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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in Earth (14)


Recognize the hidden cosmic message

Notice rising above a "problem" expands perception into higher dimensions so one sees beyond it. Einstein echoes 'no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousnes that created it.' To feel into the big galactic picture requires we detach from 3D reality. If you accept the 3D pandemic narrative, or allow emotion, fear and ego to drive you, then you miss the nature of cosmic events leading to even bigger energetic transformations at-hand. ( Thus, the instigating of 3D "distractions.") Imagine this is not about ‘raising the vibration of the 3D’. This 3D reality may be viewed as a standing wave of Separation Consciousness within the Universal Torus. It’s the Unity Consciousness of the Soul that raises in vibration, just as Gaia is doing now. Each Soul chooses to surf certain streams of consciousness and exit the fun-nel on its own terms. Imagine the Earth is to be cleansed in a ball of fiery plasma. High vibrational life does not survive the 3D as it diverges. Souls choose to leave as streams of light emerging in varied directions. Through awareness, one sees an energetic web that streams of light flow out through or merge into. Its like a pulsating resonance of interweaving light (what some have called a “5D Crystalline Grid”) Plasma beings will indeed survive this shift in the lower densities and have the purpose to support the lower dimensional earth grid following the cleansing. The build-up of cosmic energies is echoed in the unravelling of the consensus construct of the Old Earth. At the perfect moment, we will experience what Jim Henson presents as a meatphor in the Dark Crystal- the Great Conjunction comes! This Event points to the convergence of the Galactic, Solar and Earth Pole Shift Cycles. Seeing from this point of view helps to reframe and to accept the energetic process within. Simply unravel and let go of fixed beliefs and ties to the Old 3D Paradigm. It's inviting alignment of 4 key centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the Solar Logos and the galactic core. Whether we are truly awake or not, these are all interrelated and moving together. At this stage, the physical world may assume a more wave-like quality. The fading of the magnetic field softens the qualities of the physical. (I see this as periodic undulating ground beneath my feet or blurring of vision to refocus on the energetic). This is a natural occurrence for those NOT in fear as the Earth’s Pole Shift draws nearer. The state of one's perception simply reflects a choice of direction to flow. So, stay in fear-based reality or shift into a higher vibrational existence. No more sitting on the fence. Then, it hits! I sense a building stream of plasma energy growing and splitting in the field. This is heavily reshaping landscape of 3D Earth as key cosmic cycles complete.  Moving beyond thought allows deep trust, surrender to True Nature.


Cosmic energies guide inner change 

Notice the recent "extended" lunar eclipse and ongoing celestial events reflect an intensifying energetic process. If the Sun seems more intense or you feel disoriented, this echoes spiraling telluric energy. This electrical Earth current typically moves underground or through the sea. Humans are moving into greater resonance with Earth shifts. In our optimum functioning, when endocrine and other dormant systems are fully activated, we are in complete alignment with Earth and Cosmic energetic shifts. This energy is spinning us into a much lighter body and pulling us up into higher frequency bands. It is allowing us to receive, decode and transmit more light. You may find you experience a mixing of the senses or symptoms of what may be described as synesthesia. Some of us have exprienced this for a long time. It is a symptom of expanding consciousness. This is happening at cellular, DNA, and deeply into every atom, molecule and electron in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Energy waves are accelerating our transformation and transmutation of light. This is mirrored in the pace at which changes are unfolding in our own lives. It translates into a sense of urgency or nudge to make life changes we are meaning make.


Unleash a quantum leap

Notice that as we grow conscious of our inner power, energy shifts feel like a vibrational voyage up a cosmic musical scale. It dawns that we hold wisdom to travel through densities and dimensions as smoothly as water changes state. Be like water. Tune into intuition. What may appear on one level as shifts in priorities, conditions or things may also be viewed as shifting to transcend disharmonious frequencies. Everything has a frequency. As more systems activate and senses come online, one tunes into a wider range of sound. Every energetic shift propels us into another frequency, translated though our body vehicle as a new reality, until we shift our energy again. Only this moment exists. As enough of us grow conscious and untether our mind, we accelerate a collective quantum leap into the as of yet unknown. Earth is a timeship and we are awakening to our intercinnectedness with her, the cosmos and all things.


Access & Unleash more inner power

Notice as lightning storms increase in frequency & intensity, one may sense inner build-up and flow or transmission of other energies. Our life-force is a major Source of internal power. Yet, how to access and unleash it?  We all have it, but not all of us have yet experienced it awakening on a visceral level. Consciousness expands as part of transmutation, in other words, our change in form, nature and substance. This allows us to receive, decode and transmit more light. As consciousness grows, the Sun is recognised not only for its outer physical light and heat which nourish and sustain life on Earth. The inner spiritual nature of the Sun is also felt as “the Heart of the Sun”. This reveals itself as one begins to respond to its subjective pull (the great magnet) of the Sun which not only holds all bodies in its orbit, physically but subjectively, through magnetic and radiatory energies which produce friction, but also awakens consciousness within all forms. This preciptates remembering about solar stargates, and the part of one's Being that feels deeply connected to the Sun. There is more than one reason for this.  All is revealed in and by the Light.


Activate your Light Body

Notice plants grow toward the sunlight to generate more energy, transform and thrive. Similarly, our bodies are evolving.  The human body transforms into a Light Body, we feel drawn to spend more time in Nature as well more intense Sun. Light Body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. This occurs on a cellular level, as we adjust from a carbon-based anatomy to a crystalline-based form. Our experience of receiving, decoding and transmitting light alters us. As the human body gradually assimilates, it absorbs increasing amounts of light. Sun-gazing also allows us to absorb light differently. The light Body merkaba is a bridge to Divine Love. Imagine creating a reality of universal co-operation and conscious communion rather than division, separateness and disconnection. Children inspire us to be in harmony with the Light we truly are. They mirror True Radiance.