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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in frequency (71)


Shift into best version of You

Notice every decision we make triggers shifts in energy, conditions and consciousness. As we live consciously, every decision echoes taking increasing responsibility in our lives. As it dawns every thought, word and action is shaping every moment of our existence, we shift focus to breathe and grow into greater alignment with True Being. All we think, say and do, how we live, all has energetic consequences. It is said the 5 people we spend the most time with are the 5 people we are becoming. Life invites us to move into what energizes and inspires us, evokes joy, creativity and spontaneity. Let go of resistance to recalibrate into greater harmony with Self. Allow the incoming cosmic codes to faciliate shifts in vibration, timelines and expand consciousness. Every decision echoes a frequency that teleports us through a cosmic stargate to experience new ways of being. Soul guides us to listen to our inner voice, and act on intuition. Being the flow is seeing only synchronicity and taking quantum leaps into the best version of ourselves. (Image: "Time Travel" by Samuel Farrand)
(Image Time Travel by Samuel Farrand)


Tune into resonance with Creation

Notice telepathic communication is ongoing with the Sun, clouds, rocks, sand, shells, ocean and more. All that is nature is vibrating its own unique language calling us to tune into resonance with creation. Activating traits of higher consciousness triggers the cosmic connection & deeper remembering. Having downloaded the relevant information, it dawns what it is to be fully functioning. Seeing the wider perspective invites anchoring this into being and remembeing this is always about opening the heart. Imagine everything is a call for love or a message about love. Its that simple. (Digital canvas: artist unknown)


Honour the journey of Light

Notice we are each on a journey to obtain, absorb or experience more light. As we honour every journey, it dawns we each have the freedom to determine our own Truth by taking in all that is presented and tuning into what resonates. Resonance is recognised on a cellular level. Letting go of disharmony allows true nature to reveal itself. As it dawns what it is to connect with the energy of creation within ourselves, we awaken and illuminate ourselves. Aligning with Higher Consciousness expands reality. This is about allowing cellular and DNA shifts to receive, decode and transmit more light. Imagine your vehicle is a quantum circuit-board activating with an enormous cosmic upgrade. 


Shift frequency between life & afterlife

(Platonic Solid Sacred Geometry by Nathalie DAOUT)

Notice our perception of life and death is based on our personal experience of energy, frequency and vibration. Although trained to adopt repeated ideas, beliefs and opinions of 'truth', as one expands consciousness, the range of detectable frequencies expands, much like accessible stations and light languages on a cosmic radio dial. Growing intensity of internal messages & visceral Truth are harder to deny. Direct experience lifts one out of states of belief or disbelief about others' stories on Near Death Eperiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Remote-Viewing (RV), Mediumship interaction with Spirit, Bi-location or Multi-location (i.e. Yogis). As this shifts to conscious cosmic energy downloads being expressed as music, art, sculpture by ourselves, the impact is very different. We may hear ourselves sing familliar languages or suddenly know we are in more than one place at once which defies previous ideas of deja-vu. At some stage, our experience goes beyond the sci-fi films that showcase travel through stargates and portoles using separate physical machines or gadgets. What if what you are experiencing and cannot explain is a stepping stone to living the unexplained more consciously and consistently? Imagine the impact of shifting awareness to realize self as the ultimate multi-dimensional technology, channel and communicator. What happens as it dawns one is an interstellar / inter-galactic antenna, with hidden and awakening abilities, that are activated by joininng the dots or iluminating our bio-circuitry? Step-by-step, we illuminate from within-consciousness is expanding. The more we live in integrity, the more of the wider cosmic Truth reveals itself. The time is Now to upgrade DNA to receive, decode and transmit cosmic energy!


Move into Christ Consciousness

(Sacred geometry art by Endre Balogh)

Notice we cannot move into Christ consciousess while we are still operating from our ego. The dissolution of the ego happens as one aligns with the Laws of the Universe and shifts to function consistently from a place of heartfelt integrity. Tuning into sounds and feelings allows one to recognize dissonant energy and intuitively shift into choices/ situations of pure resonance. Its a process of letting go and embracing change on different levels. When we do not listen to our own discomfort and resist taking steps to reside in more joy, we block or postpone our own energetic transformation. The more we do listen, act from a place of inner peace, self-love and acceptance, the faster natural events unfold.