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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in time (68)


Allow Soul Truth to reveal itself

Notice everything is always here yet everything is not always seen as it is in true colour. All secrets reveal themselves through the evolution of consciousness. Nothing is hidden that will not be made known. We gradually bring our own light to our shadows, to what we are willing to accept and integrate into our version of reality. As frequency shifts happen, the layers peel away to revel the core. When ready, we grow aware of what had been rejected, take steps to retrieve Soul fragments; Everything I have taken from others, I consciously return with Love. Everything that has been taken from me I now reclaim. Know the Soul is greater than anything that seems to be missing. This is the Path to recognizing our own wholeness.


Resolve the unresolvable

(Image: Time Travel by Mark Golding)
Notice the multiverse is increasingly self-evident. In this 3D "Earth" reality, we are upgrading to hold a huge amount of high frequency energy in the physical body and shifting to rely on visceral functions. As huge energy influxes intensify, the physical body is pushed to it's limits. Our human mind is being pushed beyond it's limits on purpose. We are activating limitless being. Emotional energies surface to be pushed out of our physical body vessel. ​Earth vibrations are rising. Our bodies are upgrading to hold more light, purging what we are not/never truly were, all the false stories, all the discord/delusions and programs held deep inside our physical structure. As full recalibration occurs, we no longer need this. Linear time is fading. Certain memories remain to inspire and help awaken others to the bigger Truth. Our human experiment or experience exists for us to completely transcend from within. As "you" unify inside, the illusion of separation ("time") falls away. Limits once "imposed", dissolve. It dawns we exist vibrationally, and thus bypass the constraints of time, itself an illusion held in the human body template- mind. As our body de-densifies, we physically move into higher frequency bandwidths. That which was not possible before, arises as our new reality. Each timeline collapse is actually a convergence, a unification of all time. The apparent quickening occurs as all existences within those previous vibrations are caught in the collapse or convergence all merge into one. All of those realities unresolved or needing to be resolved/unresolvable merge "into the same space", where one has not completed each cycle, finalized all details, tied up all loose ends dangling before the convergence occurs. will be on many dimensional levels, if you will. Inside, with each other, vibrationally... as all come together to unite, to anchor the highest vibrational realities into your physical one. As each fully embraces their own soul purposes/missions here, as each realizes that everyone is important here, as each understands that which their human cannot comprehend, as each transcends all separation from within. 

Become a conscious vortex

Notice real time is not linear or limited, but rather, a vortex that bridges infinite gateways and dimensions. As we step outside electromagnetic interference and false conditioning, reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy into the space-time of the mind. Physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. From the farthest star that we can see in space, to the tiniest particles that can only be seen by their effect upon visible matter, its all energy and data, radiating from infinite zero points within all things. As we evolve, we recall our past and see ourselves differently, as if tuning into different frequencies or seeing from varied points on a piece of sacred geometry. Events viewed during childhood or adolescence are seen differently during stages of adulthood. The more experience we have, the more we grow, the more our sense of time is in flux in the present moment. The only reality is direct experience. Our changing viewpoint reframes our experience, makes it seem as if the past is shifting. What we envision as "a future" (possible timeline) is constantly changing based on our state of consciousness, where innersight reveals more of the bigger energetic picture. As we expand into multidimensional being, it dawns that different aspects of self are experiencing the now differently; our sense organs on left and right sides, diverse cells, DNA, internal organs. All experience is registered in collective consciousness which is why it is possible to shift focus, sense of time and viewpoint at any moment. As we let go of the limiting urge to measure and define, we ease into an energetic continuum of space-time. Hyper-dimensional and inter-and multi-dimensional travel cannot be truly understood or explained by the logic or sequential events. One of the most life-transforming shifts a human being makes involves shifting from viewing self in terms of time, quantifiable breaths and a finite lifespan, to where you merge with energy, the breath, know you are timeless consciousness animating the body, that you are in truth, infinite and immortal. Truth is death is an illusion of mind. It is not about vanishing into oblivion but becoming pure awareness, where you experience everything and are conscious of being the space-time continuum itself.


Activate a process older than time

(Image credit: Sacred geometry 9 by Endre Balogh)
Notice interdimensional travel happens as we master the breath, reinstate the full endocrine system and co-creative systems as well as natural energy functions. Intrinsic is the interaction with geometry that echoes coherence, wholeness and the truth that the human body is itself an antenna for receving, decoding and transmitting unseen energies. The Template Ceremonies help to reinstate the Source Code. Beyond the limits of this dualistic paradigm, human DNA and consciousness were manipulated. The original "transcendental human" can access any time or energy level in the universe. We each have potential to raise awareness, reclaim sovereignty and superconsciousness that is our birthright. Each sacred geometry emits frequencies of light, has different effects on electromagnetic circuitry and unique functions in different dimensions. Each sacred geometry is an enegetic being that interfaces with us within specific dimensions. In 3D, certain geometries have restorative properties over organs and systems that function symbiotically. The nature and construction of each geometry, the materials used and how they come together, are all elements of a certain process. As human beings do inner work, and shift to see everything as energy, dormant abilities come online and new opportunities open. We grow to tune into a wider range of frequncy realities on the cosmc spectrum. Our energy being tunes into more frequencies, and multi-sensory perception expands. We can even jump frequencies using our sentience as we recall how to feel and master our five energy bodies and 5 elements of creation. This guides one to transmute energy and consciously interface with the frequencies of sacred geometries. Reading of the formation of a star is not same as living it. The Truth is felt. Vast abilities activate as part of a process of initiation and evolution older than time itself.


5 Revelations about priorities

Ponder 5 Revelations or ah-ha moments that require no thought. Breathe the way into each one, sensing the growing connection you have with yourself, heartfelt priorities. 

1. Feel why having money is not true wealth

2. Tune into love as the ultimate success.  Unconditional love and trust are conscious intelligence that unfold as we live through the heart.

3. Accept you have no time. The present is the only real time. No past or future exist. We are not results of the past. We simply are.

4.  Consciously connect with the Earth, whatever this means. Discover that once it begins nothing can stop it

5.  Notice as we take responsibility for our thoughts, we take responsibility for every choice and experience. 

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