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Entries in breathwork (54)


7 Tips to promote wellness

The ideal vision of relationship harmony and optimum wellness appeals to many. Still, this is not everyone's reality.  We may work toward it, but sometimes obstacles seem to get in the way.

Consider this: we all encounter stress.  This is part of being human.  Whether we deny, recognize or deal with it, and the approaches we take, simply differ.  Stress isn’t just a feeling or a mental state; if we do not address it, it affects every area of our lives.  Beyond physical symptoms, stress can also have a huge impact on our emotions and general mood. ( describes some mental or emotional symptoms of mounting stress)

On a deeper level, its about energy flow or blockages. When we notice symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, we have different options to decipher and cope, depending on the severity of the condition.  Different approaches can be complementary.

Consider 7 Tips to promote wellness

1. Participate in emotional release workshops

2. Join a mindfulness stress reduction program

3. Book breathwork Sessions

4. Engage in meditation

5. Stretch into yoga & holistic spiritual practices

6. Learn new things everyday (challenge the mind)

7. Commit to coaching involving relationship & soulwork 


5 steps to decode emotions

Growing aware of suppressed emotions is a step toward freedom that can be experienced in emotional release. We are often conditioned to keep our true feelings to ourselves rather than express how we feel in the moment. Cathartic breathwork psychotherapy, emotional release technique (ERT) and freedom release technique (FRT) all draw from the power of intuition to guide us to freedom.  Consider 5 tips to decode our emotions:

1) Understand our deepest fears

We each experience a range of emotions on a spectrum. To be willing to explore how we feel, implies writing or journal or taking other steps to make conscious what the emotional upheaval is really about.

2) Be willing to let go of what we cannot control

When patient, we can uncover blessings and wisdom within sources of apparent discomfort.  All emotions can be understood as a gauge as to whether you are being truly honest or inauthentic.

3) Reframe mid-life crisis

One view is that every 21 years, the body experiences emotional upheavals that may take shape as growing annoyances, then perceived mid-life crisis or really shake up our paradigm.  We can view and feel this as an internal build up or blocks of energy. This is an invitation to pay attention, uncover and release suppressed emotions before the volcano erupts into something more serious.

4) Live life to the fullest

Discover what it is to feel the gamut of emotions.  We need not focus on emotional trauma.  Making the unconscious conscious empowers us to see beyond it. Come what may, we can all refer to emotions as a guide to greater wellness and optimum living. We always have a choice about how to perceive and experience life.

5) Find support

If relevant, be open to the services, healers and other guidance that presents.  Everything is synchronicity when it comes to decoding our emotions.  Ask and it is given. Be open-minded and see what already presents.


7 Dimensions to Breathe into wellness

Many people have heard that mastering the rhythm and power of the breath is the key to optimal health and well-being.  Yet, fewer are familliar with the dimensions of wellness and the ways each one is positively affected by breathwork. Feeling a spark of curiousity growing within?

Turns out, our breath is the energetic stream in the background that shows us everything is interconnected.  What if we could be guided through breathing sessions that empower us to see, feel and release our own blocks? What if we are primed to feel more love, joy, balance and realize greater potential naturally? What if the experience of pure freedom is closer than we think? What if we are missing something and this makes things seem harder than they are? What if we could align the conscious with the subconscious mind and let go of what we outgrow?

Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions are in a perpetual dance. Thoughts and beliefs lead to emotions. Our feelings and emotions shape our thoughts, and other areas of life. We cannot affect one without affecting all. As we uncover origins of our negative self-talk and unconscious behaviours, and shift, our emotions and conditions shift. As we honor our feelings, voices of anger or fear diminish.  Ponder 7 dimensions to breathe into more holistic wellness;

1. Physical
2. Emotional 
3. Mental 
4. Social 
5. Financial 
6. Intellectual 
7. Spiritual 


5 Tips to feel more joy

The conditioned mind is shifting how it perceives and processes energy. We initially sense intermittent serendipity.  Then, it is as if random acts or events are occurring.  Next, right on cue, deja-vus and coincidences arise.  We come to sense increasing synchronicity until it feels every encounter and experience in our lives is interconnected. The more clarity we get about our passion, the more we unleash untapped inner power, the more we naturally share our unique gifts. We are magically inspired what to do with it.  As this evokes joy, we tune into and live in a higher vibration. Consider 7 tips to raise our pleasure threshold ;

1. Engage in breathwork

Whether we explore Rebirthing, Holotropic, Cathartic, Reichian or Integrative breathwork, Pranayama or  some combination of deep connected breathing techniques, this is a useful step to access and release emotions which offers glimpses of inner peace.  The more we tune into the rhythm of the breath, the more we get a sense of which emotions drive us and when, the more interconnected events and encounters grow self-evident.

2. Uncover limiting core beliefs

Negative or limiting beliefs are the filters through which we are taught to see ourselves and the world.   So long as we are unconscious, self-defeating patterns continue.  Awakening is about growing aware of the origins of our behaviours so we can allow healing or energetic recalibration to occur. 

3. Empower yourself

Standing in our power implies we are willing to recognize our misperceptions and shift our fear-based beliefs to unconditionally loving ones. This is about accepting and integrating all experiences as part of the whole.  It is also about recognizing that negative emotions are pointers and gauges for how much we love or reject ourselves.

4. Speaking our truth

Part of the deepening process of self empowerment involves getting clear on our passion and sharing that openly. The more we speak and express our truth creatively, the more we begin to live our truth rather than presenting different personas to different people in different settings. Speaking our truth is one way to raise self esteem and confidence. We are letting go of masks or identities which are incompatible with our soul.

5. Act on life purpose

This is about actually doing and being what and why we exist.  Once we are fully conscious of our passion or core reason for being, then it is up to us to translate or express that for others. The mind can never quiet until we recall or uncover our unique gifts and find the courage to take steps to use this to enrich the world. It is about noticing and following synchronicities, and allowing the truth to flow naturally without fear. Being authentic is the epitome of fearlessness.


5 Ways Breathwork empowers us

People increasingly ask about breathwork psychotherapy, what it is exactly, and how it can empower people to shift perception, energy levels, paradigms, timelines, and ultimately, life conditions.  Consider 5 ways breathwork is a tool that empowers us:

1. It empowers us to make the unconscious, conscious

Its one thing for someone to tell us something.  Its quite another to experience it for ourselves. Breathwork has completely shifted how I see myself and the world, and shows me the language of the breath reveals how we each breathe life into stories. When someone suggests an idea or speaks from experience, we can choose to believe it or not.  As we tune into ourselves, sense something is off, we may not know exactly what, but we are always guided to uncover what we are ready to see.  Breathwork empowers us to flow as energy to make unconscious emotional trauma conscious.  Thus, we see through misperceptions and feel everything, so we can let go.

2. It enables us to breathe our way to clarity

Different breathing techniques exist that draw our attention to our own rhythm and where it originates, in the present moment. When ready, each of us can recall how to read our breath like a horoscope. Ask yourself what leaves you breathless, when you feel light-headed, why you get the 'wind knocked out of you,' and where you are prompted to breathe deeply.  Every breathing rhythm emits a vibration that echoes specific emotions.  Knowing this helps us understand if we are approaching or getting further away from something. Notice the spectrum of feelings and emotions, from fear and anxiety to peace and joy, and how each vibration is sharpening or obscuring clarity.  As we master the power of the breath now, we know we exist neither in past or future.  It is being the breath that effortlessly allow events to unfold right where we are.

3. It guides us to shift models of reality 

Getting in touch with breathing rhythms empowers us to grow aware of dis-empowering models of reality as well as our unconscious decisions that cause them. As the result, we can empower ourselves to accelerate huge life changes. We cannot begin to imagine the profound impact and far-reaching implications of stepping into more of our hidden personal power. We can reclaim what we unknowingly give away.   Whatever we believe to be true comes true until we see through and transcend our own misplaced perceptions. We unconsciously give meaning to every experience and adopt distorted models of reality until ready to upgrade them.

4.  It enables us to release suppressed energy

Rather than taking pills, or engaging in unhealthy patterns or habits to suppress emotions, breathwork is one process which enables us to access underlying reasons for stuckness and release it, permanently.  What's inspiring is how fast and powerful transformations are.  Breathwork raises awareness of and enables us to consciously shift energy.  We can combine (compliment) it with acts of meditation, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness (everyone of everything) and other spiritual practices that guide us to tap into something above or beyond ourselves. Such practices engage us energetically on an authentic feeling level in this moment. Releasing suppressed energy is allows constricted inspiration and genius to flow freely.

5.  It enables us to rewire our brain

Each of us has insight into levels of happiness.  Yet much of our conditioning focuses our attention to stress, anxiety, depression, fear and instances when are convinced that we are not happy.  Breathwork empowers us to release dense energy so we can refocus our attention on being happy.  From here we naturally feel our way intuitively into choices that feel more exciting, fun, myserious and inspiring. The result is we rewire the brain to visualize and believe in things that intensify these uplifting and energizing energy bursts and flows. 

If this article resonates, contact us for a pre-requisite questionnaire for our 12 week coaching program and also read the insightful Interview With Dan Brule.