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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in transformation (103)


Shift to feel meaning

Nothing transforms your perception like stepping back and seeing everything through the eyes of love. This ability never leaves you completely although you shut yourself off from it more often than you realize. Notice that seeing through the eyes of love means your sense of judgment has less of a hold over you and it gradually fades and vanishes.

Notice what you view was important and necessary shifts with your sense of who you truly are. As you liberate self from the linear and logical, you begin to experience a new kind of freedom. As you realize you are always loved and appreciated, the ambitious part of you stops seeking. You now know what you are does not have to capture your attention through your experience in the world. It reaches you even during ordinary moments. You shift from seeker to finder. You shift to feel all you require inside.


So far, so good

Your role is to make the most of where you are.  You are invited to create life experience and to explore things that evoke different emotions within.  Your willingness to participate in this leading-edge, transformational process reveals how courageous, successful and truly elastic you are.  Rest assured, the unlimited being within always expands and bounces back. 

Consider as you engage in situations that prompt you to believe you are less than you are, you feel out of balance, uneasy, and know temporary amnesia.  Yet, insight you gain into resilience, unconditional love and what you are becoming, make the roller coaster of emotion worth it.  You come so far and choose to remember why being who you are feels so good.  Its up to you to awaken.  Catch up to what you imagine.  It already exists.  Open your mind.  Open your heart.  Raise your energy.  Know your power.


Realize what you are

Consider how a fresh way of looking at things empowers you to transform your life on your terms.  How are you trained to lose faith in or, to turn away from your own internal guidance system?  True independence is trusting the source within, it is not pushing against things.  Disregarding what others think enables you to align with the energy that is you. You awaken to being a cooperative component in a larger process.  You are on a conscious rendez-vous course with the dreams you imagine into being. They exist.  Allow them to take form rather than deny, doubt or block seeing and experiencing what beckons you now.

To realize what you are is to know each person has the same ability and same access to source energy. The depth and extent of your creation influences a range of vibrational experiences.  Feel through the senses and body the leading edge creator you are.  Feel you are already doing precisely what you are meant to do.  No comparison is valid except of your evolution into a fuller recognition of what you have been asking for. Know you already are what you dream.  Focus your thoughts on that to bring it into being.

Watch this video and take it to heart:


Align with the dream

When you align completely with the vibration of a dream, it emerges in your experience.  As you allow it, everything is cooperating with you.  Everything is guiding you to accept more consciously what soul already knows. Imagine nothing prevents you from realizing all you wish to do or have except the mind.  For every question you have, you also hold the answer.  Awakening to your own nature, to the limitless being you are, is a step to dissolving every obstacle or excuse you ever imagine into being.  To reflect on perceived need is to forget power you hold to transform perception.  Allow things to be, and so it is.


Let go of what is not you

Sometimes you need to see and experience what is not you, what you do not prefer, as part of your process of awakening.  Consider nothing has meaning until you give it. All negativity can be viewed as a friendly messenger.  Vibrate according to what you sense is true and this is perceived as your reality. You can choose to vibrate based on what you feel is self-empowering.  This enables you to let go of what is not you.  How do you desire a particular experience to influence your remembering of timeless insights?

As you choose to sense blessings everywhere, you awaken to levels of frequency, resonance and inter-dimensional beingness.  You cannot see what you are not a vibration of.  You cannot solve a problem on the level it emerges into being. You cannot be conscious of what you are not willing to feel or accept.  

As you recognize that everything exists now, you discern illusory perspectives of the now moment.  Shift energy vibration and transform your universe. Be aware you already move through parallel realities.  Raise your vibrational awareness and you grow aware of vibrational patterns that are you and are not you.  This draws attention to worlds inviting exploration.  What gives you power is knowing what power you have at your disposal and choosing not to use it to do harm.  True power is awareness, compassion and keeping composure. To know you are part of the infinite means you need not demonstrate or prove anything.