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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in 2012 (44)


Steady yourself for expansion

What you are feeling, is what your energy being requires for you to align with an evolutionary spiral.  When your mind is free, your ego is without attachment.  The nature of resistence is falling away.  Learn to surrender all questioning and trust your heart.  No effort is required to permit stillness to come in.

As you reconnect with the knowing of the ancients, you effortlessly connect with universal awareness.  You know what makes sense, where you need to be, and what you need to do.  You sense the body is a vehicle to new dimensions of existence. You recall your most precious commodities. This is more than the light essence of your physicality;

1) Everything you feel is building your inner strength.

2) All you sense reflects a consciousness of unity.

3) Sense the body vehicle is pure compassion & perfection.

4) Make choices that allow you to experience more light.

5) Accept love and permit it to transfigure what you think.

6) Notice inter-galactic doorways are open & beckoning.


Shapeshifting & reality beyond 2012

The few only control the many as long as the many choose to be controlled and choose not to awaken. Could 2012 be a diversion?  Does linear time have any impact on your true identity? Some people would say no.  What do you believe?

Self-disclosure is unfolding on a massive scale.  You initiate your own changes from within. As my recent book invites you to rediscover, how you think and feel now changes everything.

Energetic changes are ongoing.  Yet, not everyone chooses to accept what arises from within.  How do you choose to experience your own reality? As people open mind and consciousness to greater possibilities, they perceive and experience greater possibilities.  You sense and attract what is unimaginable before this stage of vivid remembering.

Watch this except of a series of interviews with David Icke. How does his perception resonate with yours?


What does overwhelming mean?

Human beings are stepping into different states of mind.  Not everyone is yet aligned with the heart.  Some people feel stuck.

Other people feel overwhelmed with what appears to be moving, changing, shifting or emerging in situations inconceivable before their current mental focus.  

Historically, the world moved from independent decision making for basic survival to where now a select few now act to control many and intimidate moving toward greater centralisation.  Examples are found in agendas of nations, corporations, health and other areas.   You may feel helpless.   

In the same moment, you awaken. You sense imbalance and suddenly begin to realize what is requires to experience alignment. The world you exist is not solid.  Nothing about what you think and feel is real.  The electrical signals and energy vibrational information create the world you experience.

A sense of feeling overwhelmed can be viewed as a portal to expand consciousness.  You can go through a process of noticing how you are more attuned to the planet, to worlds beyond the physical. You can view this as an opportunity to reclaim being to accept and let go of thoughts and feelings that do not serve you.  The Matrix movie is not really a movie.

Overwhelming makes a statement on your own evolutionary process, on your current state of mind, on what you hide within, on what you are willing to discard, ignore or embrace.  This is basically about energy vibration, and a process of alchemy.  You figure things out for your authentic self.  Everything that stands out now is a beacon, an inuksuk, guiding you back home.  Not far now. You are already here.


Patrick Geryl & World Cataclysm 2012

There comes a point where you are invited to come to terms with what is real and what is not. Many people are afraid of what they fear or do not understand.  Patrick Geryl offers a perspective about 2012 that does not resonate with everyone. Some people accept a watered down version of the truth and other people are ready to take responsibility for information that is flowing through them. How do you respond to this information? What do you view as reality or illusion? Watch this interview with Project Camelot or even a piece of it to gain a prelimiary impression. Share what you feel and be very honest.


How to incorporate nothing?

People sense incredible changes are ongoing and also unfolding beneath their conscious radar.  As you bravely choose to identify apparent struggles, you realize you are invited to be at peace with every choice.   Yet, are you?

More and more people are realizing that doing, feeling and being nothing is meaningful.  Yet, they are also asking, how does one incorporate different levels of nothing into their lives? As you review your behaviour,  some already falls away. What does it require to reframe nothing where you are?

1) Stop doing what you always do out of habit.

2) Detect that beliefs & opinions are out of place.

3) Notice power in being unemotional & impartial. 

4) Dissolve any mindset that creates a struggle.

5) Recogize human-perceived time is irrelevant.

6) Understand who you meet helps or hinders you.

7) Pinpoint your level of self-control or how to find it. 

8) Accept responsibility for how you think & feel now.

9) Realize you create struggle & can also transcend it.

10) Feel how adversity reinforces inner peace & stability.

11) Sense balance flows through he who feels balance.

12) Choose to be non-confrontational & non-resistant.

13) Visualize moving into unconditional self-acceptance.

14) Love everyone & sense you need not grasp everything.

15) Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept.