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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in frequency (71)


Resolve the unresolvable

(Image: Time Travel by Mark Golding)
Notice the multiverse is increasingly self-evident. In this 3D "Earth" reality, we are upgrading to hold a huge amount of high frequency energy in the physical body and shifting to rely on visceral functions. As huge energy influxes intensify, the physical body is pushed to it's limits. Our human mind is being pushed beyond it's limits on purpose. We are activating limitless being. Emotional energies surface to be pushed out of our physical body vessel. ​Earth vibrations are rising. Our bodies are upgrading to hold more light, purging what we are not/never truly were, all the false stories, all the discord/delusions and programs held deep inside our physical structure. As full recalibration occurs, we no longer need this. Linear time is fading. Certain memories remain to inspire and help awaken others to the bigger Truth. Our human experiment or experience exists for us to completely transcend from within. As "you" unify inside, the illusion of separation ("time") falls away. Limits once "imposed", dissolve. It dawns we exist vibrationally, and thus bypass the constraints of time, itself an illusion held in the human body template- mind. As our body de-densifies, we physically move into higher frequency bandwidths. That which was not possible before, arises as our new reality. Each timeline collapse is actually a convergence, a unification of all time. The apparent quickening occurs as all existences within those previous vibrations are caught in the collapse or convergence all merge into one. All of those realities unresolved or needing to be resolved/unresolvable merge "into the same space", where one has not completed each cycle, finalized all details, tied up all loose ends dangling before the convergence occurs. will be on many dimensional levels, if you will. Inside, with each other, vibrationally... as all come together to unite, to anchor the highest vibrational realities into your physical one. As each fully embraces their own soul purposes/missions here, as each realizes that everyone is important here, as each understands that which their human cannot comprehend, as each transcends all separation from within. 

Feel into the expanded Truth

Notice the Truth is in plain sight, yet only those energetically ready are willing to see. The Sci-fi genre has long echoed we exist as limitless energy in a holographic universe. Human life is like a huge Holodek on The Starship Enterprise. We change body, costumes, culture, roles, relations, environment, to explore possible outcomes, before making a choice grounded in space-time reality.
Ever reflect on a quantum computer or a simulation? Participate in a performance rehearsal or a practice game so you could iron out quirks, create the best scenario when it counts? How might unseen actors simulate global events with a quantum computer? What if each human is already a quantum computer with immeasurable power and potential? What if fully activating multidimensional systems enables shifting into divine resonance beyond the game? Recall the classic Wizard of Oz story where the man behind the curtain uses machines to create false realities to scare Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Lion. It works well numerous times until Dorothy's dog Toto opens the curtain and reveals the illusion. This triggers an awakening in Dorothy & her friends. They change how they see, reclaim their power. Dorothy learns her red shoes always held power she seeks. Like her, we can access inner power Now. Consider the possibility the entire 3D physical Universe is illusory. If all we think we know is within the simulated 3D realm we engage in, then intuition guides us to what exists beyond it. As we grow and trust self more, rather than seek answers outside, we go within, and remove veils we place over our own eyes. This brings us new clarity.More of us are growing aware of a divergence in awareness and consciousness. Its like splitting Earths: one for those who still play unconscious games of self-created limitation and another for those who expand into diverse timelines and interact in different dimensions to return and influence our collective 3D experience. As veils dissipate, the deeper Truth revealed is that by activating and upgrading innate systems, we access more realities, frequencies and timelines naturally. Awakening is about shifting into collective consciousness, knowing we need no external tech interfaces to facilitate what we already do in some realms ourselves. As we ease into extended aspects of self in varied frequencies, we consciously move through the sound and light spectrum like a cosmic radio dial. Exploring dreams and altered states allows us to feel into and start unleashing infinite potential. Being aware and charging our electro-magnetic signals enables us to faciliate huge shifts beyond words.

Align with the New Normal

Notice as you awaken, your relationships must change to align with your changing energy, frequency, vibration, or discomfort simply grows. It dawns relationships do not actually sustain you, rather, you sustain and project versions of yourself and when ready, bravely shift focus. Every self-view creates a reality. Being awake means you are no longer okay with anything that insults your Soul. This is about connecting emotionally with yourself, recognizing where you were emotionally disconnected before, and why. Its about knowing that as you move forward, existing or new relationships must mirror this expanding consciousness or fade. Speaking your truth may begin as a simple statement, and progress into sharing feelings more openly. Truth does not stroke egos, or tolerate negative energy like you are now aware you unconsciously allowed before.  As you grow aware of Loving self, more of innate wholeness reveals itself. You can no longer stay asleep in or about any area of your life. Every part of your Soul is aroused and subtle senses awaken. Where you once believed self-worth grows or is developed, it dawns self-worth is given, untaintable, ever-present. You connect with self and others on levels previously inconceivable. Intimacy with others grows in parallel to intimacy and connection with yourself. Love is the journey and Path. Love is the Power of Creation. With Love, you recreate thyself. Love nurtures and nourishes the Soul. Love guides you act from the open Heart, rather than the fear-conditioned mind esssence, your version of normal is shifting and changing. You tune into fearlessness to create and enter untamed worlds. Plunging into the wildness of the sacred is evocative and riveting. This is about growing awareness of letting go to access inner power and reclaim sovereignty. Its about recognizing triggers exist til we grow aware of the underlying causes and heal them. Its about challenging yourself to become the highest version of you. Such a Being inspires you to see beyond what you are told.  Stepping into one's pure divine presence sends lightning bolts of Truth through the entire body, jolting one awake and stirring the Soul Love within. Some people can handle the energy and thrive. While others, not yet ready, shy away. Different stages of consciousness affect who/ levels of energy our body can handle. In an awakened state, it dawns nothing and nobody outside of ourselves can make us feel wanted, needed, or responsible, because this is what we are meant to feel about ourselves first. Anything else creates dependence, co-dependence, illusions.  To love anything with all your heart, is about being loyal, honouring and loving yourself. Everything in our reality is a mirror.  Know you are on the cusp of Soul-shifting transformations.  Know everything we think and feel has energetic consequences. To be drawn to an energy where fires are blazing, is accepting that what exhilarates the Soul enables you to grow and thrive. As you recognize true divine nature, and begin to align, you must accept total responsibility for every thought, feeling and direction your life takes knowing you alone create it without judgment.  Being awake, it no longer feels acceptable to feel stuck, to perpetuate stagnant routines or situations. You tap into ingenuity, resourcefulness and make changes you deem necessary. Where you live, work or pass time has to change with your growing and evolving sense of who you are. It dawns that you send electric shockwaves of spiritual Light through your entire chakra system, attuning you to the Divine. Choosing to walk fearlessly into the Unknown has many facets. Unforeseen benefits exist beyond mind’s comprehension. With perfect timing, you lift curtains, unveil as of yet undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic.  To feel seen like you’ve never felt seen before, simply see yourself as the clear and boundless sky. See through the clouds to trust and appreciate your rainbow being. Acknowledge the core value of your own efforts as the truest source of happiness, not another's judgement or any external recognition. Know all that is good is what you are. As you shed light on your shadows, darkness is suddenly a gift you give yourself to grow into unity.  On some level, we each embrace, kiss, caress and love ourselves to revive and decode self-created illusions. Shift to function in ways your Soul understands. There is suddenly no place to hide. As you are open and see everything in transparency, you love you with a depth and presence that pure being has only ever known.   As a conscious Soul on Fire, your life can never be the same. You resonate with the Sun, storms, rainbows emerging from rain, shapeshifting into Stars, distant Galaxies and every path in between.  As the mind begins to quiet down, we open ourselves to a miraculous unfolding. Radiate true being. Rediscover Love in a whole new way.

Interview with Mark Anthony

World-renowned psychic medium and Oxford educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration taking you on a journey from the cosmic to subatomic, into the human Soul itself.

Combining physics, neuroscience and riveting true stories this book invites readers to create a new version of normal that recognizes and trusts their intuition and impressions of the unseen.

  • Reveals how our “electromagnetic soul” is pure eternal energy which never dies.
  • Takes Spirit encounters, near-death experience (NDEs), and deathbed visions out of the shadows of superstition and into the light of 21st Century science.
  • Teaches you Anthony’s Technique to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear.
  • Provides hope for victims of grief, homicide, suicide, PTSD and survivor’s guilt.
  • Illuminates how contact with spirits is a powerful instrument of healing and love.

Check out the video interview here: pinned post at top of FB page

YouTube link: 


The key to everything is trust feelings

Notice one intelligent consciousness permeates and connects the whole Universe. Quantum physics bridges seen and unseen worlds. Energy is a common thread that connects branches of true reality; streams of consciousness, God as Source energy (Generator, Orchestrator Destoyer), life and spiritual existence. It is our own vibrational energy that shifts along a spectrum of available cosmic frequencies. This universal Truth has been shared by ancient sages, mystics, shamans and those who tune into Christ Consciousness and wish to share the experience. Yet, many humans are taught to doubt the unseen and often require proof of heaven, paradise or bliss as a prerequisite to be open to the experience. Humans as a collective group have only recently begun to shift and expand vibrationally to where they begin to tune into a wider range of frequencies. Tuning into the universal frequency on a wider scale is what shifts collective perception of reality. This only happens on a wider scale as people grow willing to listen to and trust themselves, to accept their feelings, visceral signs and signals. As we validate our own version and experience of "the unseen", from inner hunches or messages to spiritual encounters, we are raising the vibration of the planet for she is a reliable mirror of our own energy state.

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