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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in frequency (71)


Be open to receive Light language

Notice at the perfect moment, it dawns the curious energies of external events are pointing to the activation of inner crystals in the head, which can activate to receive, Light languages from the upper dimensions. The revelation of one's own crystal skull activating triggers a knowing about the source and frequency of projections and then, focuses on receiving complex encoded cosmic data. Two of the crystals are located above the eyebrows, directly over the pupils. The third is just below the hairline, inline with the nose. The recorder cell receiver crystal also activates (on the right side of your head, about 1.5 inches above the ear). At this stage, it dawns one had forgetten how many times one has died and how much insight is retained in the crystals. They hold immeasurable wisdom that the Soul has gathered over many incarnation cycles on varied planets and stars. More and more, the recorder cell will download parts of the data into the receiver crystal. You may experience sudden flashes of insight, deja-vus, tingling, even a periodic burning liquid sensation in the area of the receiver crystal. As cosmic codes flow on, their exact origins may be unclear. You may engage more in spontaneous, creative expression or behaviour. Like me, you may have what seem to be memory lapses for what were assumed to be simple things. Such 'glitches in the matrix' arise as conditioned brain pathways grow non-accessible while entirely new pathways are being created. You may tune into new tones, bands of light, color, geometry, Hebrew letters, hieroglyphics, complex equations. This is Spirit energy communication or light codes. As crystalline templates realign, energy bodies change their usual motion into spirals of energy. You begin to hook up into multidimensional mind and begin to receive streams of Light codesl or “Languages of Light”. The pituitary and pineal function together when open, they cause what is known as the “Arc of the Covenant.” It’s a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head, from the fourth eye to the third eye area. That is one of the decoding mechanisms for higher-dimensional language. Your brain functioning begins to change and you begin to perceive and think in terms of geometries and tones. This may even be all you hear. This may also have been functioning for years (Earth time) and you only recently give it more attention. It may feel unsettling if a direct translation into words may not yet present. As the translation paths open, words simply come and you begin to understand tonal languages, geometries and patterns telepathically. Spirit is using these languages to shift the higher dimensional structure of your blueprint into a new template for a fifth-dimensional Light body. More of the bigger energetic picture reveals itself in alignment with shifts in vibrations. What enters sensory perception in experience is in harmony with one's own level of consciousness. Every Soul is on a unique energetic journey. By creating a more fluid attitude, eating and behaving in ways that resonate, you prepare inner terrain to allow the natural unfolding.

Embrace Truth of Infinite Light Being

("Light Being" digital art by Bruce Rolff)

Notice as more layers of conditioned beliefs and distractions peel away, it dawns we, as Light Beings, created everything on this plane. That is, we infused our Spirit into and around all that we created. This gave an object the energy to hold itself together. Size matters not. Everything that exists on this plane has a Spirit. That Spirit is in or around them. Not everything has a Soul. A Soul goes into any type of being that is capable of emotion. Some creatures are a very low frequency and basic experience, but still have a Soul. Consider insects. They may seem a very low energy, yet, still transmit back to Source all experiences. Source is everything. HUmans are fed many distorted frequencies about separateness. Religious, economic, governmental and societal teachings can cloud inner knowing. Illusions would have humans believe they need rules and authority to feel safe, that they are less than whole & divine, less than self-reliant and must work to earn acceptance, survival and connection with God or to appease superiors. Visions of being powerless victims, feeling less than, in need of improvement, are deeply ingrained. On deep levels, biocircuitry has been disconnected, fully-functioning DNA deactivated/ altered. This projects a sense of external conflict. In Truth, humans project their own inner emotional conflict. At the core, Soul remembers you are Source Energy. Core being holds the “I AM”. Realize the moment is Now to release illusion. You know you are Infinite Being that cannot be denied in the Totality of All. Only when blinded in the illusionary plane of duality does one forget. Tuning into inner knowing echoes what is true based on your level of consciousness. By focusing on that knowing, you progressively let go of the unreal. Energy and vibration are the only True reality. This is the key breakthrough. Sometimes it happens in one lifetime or many lifetimes. Integration of energetic existence preciptates shifts in perception, dissolving of projections and a seeming shift into a completely different radiant world of light. Shamballa is closer that you think. Feel the way home. 


Unleash a quantum leap

Notice that as we grow conscious of our inner power, energy shifts feel like a vibrational voyage up a cosmic musical scale. It dawns that we hold wisdom to travel through densities and dimensions as smoothly as water changes state. Be like water. Tune into intuition. What may appear on one level as shifts in priorities, conditions or things may also be viewed as shifting to transcend disharmonious frequencies. Everything has a frequency. As more systems activate and senses come online, one tunes into a wider range of sound. Every energetic shift propels us into another frequency, translated though our body vehicle as a new reality, until we shift our energy again. Only this moment exists. As enough of us grow conscious and untether our mind, we accelerate a collective quantum leap into the as of yet unknown. Earth is a timeship and we are awakening to our intercinnectedness with her, the cosmos and all things.


Why Intuition is the key

Notice our intuition connects us to our origins. We all have dreams that are not simply dreams. They are vibrational guides and parallel realities. We are all “pieces” of the same puzzle. Our intuition will always recognize that “peace” is knowing that All is Love and you are one with Love. The purest form of Love is accessible inside. “Peace” is knowing. It is knowing a place inside where Light shines the brightest. Following the path illuminated by your brightest light will always lead to Inner Peace. The light within connects each of us with dragons. From a galactic view, the dragon body is seen as a new “form-kind” as it was made partially of light body (similar to 4D “spirits” but made of glowing, radiant light similar to our sun) and partially of matter. This design enabled dragons to know touch, relationship, and the appropriate use of power. Power is feared and often misunderstood by humans, most specifically since power has been hugely misused and humans have fallen victim to its abuse. The true definition of power is the ability to manage and direct intense, consolidated light to create, communicate, or direct manifestation. It is the Mastery of Light. Self-mastery is Inner Light- Mastery. Dragons are Light Masters. Once individuals enter the Realm of Peace, (gaining self-matery over desire and impulse) access to directing light energy is unlimited based on compatibility with the frequency of power. Light energy grows accessible to those who are compatible with its energy field. Power, or the ability to manage and direct energy, is accessible to those whose frequency has reached a point of harmonic evolutionary atonement. This is a key principle within the Peace Realm. This amazing power brings the responsibility to direct energy only toward compatible resonant energy fields. Technically, a Light Master has the ability to direct light anywhere, and this is a pretty incredible sense of power. Imagine the analogy that you are the sun. The sun is able to direct its Light energy toward planets that depend on its energy to survive. Were the sun to stop shining, life in many worlds and for many species would end. Likewise, a more directed and stronger flow of light energy could scorch the entire solar system. This is an enormous amount of power, so mastering one’s energy is essential. This ability to direct light through peaceful, balanced intent has curiously turned into the folklore that dragons spew flames from their mouths. Some suns are actually dragons, and some suns, like ours, are dragons in training. To become a full-fledged dragon, (sun or cosmic star) one must successfully complete an “initiation.” An important component of initiation is mastery of intuition. Intuition comes from “in-to-(I),” which is ultimately where all answers and true guidance reside. Intuition referred to as the reptilian brain because this is where the purest light is found. “Reptilian” is one term for Light Receptacle or Carrier of Light. Reptilians are our ancestors because, of course, each of us is born of Light, made of Light, and into Light we shall return. After birth of individuality in Light, one of the earliest vehicles/forms was called “Reptilian”—a mixture of form and non-form; part ethereal, part matter. The reptilian vehicle was a quasi-light body form into which many individual essences were born to experience their first incarnation. When Earth was formed by Space and Time, we knew the experimental nature of the project and the game element of design. One Truth well-known to all of us is that no essence can ever be cut off from the Truth (one’s Soul). The Truth of who you are, what you are made of, and from where you originate are Macroversal imprints that can never be erased. It is not possible to separate you from the Truth. Earth's creation was a project intended to test this concept and see if environmental circumstances (the altering of sensory perceptions) could block ability to remember. This was an experiment, or so we thought before learning of the secretive implantation of the Ego-virus into human DNA. Now although this violated all Macroversal principles and injured many participants, we did learn a great lesson: although one can be separated from intuition, the Truth connection is never lost. Intuition will always light our way as true nature in unchangeable. The more we trust ourselves, the more we listen to intuition as truest guiding Light.

You are the key to the door

Notice expansion of consciousness begins dimly where one perceives nothing of other objects and beings, but only inner experiences of one's own Soul. As perception develops, it grows creative. As maturity and integrity occur, multidimensional perception emerges. One begins to discern a wider spectrum of colours, sounds and textures. The coalescing of once familliar senses allows one to begin to tune into diverse roles being played in the big picture. Innersight or psychic consciousness arises based on energetics. The nature of the endocrine system and its role in our optimal functioning of Being enters awareness. Through ceremony and spiritual practices, biocircuitry illuminates to come online. As vibration rises, remembering deepens. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, the less you need to eat to sustain yourself. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and emotions are easily managed. As self-trust grows, the nature of energy centres, planetary, pyramid and star grids, as well as what is required to reactivate them, enters conscious awareness. It dawns certain structures and beings are invisible to the senses until one can handle the flow of intense energy required to illuminate one's inner circuit board. Only those vibrating at extremely high frequencies match the frequencies of crystal temples and pyramids and can enter sacred rooms. Certain higher vibrational temple doorways emit a long white flame. Imagine a cosmic gateway, which links this planet to other galaxies and also acts as a direct link to the Divine Source. HUmanity has reached a point when different versions of Earth are arising. It is imperative to come to understand the energetic nature celestial bodies and their meaning to us. They are the language of our consciousness and the path for different advanced technologies. Choosing love is choosing to work directly with your consciousness and Spirit. Entering into dialogue with beings that are currently beyond the widespread level of collective perception, can guide one to deeper inner knowing that is always available to everyone.