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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in time (68)


Accept the initiations

Notice as it dawns that everything and everyone is a mirror, we can no longer selectively share love. Our sense of love expands. Its no longer a choice. We do not choose what we are. Rather, we accept, reject or forget temporarily. Turns out, love is something we are taught to do yet who we are interconnects everything. We no longer contemplate whether we are responding to "our stuff" or taking on "someone else's stuff". On this level, imaginaing separation between 'us and them' keeps us in the realm of experience and the experiencer, memories and past identity. This is necessary to grow. Meditation is a path beyond duality.
Unconditional love is what it is: Source energy shines everywhere, beyond time and space. It pours unconditional love into everything, the seen and unseen. Awareness is essential to healing energetic bubbles that arise and get pushed down, forgotten. These old and new ideas can get trapped in our energy system.
Through meditation, it dawns all energetic release occurs in the present moment. As we alllow ourselves to uncover and explore our shadows, and we stop rejecting parts of ourself, then healing can occur without us. This all happens now where wellness is and healthy expansion occurs to catch up with the truth.
Old bubbles are like emotional energies we have ignored from the past. Those which are big or small may be out of sight yet still influence the law of attraction. They alter our vibrational state of being and undermine conscious initiatives. If we do not get a message from true Self, then it will gather momentum through the law of attraction and reveal itself so we shift into harmony and focus differently. The life we create and steps we take to get back to love are unique to each of us. Regardless of any chosen resistance, the view, path is perfect for us right now.  Accept the initiations you create for yourself to guide you home.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Wounded Healer

"Wounded Healer" Painting by Tino Rodriguez

Dream: I saw big transparent pages of a holographic book, and imagined a large, blank canvas. I focused the power of conscious thought to open the book. In this version of reality, a woman had hemmaroids (piles) and was clearly distracted from attempts to sleep in a bed. She itched her butt furiously, asked herself aloud if it might be worms? She went downstairs, ate something in the kitchen then applied apple cider vinegar with q-tip to the sensitive area.  Just as the discomfort would fade, it would come back. She then realized her head was itchy and wondered if she had nits. As she allowed herself to laugh loudly and spontaneously at the disturbances rather than get annoyed, the itches went away. She was able to fall asleep, exit her body in an OBE and the page turned.  In another version of reality, a woman was getting a sri yantra tattoo on her lower back and a stellated dodecahedron on the back of her neck.  Her eyes were closed. When the tattoos were completed, a multidimensional version of each levitated above her, rotated quickly and re-integrated into her body which illuminated in light.  After, another book page turned. In the third version of reality, the woman is sitting beside a crackling fire and surrounded by animals, communicating to each one though the heart. She plays a drum and sings and engages in euphoric dance under the light of the moon. As the fire burns out, the page of the book turns to a blank page.  It remains open.


An itch, as a dream symbol, echoes something is bothering you that you cannot escape or get out of your mind.  It may to refer to conscious or unconscious attachment to something that will not go away. You may know its not good for you yet hesitate or resist letting go. The dream is a warning let go or purify the mind.

Sacred geometry in dreams echoes ancient symbolism. It is known to guide humans toward inner completion,  enlightenment or self-realisation.  Specific geometric shapes in our dreams may emerge during periods in our lives when we have gone off the beaten path on our life’s journey, only to guide us back on track. The Creator metaphorically uses these shapes in hopes we become closer with the divine energy that will lead us toward the best course at this stage in our lives.  These shapes are found throughout the Universe. Sacred geometric objects exist in our everyday life – patterns that can be broken-down into a language of math that rules our visible and invisible world.

Three versions of dream reality shared echo a trilogy.  What happens for you in threes? Is this a good omen?  Turning pages is like moving through chapters of change and transformation in your life. Meditate on what you resist, what you let go and what you allow to emerge to replace old or outgrown versions of you. This is a healing process, a process of emergence of a shaman regrounding and reconnecting with true divine nature.

in dreams, animals often represent emotions, expression and the response of your more 'wild,' uncivilized, yet natural self. This part of your nature can be in conflict with the inner critic that urges you toward conformity.  The drum symbolizes the heartbeat of the spirit, the leader of the people.  Its vibrations connect people to each other and to every living thing, backward and forward and in all directions in time, and out into the universe.

We offer Dream Consultations and dreamwork as part of coaching packagea. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Sold the Teeth


It seemed my dream referred to a past life. I lived in Egypt, and wore tattered cotton clothes in faded colours. From my window, I saw sand blowing and pyramids in the distance. I struggled to survive. I even sold my teeth for money.  When awake, I touched my teeth to see if they were there.


To say, "I had a dream..." is very deep.  How do you know?  The answer is simple.  The 'you' who looks through your eyes and sees the outer world is experiencing events occurring in the dream.  Only one conscious being exists.  You are either experiencing the dream world or the waking world.  Note you intuitively use the word "I" when describing the dream events and also when waking up. This reinforces they are one in the same.

We can explore a few symbols that stand out:

Teeth- Teeth are physically used to bite, tear, chew, and gnaw. In this way, teeth symbolize power. So the loss of dream teeth (or removal on purpose) may refer to powerlessness, giving away power or feeling loss of power or influence in waking life. At the moment you recall this dream, you may experience feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some life situation or relationship.  Yet, we are also reminded that each time we lose something, we are gaining something in the process.  It is our focus and level of consciousness that determines how we respond.  ON a literal level, losing teeth implies that you are growing out of one phase (or have outgrown where you are). This is about grounding a new level of consciousness in your body. Embrace change!

In addition, as another way to reframe loss of teeth or what they may be used for: there is a warrior legend about a being who was fighting a God and won, emerged from the ocean wearing a shark tooth. This is why many surfers and divers like to wear this magic piece of jewellery-it symbolizes protection and safety.  When one wears jewellery or a necklace with teeth of one's ancestors or from the mouths of enemies, each tooth is like an embodiement of the deceased, whose power & energy was transferred to the wearer.

Sand- you may associate sleep with the passage of time, impermanence and sleep (or unconscious behaviour). Ask yourself where in your life could you be living with a sense of impatience, what triggers a sense of timelessness, feels like you do not have enough time, how to make the most of the time you are given? You may feel like you have blown into your circumstances or like restlessness and discomfort are out of your control.  What if you refelct on the soruce of the wind and nature of direction in new ways?

Pyramid- a structure with multiple facits and dimensions. It can appear to represent your 'internal architecture', a geometric reminder there is far more to you beneath the surface. You may also sense this 3-D shapes echoes the trinity- mind,body spirit. The pyramid in a dream can embody transformation, interdimensional tral, parallel doorways, that something on the horizon or well-underway. Pharoahs and important people were buried  within or under them as a passage to the "Otherworld" as it is believed something about pyramids holds the key or acts as a path to a higher level of existence. Certainly, further spiritual aspects present, inviting to be explored.

Reference to money is an invitation to ponder your relationship with scarcity and abundance.  Its opportunity to count your blessings, practice appreciation and tune into reasons for peace and contentment often overlooked.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations for single or multiple dreams, offer dream services as part of coaching & spiritual psychotherapy.  We also offer a Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


17 Lessons to Enrich your Life

Throughout life, we rise and fall like the ebbs and flows of the tide.  Experiences come and go in cycles. Existence is a continuous opportunity for learning, unlearning and growth. Here are 17 Lessons  or revelations that can enrich your own winding journey.

1. What people tell you is not who you are  (Walk your own path)

2. Thoughts are like boomerangs (thoughts create feelings and then experience) 

3. The only constant in life is change

4. Facing fears is the road to unconditonal love & self-acceptance

5. Savouring every moment loses sight of time 

6. The same energy can be experienced as fear or excitement

7. How you live your life is your message

8.  Courage dismantles your own illusions

9. Generosity and nourishing an open heart are the key to feeling abundant

10. If you do not define your limits/ boundaries, someone else will

11. Humility is the solid foundation on which all truth resides

12. As it dawns life is a mirror, duality (illusion) loses its hold over you

13. Forgiveness benefits two people–the giver and receiver 

14. Reality is constantly being creating by every thought and feeling

15. Only in losing yourself (letting go) do you actually find your true self 

16. Wherever we are is where happiness resides

17. Gratitude is source of true power


Step outside that comfort zone

Notice as we move into an age of accepting multidimensional nature, we shift away from doing to to focus on being. Its natural to move though multiple careers, to blaze trails, create multiple pathways, nourish many perspectives. Having an open mind accelerates conscious expansion. Allow different views to flow, learn languages, travel and explore. As we venture into the unknown, see beyond the status quo, we plant seeds, inspire others to expand horizons.
This notion of time invites us to zoom out and see the arc of time, to discover that a true rainbow is actually a circle. We are invited to expand our sense of wonder, explore states, forms and formelss states more consciously. Different understandings of time suggest humans have lived far longer than the current average lifespan. Records of ancient Summarian kings attest to them living thousands of years. In the Bible, Mathesula is said to have lived over 900 years. We even hear stories of immortals who exist in remote places and different ways of functioning through space time. Limited beliefs of life and death can shift into awareness of eternal streams of consciousness.