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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in dream (50)


Who are we really?

Notice expanding consciousness is about recognizing dream states are far more than we are told. We are actually dimensional travelers who freely shapeshift and move among various planes of existence, like parallel universes. Dreams may feel like portals or gateways to other dimensions where we encounter beings, entities and other versions of ourselves. Awakening is a process of remembering what we are already doing and being. Its about letting go of what prevents being fully transparent. Dreams may offer premonitions or metaphors to accurately decode what is unfolding in our 3D lives. Our innate multidimensional capacities are accessible and expand though dream worlds. We can tune into helping others on Soul journeys as well as guiding Souls on their transitions between worlds. As boundaries dissolve, ideas of night and day dissolve. It dawns what we are doing and being is merging. Linear time is collapsing into a mode of existence that arises in divine resonance.


Separate from the stories

(sacred geometry art by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice what happens as you separate who you are from those stories that re-run through your head. Beware of the unloved for they will eventually hurt themselves or others until they awaken, feel, integrate soul fragements and heal. So many of us choose our Earthly path disguised as fear out of practicality. Our dream may seem so ridiculously out of reach, we may hesitate to ask the universe for it. Yet, on a parallel timeline, we shift frequency to fearlessly request the unthinkable, stand up for ourselves, validate our own worth, speak our truth, and ask for something others view as impossible. Infinite Being has a limitless view and activates the mysterious power of the boundless imagination. Unexpected cosmic doorways or gateways reveal themselves. One becomes one's own cosmic guide to vibrational harmony with Source. Conscious interdimensional travel guides one into the twelfth dimension, the origin of all energetic reality. It is the ultimate power source for everything, the origin of the ALL that is, the energy of the universal Dreamer. We call ourselves The Star That Illuminates Infinite Moons. The universe you experience is one of many within this Star. Each Moon symbolizes an experimental dimensional reality. Each HUman exerts influence within all realms, some of which are connected to our solar system and include planet Gaia. This is the spirit of Earth, not only the planet itself but also all inhabitants. As one expands into cosmic consciousness, the basic reality beyond physical senses reveals itself, and how our moment-by-moment vibrational output shapes our conscious creation


Redream a new dream

Dreams guide us through a profound personal and spiritual healing process.  Each one prepares us for the unforeseen, that work that lies ahead.  As we come to recall and document our various dreams and learn to analyze them, we can each quickly learn or rediscover the language of symbolism and metaphors.  They provide a key tool for each of us to harness the power of our dreams for higher guidance. 

As expansion happens, dreaming offers inreasingly valuable insight for spritual growth.  It dawns one can have direct, contact with spiritual guides during dreams and sharpen insight into one's larger journey.  Dreams redefine signs and signals that orient and potentially reorient our journey so we get "back on track" of the Soul.

As in The Law of One, Session 86, Question 7, the source said, "While the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept (oneself), may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magial personality, which is the higher self. "  (see


Moving beyond addiction

The subject of addiction is a popular topic for mediation. Ponder the the following:

"You look very insecure, sitting up there in your tree", said one highly-ranked Chinese official to a Ch'an master who enjoyed his life perched in the treetops. "Oh ho, good sir, YOU look very insecure to ME, down there on the ground!" replied the delighted master.

This often referenced Chan story contains a message which, we are told, the official was wise enough to understand. It was the official, whose life and fortune depended upon external favour and considerations, who was insecure. These were his unconscious addictions, the foundation upon which his life was built, on "shifting sands". It was his attachment to these external conditions that created his insecurity, his instability and restlessness.


One day, the Buddha and his monks were walking down a road and were confronted by a frantic and miserable farmer racing down the road. He stopped them, saying "Good monks, I have lost my oxen, they were travelling this way. Did you see them?" The Buddha sadly replied, "No, we have not seen them. Perhaps they took the fork in the road back there." At this, the farmer wailed and continued his complaint. "Only this summer, locusts ate all my crops? What will I do?" and he ran crying down the road. The Buddha watched him go, and turned to his friends, saying "Dear monks, do you know how lucky you are? You never have to worry about your oxen or crops."

Thought and memory are the same. Until we know the difference between thought and awareness, no clarity arises. We are taught to take for granted our memories constitute who we are. Yet, 'who I am' in this moment, is not a thought. It is unrelated to what we think we have ot not. Rather, it is felt. As we are fully present, all that exists is awareness. Who is being aware? The monks know Being and no-One are the same, that is, everything. No-One is everybody. We cannot allow awareness to arise if we keep reverting to memory. The moment we feel a lack within, we feel separate, incomplete, like something is wrong or missing. This leads to addiction, the perceived need to fill a void. We do everything in our power to fill it, talk about it, do something to enable us to feel good about ourselves.

Alcoholism or other addictions allow people to experience what it is to feel uninhibited freedom. Becoming addicted to dark thoughts keeps one focused on and perpetuating the focus on the pain body. Until we realize the very nature of being is infinite. It cannot be destroyed. We forget we are whole, awareness. This starts the sense of lack, which brings separation, and the need to fill a voice from which emerges addiction and fear.  We are not afraid of something. We are simply fear. This fear exists because we are convinced something is lacking. We have lost trust not only in others but also ourselves.  The thought arises how could I be free of addiction? There is the amnesia of what is universal. You cannot prove it, you can only live it.

Similarly, when a person wants to know about love, he may read books, watch movies and hear about other people's experiences Yet, One does not know what love is until one begins to feel love, feel the love inside the self. Until he tastes love, feels it inside himself, he cannot know it.  Truth is not something we can prove. It is self-evident. We exist. When we wish to prove, we revert to memory and get lost in the quagmire.  As long as we live grounded in memory, we will fear death, old age, sickness , of so many things, everything.

The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results", says Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Jesus too said that the Kingdom of Heaven is ever-present. Of course, the problem is, everyone is not always fully present. We are in the future, we are in the past, we are in our memories, we are in our anxieties, we are in our fantasies! Why? Because we are attached to our story; our personal narrative. We play it inside our head constantly. As we cook, we daydream. As we drive, we fantasize. As we work, we consider what better job there is for us out there. And as we love, we all too often do the same thing. So rarely are we simply aware of what we do, simply mindful.


3 things to thrive where you are

This moment is ripe for so many things. Like smelling an inviting avocado, you feel the time to sink your teeth in is now.  You could go in some many directions. What are you choosing to focus your attention on?

Perhaps its relationships, getting fit, noticing what's going on inside you, the urge to create or do something you have not done before. You may even be planning a retreat (like me!) or envision attending one, because you wish to travel somewhere new to trigger 'ah-ha' moments along your spiritual journey. As fun as that can be, you can also do things right where you are. Whatever the apparent subject, wherever you happen to be, do these three things to thrive:

1. Listen to the voice in your head

That little voice inside you echoes all the time because you choose to hear it.  Listening to this voice or advisor is a kind of security.  (A predictable paycheck is not the only kind of security after all). This voice is the judge, the part of you that wishes to control and plan, feels comfortable with the familliar as points of reference. The world unfolding is unrelated to the filters in your mind which dictate how you perceive it.  Honing and sharpening how you listen to this voice enables you to see the world and yourself from a new place.

2. Discover who watches the voice

That which watches the voice is the silent One.  It is the awareness of who is talking, the tones and intensity of the sounds, and who is doing the listening.  Its the part of you that asks why you need the commentator, the problem-seeker.  This is the part of you that feels at ease in any situation and sees value in whatever is happening.  This is the threshold of leaping into a deeper enjoyment of your chosen focus of attention

3. Focus more often on the breath

The breath is the path of consciousness.  You can engage in breathwork, and use other means to tune into the wisdomwithin yourself. It is possible to engage in life on this level by riding waves of energy like a cosmic surfer through timelines past, present and future.  You can move through a range of emotions and experiences, explore different roads of life your contemplate, even revisit things you thought you missed out on. Go through the process of forgiving, letting go, and getting over or integrating things on a whole new level. This is that which is beyond the doer and watcher. Re-dream the dream from here.