothing.
Turns out, mental projection creates every experience, not belief. Discomfort may arise, whether you believe in it or not. It all comes back to energy vibration, frequency and inner magic. We are each like a phoenix that has unforeseen potential to unleash.



Are you a Soul Walk-in?


Notice Soul walk-ins echo a perspective of interdimensional reality. This is about original Soul departing from its body and being replaced by another Soul with a different reason for incarnating -no need to begin as an infant this round. Sometimes cosmic agreements of exchange exist so an incoming soul can complete unfinished business from other incarnations or manage an ongoing Soul matter on this plane. Souls may know the timing of a walk-in interchange before incarnating, or life conditions shift during an in-body experience to cause a Soul to request an exchange.
As walk-ins integrate, they bring their own mental, emotional, spiritual consciousness and evolve the life to resonate with their purpose and intentions. This can involve abrupt changes in relationship, work, lifestyle, habits of its new body. Incarnating into a fully grown body allows the walk-in Soul to bypass trials usually encountered on the path to adulthood. A walk-in also has no childhood conditioning and thus has a spiritual relationship to existence, being tuned into to stream of cosmic consciousness which is more connected to Source. In another view, multiple souls exist in layers within the same being, each having different memories in a symbiont body. (Consider Dax in Deep Space 9).
In essence, one can detect elements of truth in everything and takes stories as pure fiction or as glimpses of parallel vibrational realities. Some visions resonate more than others. Resistance is itself a teacher. Each view can represent a perception or fragment that once integrated, creates a more expanded version of wholeness in a cosmic spectrum.




What lets true light emerge?

Notice what will get through or touch a person's heart is not always obvious. At a given moment, we may taste deep longing to be open, vulnerable, yet remain closed off. What will crack the chest open? What will activate, let light emerge, from Heart and Soul? Entering into the unified energy field does, but to be here requires we consciously face the ultimate initiation. We may be touched by a sensitive gaze, pure presence, shaktipat. We may fall into love or hate with another. The hard thing is to be touched energetically, let inhibitions go. Once emotionally connected as friend or enemy, magic happens. Energy is harnessed, transformed, transmuted.
Growing or expanding into our mature energetic state happens very fast without resistance. Soul growth occurs as we endure sacrifice, challenges, letting go of what we think we value. Only then do we gain freedom at the expense of ego's neediness and fear. To attain fearlessness requires honouring oneSelf on all levels. Sounds easy. Yet, in practice, egoic thoughts suffer from bondage- distrust, dishonesty, disharmony. This dense energy weighs heavy.
That is, we come to distrust the self, the other, universe, and this can lead to paranoia, leading us to fear risk-taking, fear speaking our truth or being overbearing, while feeling we walk on eggshells. Resistance to love relates to those who cared for us and those who didn't meet or abandoned our needs, those who cared too much or too little. To integrate energies of both loving and neglectful carers in our field, restores balance. Fear of the unpleasant, unknowable, is another issue the ego finds hard to surmount. Yet, right now, infinite opportunites exist to shed light on darkness, find wholeness.