Entries in soul (109)
Come Full Circle
(Image by Mareh Kohen)
Notice at a given moment, you can only ever do "your best" based on your current insight, level or stream of consciousness. A focal point of awareness knows there is never anything wrong with you or how you do anything. How and what we see is simply a matter of perspective. Purpose and circle of compassion simply change (expand or contract) based on sense of self. So long as you view yourself as a separate individual, purpose is related to time and distance imagined to reach "success," in forms of a job, life role, sense of community or experience. As you tune into the Soul, and reframe 'coming full circle,' the only purpose is to love everything and everyone equally not only in mind, but also consistently in practice. There is nowhere to go, nothing to become. As it dawns love and acceptance are here now, one's circle of compassion expands. One gently stops recognizing difference or attempting to prove oneself, stops comparing and judging. Imagined boundaries dissolve. The ego mind could never understand for it cannot comprehend unity, equality or interconnectedness. The more you notice fear and/or love speaking through you, the more you come to notice the ego comes and goes whereas true divine Being is ever-present. As timeless Being takes the helm and navigates the ship (human body-mind), then choices change and love is the ultimate purpose and motivation in every area of your life. Trust and surrender are the compass. This does not often happen instantly, but it does happen. We are each like a stone skipping across the cosmic ocean, leaving ripples, deciding what stacks up, changing vibration in due course.
Sound guides us back to harmony
Notice our original ancestors used sound and light in harmonious healing spheres to bring transformation and information to all surface life beings. Sound transforms and light informs. Each Soul that arrived on Earth had its own musical frequency, and all living beings are still enriched with a core vibration, which often goes undetected. Each note is originally attuned to the music of Gaia, this primordial sound print literally vibrated through every cell of everybody. Its possible to tune in deeply to our soul selves and also hear the sound print or note of each plant, each mineral, tree, animal and human being. This and other natural abilities grow sharper as part of awakening based on alignment of cosmic vibration. The ancient catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis came about through the mis-creation of sound within the Crystals of Gaia. Disharmony still occurs today through the existence of ‘noise’. The noise referred to is created by things like machines, chemical toxicity, electromagnetic interference and negative emotionality. Now is the moment to harmonize the Earth to the great note of the individual, planetary and galactic Soul. Each step we take to live more consciously eases us into harmony with Soul, and we align with the music of the soul of the Earth and Cosmos. This entrains the energy field of all living beings to absorb more light. Thus, any darkness that lies within the cells is seen as it is and the living being is transformed into light. (Art by Lisa J. Winter)
Sharpen Soulful Observation
Notice one is never alone. Instances may arise where it feels like your Soul is slowly suffocating, where part of you is holding back from truly living. You may fear failure, judgment or rejection. If, like me, you’ve felt the pulling in your heart and the weight on your shoulders in different directions, it helps to remember discomfort is part of you. Whatever you think or feel at this moment, relates to memories or visions, energies flowing through your etheric and filtering into your mind and emotions. They are valid parts of your life and ways your Soul may be communicating, asking for attention, healing, or change. Life reveals we cannot move forward or listen to Soul if we always pretend to be happy or avoid pain. It surfaces to be loved and accepted. Wisdom is about embracing every struggle and being fully who you are. Soul often speaks to us through life events. The key here is to be observant, see beyond ego. Rather than ask what you want from life, love, or your calling, ask what is best for everyone. Soul may echo very clearly a new path beckons, you've outgrown a career or relationship, are ready study a new subject, move to a new place or create a completely different life. Or, your Soul may echo to practice patience and stick with your current focal point even though it’s hard. Only you know when a lesson is fully learned or whether you still have room left to grow where you are. Trust yourself. Know also that whatever we experience in our physical, emotional and other bodies reflects how we experience Earth's energy, magnetic fields and ongoing shifts in consciousness.
Engage intuition interdimensionally
Notice everything is a state of mind which emits a frequency. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and deepen awareness of subtle energies and realms right here. This is about activating, strengthening innate abilities and systems to move through dimensions at will. Recall intuition is language of the Soul. Astral and other Beings pierce the veil and observe human activities in 3-D yet, only as one expands consciousness does one glimpse astral beings and travellers as well as venture consciously to explore other stellar worlds.