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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in harmony (73)


What is it about shape-shifting?

People email me about shape-shifting.  They ask to what degree it is possible, how its done and who does it. 

Energetic interactions occur every moment.  As you shift levels of awareness, you sense you are an energy being, begin to attune to vibration, and know all you do affects everything you perceive and experience.

Your sense of what is possible arises based on how you are conditioned to think.  When something suppresses knowledge of the limitless, loving consciousness you are, then you create mental boundaries of what you are willing to believe. To query whether something is possible reveals doubt that you are all that is, all possibilities now.

Most people filter realities based on beliefs. If you are completely honest, when you come into experience, you permit it to flow and celebrate revelations.  The moment you discard misunderstanding, you grow more conscious of who you are. This is about removing what prevents you from being. What you see in the mirror is not the real you. Move points of observation from limitation to infinite consciousness,  Fear and words lose meaning. 

Some people wonder if its possible to abandon the physical body shell and be a body of light. At any given moment, everything is possible. As an energy being moves into increasingly awakened, harmonious and balanced consciousness, then he operates on  different levels than individuals who operate at points of observation that include disharmony, imbalance and fear. One's state of being externalizes energy.  You feed off the energy you generate from emotional states.  The love energy of the heart has a particular, uplifting vibrational state.

Many people are convinced you cannot shift between solid bodies.  In truth, you are not a solid entity. The body is a projected hologram.  As you remember how to sense further than visible and conditioned spectrums of light, you recognize perception is all about vibrational frequency. Energy beings vibrate at different energy frequencies.  One view of shape-shifting is that it only takes place in the energy-decoding processing centre of the brain. 

Individuals with an extending range of perception connect more alert to consciousness.  An increasing number of people are connected to the physical reality but are awakening to energy beyond.  Its much easier to align with something, that is, to extend your sense of what is possible, as you vibrate at a similar frequency.  Take responsibility for making it happen and your vibrational frequency changes.  You connect with those states you are in vibrational harmony with or or merge into what you think and feel. You are in control of your own energy.

In your decoded reality, everything is experienced as holograms in the physical world.  Shapeshifting unfolds in the mind.  You are conditioned to perceive through a limited frequency range.  Beyond this visible light spectrum, exist entities that not everyone yet chooses or remembers to see. So much connects as part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Rediscover harmony

As you trust what is the 'right' thing to do, you meet your destiny.  You are invited to turn adopted perceptions inside out, to reflect on what is indispensable, and discard or detach from all else.

The creative force of concentration draws your attention to anything that enables you to become one.   It is not the form an action takes but the underlying intention that drives it, that matters.  

Choose to remember who you are.  Everyone has the capacity to transcend all belief systems, labels and assocations to tune into the timeless tonality that is you. This is beyond anything in your universe.

The divine vibration that is you has no beginning or no end.  Remove imagined names. What you feel does not need a name.  It requires no explanation. It just is.  You are back to square one, where it begins. 


8 Ways to reframe everything

It is said the Source of all energy has given everyone and everything the insight to live in harmony. Everyone has all they require, yet does not necessarily choose to recognize this.  Why do people selectively forget these core teachings? What steps are you taking to uncover them and transform?

1) Be willing to undo or change how you think and feel.

2) Know ways to perceive exist other than what you now use.

3) Retrieve original teachings imprinted in heart and soul.

4) Learn not to judge anrd everse spiritual deficiency.

5) Listen to intuition to tap into unseen worlds and energy.

6) Train the mind  to remove the meaning you give everything.

7) Apply all thoughts and feelings universally or dissolve them.

8) Read A Course in Miracles (ACIM).  See things as they are.

"Humans have the ability to shift perspective. We can experience the world through our senses. Or we can remove ourselves from our senses and experience the world even less directly. We can think about our life, rather than thinking in our life. We can think about what we think about our life, and we can think about what we think about that. We can shift perceptual positions many times over." - John Emerick


Ease into a life of pure joy

Many people will ask themselves what it requires to live differently than they currently do.  Human beings often detect restlessness.  Part of you is poised to do something about your own.  After all, what makes it so hard to change? What prevents you from accepting guidance? Choose to ease into a life of joy;

1) Allow harmony to reign.  Effortless energy is at work beneath the surface.  Tap into that and it gushes out to remind you of the power of your free-flowing, creative spirit.

2) Open your heart wider.  The art of giving and receiving love is an expanding process.  It strengthens your immune system, brings renewed mental and physical strength, awakens deeper compassion and peace.  Love offers so much that does not yet enter your mind.  What you do not register is very real.

3) Choose to trust first.  This means you do not opt to trust out of fear.  Human beings lie out of fear.  You can decide not to be influenced by fear, not to give away your inner power. Learn not to judge or desire to do harm, even when others do not necessarily follow your lead.


6 Ways to re-align what ails you

Many people who feel discomfort or unease do not always realize it translates details of energy states. To consult an energy healer is one way to help uncover and localize some of your core imbalances. Consider these exercises you can do alone to help open your mind and explore some core issues;

1) Heed "ah-ha" moments. A series of events will lead to a moment of realisation. This may trigger a series of painful experiences you had repressed or, other intense emotions selectively disregarded and forgotten. Difficult memories emerge as you admit you are not being true to self. Emotions present as a gauge for you to learn why you generate them.

2) Raise self-awareness. Notice how certain life choices weaken your sense of core foundations, principles and values. Recall a situation where you did not listen to your inner voice. Reminisce of the stress or turbulence that ensued. Feel the energy imbalance. Use this to identify how beliefs formed to justify what you did not wish to do, but did anyway.

3) Realize what you resist. What you think is authentic or real in life progressively dissolves. It may be a condition, job, relationship, whatever clarifies who you believe you are.  As you evolve to recognize which ideas have been instilled, you gradually peel those away to uncover what you resist.

4) Restore faith in yourself.  A shift in awareness can lead to sudden feelings of betrayal and identity crisis. As you begin to grasp how you create and perpetuate illusions, you can choose to replace distorted ideas and initiate self-healing.

5) Build resilience. Some people relate staying power to developing physical endurance. To expand, incorporate psychological and spiritual angles.  Decide to nuture positive thoughts and accept what you cannot change outside yourself. Cumulative effects are incredibly powerful.  As you gain insight into core rhythms and energies, you begin to grasp how the vibration and frequency of your energy body affect how you feel and what you perceive. 

6) Brainstorm harmony. Each person has a sense of what creates and takes away from harmony.  Energy you experience travels in waves, patterns and movements that affect your changing states. Some experiences will seem more challenging.  Yet, those are  the ones that are most enriching.  They invite you to stretch and redefine balance and well-being.  As this process of re-aligning becomes more conscious and deliberate, you sense harmony that defies words.