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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in fear (155)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Destruction Series

Dream Series:

In the first vivid dream, I see my husband abandoning me for someone else.  I feel the deepest pain.

In the second dream, i see from high above the great wave of water coming on the town. I think how to help when water is already flooding everything. My view is far higher than some high building/mountain looking down.

In the third dream, the vision of some kind of construct. On the both sides they were like flat Earth planes and than many planets on both sides and something in between.This middle space i cannot recall. 


In a nutshell, the theme of separation is presented in examples on personal, planetary and cosmic levels.  At each level, the perspective is from a different level of the Sun- the inner sun or sacred heart, the cosmic sun and galactic sun.  At each level, resistance presents to change.   Moving through 5 key wounds (rejection, abandonment, humiliation, injustice, betrayal) and healing is the path to love, acceptance, wholeness. The god Shiva is to be united with Shakti.  Life or Earth re-balances or recalibrates. Peace arises at each level. 

The body-mind complex (pindanda) means microcosm while the word Brahmanda means macrocosm. We often hear the phrase, 'whatever is there in the microcosm is also there in the macrocosm'.

Another way of seeing here reminds us all humans have centres of energy also called Chakras. An Yogi can by mantra japa pierce these Chakras in the sushumna nadi inside his spine. The question is how does an Yogi benefit from piercing these Chakras. Well, turns out that these Chakras in the human body-mind complex (pindanda) have their correspondence in the cosmic Lokas or planes. As the Yogi ascends chakra by chakra, he passes through the corresponding Lokas. Sir John Woodroffe in his book, 'The Serpent Power', presents the following table that shows the correspondence:

  • Muladhara Bhuvarloka
  • Svadhisthana Svarloka
  • Manipura Maharloka
  • Anahata Janaloka
  • Visuddhi TapalokaAjna Satya or Brahm
  • aloka (One who attains to Sahasrara goes beyond all Lokas.)

Turns out, 'whatever is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm' is not seen as scientific truth. We are not made of dark matter or dark energy. What surprises a Yogi as he keeps piercing each chakra is that the human being is built similar to the plan of the universe or the cosmos. This is why the Yogi by leading his shakti to each Chakra can access the equivalent loka of the 14-loka universe. There is no way a priori that any body could have predicted that. This similarity of the microcosm with the macrocosm at the deepest level is the surprise. Just as the universe is built of 14-lokas or planes, so are we. Whatever we have is also there in the universe.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations on single and multiple dreams and we also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course.  Contact us.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Levels of Initiation


I was eating raw food as I climbed spiral stairs of an inner mountain. I met a familliar lady (Jane) who smiled, passed me a key. She was a dream guide I encountered to reach a door on another level. I used key to open door in the wall both key and door vanished. i stepped inside and fell into what turned out a deep chasm yet landed on soft moss. I sat up to see a labriynth of winding underground caverns.  Something mysterious arose from shadows to light my way. I followed glowing insects. A bioluminescent underground river in vibrant twinkling colours appeared out of nowehere. The insects and river guided me to a large chamber with a cathedral (vaulted) ceiling.  In the distance,  I saw another key on a bed of moss on a high rock near a waterfall. So, I waded into the unknown water and swam toward it. A puriple dolphin surfaced inviting me to hold its fin.  We swam together toward the key. As I reached the huge rock I struggled to climb footholds to get ontop, and the rock rumbled.  Then, a huge turtle surfaced its head to smile. As I picked the key up from its back, a holographic vertical series of geometry appeared and key vanished. Touching the key had activated a portal. Symbol recognition at the level of consciousness activated a certain sequence. Lights flashed and "I" vanished.


Raw food as a dream symbol reminds us that everything we consume has a frequency that activates and strengthens our energy systems or suppresses innate capacities. To eat clean and pure sustenance is one way to sharpen lucidity.  It also enables us to accelerate cosmic downloads of vibrational information, so we receive, decode and transmit light in a conscious manner that expands consciousness and turns on forgotten abilities.  Discipline is also required.

Stairs imply moving through levels of awareness. Obstacles are clearing as you take action to make amends.  Spirals refer to the nature of the spiritual journey and the willingness to embrace stages of ups and downs, steep shifts in direction, and moving stairs.

We may be reminded of the famous Escher painting of staircases entitled "Relativity."  It depicts a world in which the normal laws of gravity do not apply. As we begin to see through illusions and dream with lucidily, we begin to harness more creative power in waking life.

Relativity (M. C. Escher) - Wikipedia

This image depicts one of the most copied, and most parodied images, a series of staircases crisscross in a labyrinth-like interior. It intrigues, not only due to the geometry and versatility in conveying multiple dimensions, but also because the staircases symbolize humans' endless pursuit of moving up in the world and the obsession with hierarchies, the "next level" or "next thing".  This 3D world of climbing stairs can perpetuate dissatisfaction unless a means of feeling grounded and satisified emerges in waking life.

Dreaming of a key invites us to ask, “what is the issue in my life that needs a solution?” The key is a common symbol that foretells new discoveries, a geographic move, fresh ideas, thoughts or feelings, new experiences and new knowledge that has been hidden from you (or you have been witholding from yourself).  Dreaming of a key suggests you are open to a big life change, shift, or new beginnings. Being given or holding keys echoes levels of initiation. Keys may point to a secret, a mysterious situation that has not been overly transparent. As the key vanishes, this is the omen of a difficult life period coming to an end. Something echoes, 'you earned it'.

To imagine a chasm, or abyss, reminds you that you choose fear or excitement change in a real life situation. The dream could be telling you that you of the urgency to make a decision and take action.  Falling in a chasm can signify a fear of failure, or not making the "right choice". Yet, to emerge safely indicates you are confident you will overcome obstacles.  To have something soften your fall implies success is linked to accepting the help of others.

Underground places may symbolise where we bury our suppressed fears and desires. This dream symbol can come up when things you have ignored or denied for some time finally need to be addressed. Going into a cave can represent a journey of self-exploration to heal difficult feelings and relationships that can be very transformative.

A vaulted (cathedral) dream ceiling reveals you see beyond where you are yet, find it hard to stabilize on higher ground. You do however, use ingenuity and resourcefulness to do the best you can in light of new challenges. The mischievous aspect of your personality has you push boundaries, go further with intention to reach a new level of love, acceptance, joy. This said, some childhood anxiety has yet to be resolved in your adult life. You have kept that "vaulted" (hidden) in your subconscious until ready to surface for healing and integration.

Turtles in dreams represent your inner persistence, determination, endurance, wisdom and spiritually. These fascinating yet symbolic messengers has just emerged to show you more ancient wisdom is growing accessible. Dolphins are another creature with cosmic significance. They convey vibrational messages felt and decoded  differently based on level of consciousness. Some know them as wise, telepathic guides. Those who ask are always helped.

Sacred geometry appears here as a sign the soul is being nourished. Awareness of parallel worlds and timelines implies you can travel more widely as you master yourself. You may recall visions from films like Dr Strange: The Multiverse of Madness  and how geometry is like a vibrational code or door that arises as part of initiations. Cosmic doorways present in alignment with our vibration.

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, related to karma, energies, clarity and more. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us.


Journey of an Alchemist

Notice in hidden underground caves of dreams, most precious gems and insights emerge crystal clear. And in waking life, its only by descending into the abyss that we recall what it is to trust and surrender, rewire the brain, activate dormant systems, shift from fear to love. The sheer magnitude of what must be faced is reminds us anything dark or negative is a call to rise. Our innate capacity to reframe challenges builds character, resilience, births the alchemist or opens the golden flower within. As we forge a unique path through darkness, create lines of wisdom in our skin to mirror life's eroded walls, others also find their inner light


Dream Analysis of the Week- Face the Music


I dreamed that something was following me and yet also avoiding me.  I could see it in the eyes of a colleague who did not return my calls. I felt it in a man who did not wish to speak with me as he turned away and drove off in a truck that grew wings and flew.  I could sense it as I read newspaper headlines about local real estate developpers. Angry local women were protesting a court outcome.  I sensed the same thing vying for my attention everytime I picked up my phone to check email or social media.  It was like the itch that seemed to move to a different place in my body if I made a move to scratch it. Even when I resisted scratching, the sensation would be evoked by the external.  It was harder to tune in and feel this music in the sun.


For some people, letting go is an idea, something very difficult to do.  We become very good at ignoring our gut. The ultimate goal is natural awareness.  At some point, you do not know how not to be aware. That is when everything is meditation. Awareness is all that is. At that stage, there is no period of starting and stopping meditation. Yet, in the beginning, steps of guidance, focused attention, going to a place at a particular time, control, are required to shift into, help us recall this state. An analogy can be seen as honesty and dishonesty play out in our own life experience. This is our process of shifting out of ego fear and into love.

Dreams that echo inner conflict point to the roots of unrecognized or unexplained anger, resentments or guilt. Part of you wants to see things for what they are in the present moment, accept and integrate what bothers you, yet fear, conditioning keep you in denial.  The only way to accept others is to fully accept ourselves first, including decoding our shadow.  What we think we reject in others often simply reflects what we judge or reject about ourselves.  Whatever you think you cannot accept, choose to avoid or "protest" about is actually inside you. Headlines echo the unconscious issues that cry out for your acceptance and conscious validation.

Dreams speak to us in a language of metaphors, symbols, images, and archetypes. These patterns we all recognize instinctively, as part of the collective mind. An example would be the idea of a good mother or an angel. Whether or not we had a good mother or ever saw an angel, we share common understanding that the mother of compassion who loves unconditionally and protects wholeheartedly does exist. This is an archetype. Although we all dream about different things, many patterns are universal. Dream images and events are not literal, but have archetypal resonance. Each dream aspect is unique to the dreamer but connects to the collective unconscious. It is here where insight and history of the universe is stored. We often access it during dreams.

The wings make reference to spiriituality. Humans are spiritual beings. We are comprised of both essence and matter. We take form as flesh and bone that encapsulates our purest self—the soul, our most authentic being. This part of us feels deep love and spontaneous joy. It is our elemental self lodged in trust and understanding. We were born into the world in this perfect and ethereal form and from that moment our humanness began to grow. As soon as we experienced pain, loss, or fear we began to develop the counterpart to the soul—our shadow. Our shadow consists of the qualities we repress, deny, or dislike in ourselves. It is the dark side of our personality. The shadow grows as we experience suffering and hardship in our human form. Each one of us is a hybrid blend of shadow and soul. We are both dark and light. Filled with fear and love. Brimming with confidence and saddled by doubt. We are a balance of what is seen and unseen.

In a woman, the soul is represented as masculine and the shadow is represented as feminine. The opposite is true for men whose soul is shown through a captivating, beautiful, and intriguing woman and whose shadow is portrayed as an ugly, destructive, violent or somehow undesirable man. When you are feeling connected, spiritual, your soul shows itself in. If it makes an appearance and leaves, this suggests you are distracted by or weighed down by your shadow. When we are overwrought with feelings of anger or fear, the shadow figure may dominate the dream space.  The multiple people living inside you are called personas.

 We offer Dream Consultations and dreamwork as part of our psychotherapy and coaching packages.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


The Ultimate Pointer

Notice the body functions on instinct. Consciousness operates naturally through intuition (or the language of the Soul). To accept and act on instincts with absolute joy, without guilt or judgement, guides us to feel into intuition. If it seems body and soul are in conflict, this invites closer attention inside ourselves.
The body and soul share a vision yet operate on different planes. And just as instinct functions in its own way, through signs and signals that are learned and read, so does intuition have a language of symbols, feelings, sensations that the human journey guides us to recognize and trust implicitly. This is inner harmony.
Intellect is a bridge and a potential disturbance on our journey to expanding consciousness. Intellect is where fear can take hold. Its up to us whether we tune in and respond. Any fear we hold is rooted in fear of death. This prevents us from truly living. Fear tells us we have reason to feel trapped, that free will is out of reach. The vibration of fear disconnects us from our divine power, true Self, love essence, creativity, intuitive guidance, freedom. Fear focuses us on the external.
Every person and situation is a prospective encounter, teacher and guide to see deeper into ourselves. Each one can be viewed as a hindrance or a stepping-stone to experience the vibration of a higher plane of functioning. As we shift into multidimensional being, we relate to intellect as a stepping-stone. It dawns every thought and feeling we create emits a vibration into the universe. As we master our own thoughts and feelings, we master energy flow and shape new realities.