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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in vibration (158)


Notice vibration is value

Many people nurture beliefs about value and perpetuate their own misperceptions and misunderstanding. Consider your own assumptions about value.  Do you imagine value only comes from physical action? Notice how you limit your sense of value. Realize you have the capacity to be more aware of things that bother you, of feelings that worry you, of knowing what you do not want. Realize this all tells you what you do want.  Notice every feeling has a vibration.  Every feeling has value and tells you if you are aligned with what matters.  What do you want to feel?  What matches that? How do you soften your resistance?

As you realize you have intrinsic value, you also realize you have control about how you feel. As you tap into the energy that flows, you have the potential to experience everything that enables you to feel good. You are in the process of recognizing beliefs that are not working, and creating a bridge to beliefs that move you from illusions of lack, pain and scarcity to a life of abundance.  Life is easy when you choose.

The power of the mind is what matters. You are in the process of remembering to free the mind from the illusions you create and perpetuate with worry and resentment you harbour.  Your response to things is already changing. Thought is vibration.  You awaken to the tug of war you create with your own polarity and how you can ease up on the habits of thought. Your response keeps you in a chronic place and you can get out of this at any point in this process.  Amazing things are unfolding in your life.  Accept or resist.  Once you know you are the essence of energy being, there is no going back to ignorance.  Bliss is now something else.  You feel aligned with vibrational reality.  You sense value in expansion you do not see.


Forget what's lost

Ever notice that its harder to find certain things when you focus on what you are convinced you have lost? When you are not focusing attention on what is apparently missing, and you turn away toward something else, is it not incredible how missing things mysteriously reappear? Many people ask, "what is it with that?" 

Consider how something in your vibration creates every experience. Consider that as you are vibrating the story, "I do not know where it is," then the thing continues to exist and vibrate in a place beyond the scope you are focusing on. Consider how you feel when something disappears.  Whatever the feelings, irritation, frustration, anger or others, they are in your vibration before the manifestation, before the disappearance of something you are now looking for.  Every experience has at its core the intention to empower you to raise awareness of the real issue. And this is not that which evokes the same feeling o the surface.  It is deeper.


Its all cued up

You are reading this because this is what your vibrational nature is attracting.  As you make peace with where you are, then better feelings unfold or remain consistent within you where you are right now.  When you make an effort to bring others where you are, that is, encourage them to see what you see or feel what you feel, if these people are not ready, these people do not align with you. Feel the vibes. Discern the path of least resistance.  Notice what you are doing.  Are you allowing most of yourself to be in harmony?

The key is to recognize your vibration and make choices that enable you to feel good.  When you are inspired by or drawn toward things, you make decisions based on joy. Yet, its not your responsibility to bring others to your level of vibration and awareness.  You relate to others based on the emotional scale.  Know you are ready for environments that nurture your vitality and enable you to reclaim inner power.  

The best things for you are all cued up.  Ask and it is given but do you accept what is made available energetically? Standing where you are, notice how you feel.  Be  eager to express appreciation vibrationally regardless of what others are doing.  Identify positive aspects where you are to make peace with where you came from.  When you appreciate people as they are, you are also accepting self fully.  When how people feel about you no longer matters, resistance within you fades. Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy dissolve. Tune into feeling good now without requiring you or others to be different.  Allow others to be as they are.  Accept all of you.  Reasons for your fear no longer exist.  Allow the essence of being to be present and so it is. All things always work out for you. Know this and live in wisdom.


You already have it 

Abandon logic. Be willing to become and allow better feeling experiences. Think only like that. Everything is moving toward presenting for you. Feel like you live where you desire, that you have the freedom to travel, to enjoy the health and well-being soul knows right now. Know bills are paid. Forget explaining how.

Realize you are responsible for choosing what you feel and the energy of your thoughts and feelings creates what you experience. Ask for the best feeling you can feel where you are. Be grateful for what you have, who you know, where you have been and how you are helping others.  Feeling vibrations define your reality.  They originate beyond physical senses.  The universe brings into form what reinforces your sense of reality.  That is, what you experience exists as non-physical energy before it manifests into being. 

Know you already have or experience what you are asking for. Although your current perception of reality may be different from what soul knows, you have the power to feel good about where you are. As you only expect good things, they arise. Let how you feel matter more than what reason says you can have or see.  Any focus on perceived lack slows down the manifestations that reinfoce feeling good.  Tell yourself its normal to feel good.  Offer the singularity of that vibration. Appreciate the non-physical shapes what you bring into being.  Accept you have untapped inner power to transform how and what you see.

This is not about economics or what numbers are currently visible in your bank account. Its about feeling energy and remembering its significance. How you feel about things emotionally determines what you sense or experience.  Stop depending on action to make things happen.  When belief is born out of manifestation, this is limiting.  Repeated thought creates your reality.  You have to think and feel differently than what you see to alter your experience.  Contrast reveals what you do want. Feel good about that.


Tell it like it is

Ever ask what you need to do to sort things out where you are or to sort things out for other people? Does part of you wish to be in circumstances other than where you are? Know doing nothing is right for you.  Know that feeling good about things, finding the message or lesson of love, is what matters. Every moment reminds you this is all about allowing things to be.  Resisting or getting frustrated is not the answer.

Its not your job to change others.  The momentary glimpse of where things are or how things appear is not the truth.  What is real exists as non-physical energy.  You allow it to manifest in the physical or deny this possiblity.  To tell it like it is reveals its not about action, or appearances.  Its about feelings, emotions and atttitude.  You get precisely what you expect and invite on a vibrational level. See what you want to , feel the joy of that and it comes into being.  Is the justifying or musing about what appears to be leaving, lacking or what you seemingly do not have,  your way of allowing?  See what happens as you feel joy now.

To ask where things are repeatedly is to doubt that you have them, know them and feel them into being.  Why not accept the unlimited being you are?  When you doubt or resist this knowing, you forget you cannot suffer into another person's understanding or your own.  All of the vibration you give out in effort to control the uncontrollable is keeping you from being a vibrational match for all you are asking for.  All things line up for you to savor this moment where you are and to do those things that resonate.  Allow what you know is you to flow into your experience.  Tell it like it is and allow it to be your reality now.