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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in harmony (73)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Crop Circles

(Image: Hand of God Nebula; source: ESA)

Dream: I dreamed crop circles are being created on the side of the moon.  The sacred geometry is willed into place by a floating finger shape that is conducting stars like a symphony.  Patterns are drawn in the air (vaccuum) and materialize magically on a cosmic rock.  They are then projected from planet to planet like a film until they materialized in particular earth grain fields. Its as if they finally know where to materialize. They only stay until they disappear. 

Insight: crop circles represent communciation with your highest Self and reflects deep awareness of higher vibrational life forms.   You are tuning into suble senses and the presence of a wider reality. This invites you to pay attention to the mystical in everyday experiences.

Geometric shapes are widely viewed as highly symbolic as their configurations lead the dreamer towards inner completion or enlightenment.  Despite this, we are conditioned to seek fulfillment and success in external worlds, to nourish our own dissatisfaction, as though we are continually empty and repeatedly need filling up.  Such an insatiable hunger is perpetually unfulfilled and cannot guide us to the truth or what we truly are.

Symphonies are powerful expressions of creative energy. The presence of sound suggests the dreamer may be ready to express some strong feelings, may not know in exactly what form would be best understood to the intended audience.  It may call for an experiment, to test out and share one form of expression or another.

On a deeper level, focusing outside of us prevents or postpones subtle experiencing of Oneness that we already are.  We are in this world, but not of it.  It all comes back to facing our own mind which is the source of love as well as all of our suffering.  The process invites us to reclaim inner power over our own mind, putting that into practice, one thought and feeling at a time. 

So, on some level, we are each the key to deciphering our own crop circles. Much like we can each look at a cloud in the clear blue sky and see something different, we can all tune into crop circles and allow them to guide us to hear not only the silent music of the spheres, but also our own self-created music and harmony.

Among our services, we offer Dream Consultations as well as an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course. Contact us for more details.


See the cosmic wisdom beyond past lives

Notice what it feels like to ease into a more liberated and joyful human experience. Awakening to false identities and energy distortions continues to create upheavals in human existence. Different reference points in our realities are crumbling. New references arise to replace those we outgrow and let go. More and more people are growing aware of unrest, yet conflict and confusion may seem to intensify until that pivotal moment-a life changing shift.
Many people are taught to believe they live to reach a point when God or enlightenment may be realized, like a reward at the end of a path or death. Still others nourish traditions where spirit is felt as part of this 3-D world. We can be and embody divine spirit, remember that heaven is always here in this moment.
We each have the ability to reach a frequency that is beyond the personality, that allows us to listen to the Higher Self or Source Energy. We are linked to a certain universal frequency of light understanding, an awareness of who we are as one unified being.
Each instance we experience a frequency like we have in another incarnation, this triggers deja-vu or visions of "past lives". We have the ability to extract wisdom and insight from the stream so as to anchor a new vibration. The body may not be the same but energy vibration and frequency are recognized by our timeless consciousness. Meditating on uplifting core frequencies is a means of drawing ourselves out of imbalance and confusion and back to love. Meditation and other spiritual practices are also a path to allow us to get back into harmony with true divine nature.



Allow it to happen

Kundalini is a buzzword many people aspire to. Its the byproduct of spiritual advancement. In the West, people are taught to be ego-driven, self-centred, to focus on the goal, prize or destination rather than the path to get there. People are widely unaware of the reasons behind the process, its origins, and the collective motive for doing it. It is about contributing to evolving humanity. It was originally part of an initiation process. The energy generated here allows the mythical phoenix to arise from the ashes. 

An energetic view is its the rising of consciousness through chakras.  The cakra (Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that stay “open” unless blocked. The life force is a symbolic flow of energy that can rise in a very gradual and smooth process which is the natural course of things for some beings.  In ancient times, when one had a guide through processes, it was the traditional reflection of maturity and development. It can result naturally and spontaneously from living a pure and wholesome life.  Yet, in modern day, this is a rarity.

Many people are familliar with the Purusharthas (inherent values of the Universe: Artha (economic values) Kama (pleasure), Dharma (righteousness), and Moksha (liberation).

At a spiritual level, the Purusharthas are the blueprint for human fulfillment. Being mindful a satisfying, balanced, a meaningful life at the deepest, most holistic level of life. They offer a way of keeping you 'above board' so you make sound decisions. Knowing soulful goals brings meaning to your spiritual practice.

Purushartha implies “for the purpose of the divine Self. Take a moment and ask yourself, ‘Am I managing my life in a way to support my spiritual growth?’ and ‘What do I really, really want at the level of my Soul?’”

Consciousness opens or unfolds your potentiality relevant to where you are in life.  Issues arise if people take steps to rush this process.  For example, engage in intense spritual practices without proper preparation, purification and guidance is risky.  Without the proper containment of energy, guidance and interpretation of what is happening within, it can create more issues that you start with. In some cultures, a person is apprenticed to a master and goes through the process at a suitable pace for a disciple. 

Yet, in modern times, with access to the Internet and bombardments of information, people often work on their own without background insights. The ego would have us believe that we do not require external teachers or gurus.  To take a substance or engage in practices on a whim might evoke extreme experiences, but not everyone is equipped to intergrate that. Some people take drugs or intensify practices and  get shaken up without anyone to guide them. So, if the process does not unfold naturally,  the issue is never consciousness or kundalini energy, but the state of receptiveness of the body vessel. What happens sometimes is people attempt to get somewhere they have not created an energetic basis to sustain.

My own process has involved opening myself to progressively more intense flows of energy.  To simply have energy flowing without blockages would be pure bliss (satchitananda). However, trembling typically reaches a hiatus where a person cannot handle any more charge or electrical flow and must then take a rest. The process may then, in due time, begin again.
To surrender to the flow allows it to flow down through the crown, integrate all the koshas into harmony. This energy is divine intelligence, knows precisely what you need for soul evolution.  Some blockages are shaken out through kriyas (body's spontneous movements). We are invited to feel into discomfort, relax to allow energy  to flow freely.  Does the pain have a memory or emotion attached to it? One may lead to flashes of others as part of the process of releasing blockages. Does the intensity flowing through have a sound? Release it.
In Kundalini meditation, you can work to awaken this energy, go through your process and achieve enlightenment through a combination of techniques, including:
  1. deep breathing (breathwork)
  2. mudras (hand movements)
  3. mantras (phrases)
  4. physical movements (kriyas)



Choose Soul-based decision-making

My child is unhappy at daycare, growing noticably more anxious, and getting sick more often. I will regret it forever if I don’t leave my job, change my livelihood, to care for my child at home.

“I feel stressed in my workspace. There is so much negative energy among colleagues, even discrimination. I don’t know where to go for grievances. Just know that I can’t stay.”

“ I feel an urgency to pursue my dream. I have a vision but lack full clarity.”

I can relate to quandries about parenting and work-life balance, as well as roles in public and private sectors.  As a coach, clients consult me for guidance about life change without always knowing the next steps on their journey. What they and we all come to realize if open and receptive, is that our body-mind is constantly giving us signs and signals. We can learn to read them. Part of us knows what is not aligned with our soul. The messages are loud and persistent, to where they are difficult to ignore.  The voices invite us to give up the needs of our ego – earned job title, predictable income, security, maybe how and where we live and take leaps of faith without knowing how things will turn out! Its an exercise in trust. Can you relate to that inner urge to change?

With the onslaught of the global health concerns, wildfires, environmental calamities, political upheavals, and far more, we are repeatedly to prompted to act differently.  The inner voice is getting louder. As we begin to see our lives in terms of energy, the stakes are high when we are out of alignment! How can we learn to make decisions that are aligned with collective wisdom and that reliable intuition?

Six Modes of Decision-Making

In the book The New Leadership Paradigm, Richard Barrett talks about Six Modes of Decision Making.

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  1. Instinct-Based
  2. Subconscious Belief-Based
  3. Conscious Belief Based
  4. Values-Based
  5. Intuition-Based
  6. Inspiration-Based

Question is, in day-to-day life, what sort of decision-making evokes more joy and freedom? If we are guided by internal feelings, or the soul, then these modes take us closer or further away from the best choice on our path.

1.    Instinct-Based Decisions 

This is about biological survival. For example, babies instinctively know how to suckle and cry when they are born, in order to help them gain the food and attention they need to survive. As adults, your instincts kick in when you are in danger, such as the fight or flight response.  In this realm, actions proceed thought. You are not consciously in control of your decisions.

2.    Subconscious Belief-Based Decisions 

This is about personal memories and experiences from the past and are often driven by emotions rather than rational thought. When you make subconscious decisions based on beliefs from the past, you are often responding to unmet ego needs.  In this realm, action still proceeds thought and you are still not consciously in control of your decisions. The key decision driver is your personal experience rather than your biology.

3.    Conscious Belief-Based 

This is where the realm of rational decision-making based on conscious thought, information, and experience.In this type of decision-making you switch to thinking before you act. You are in control. Yet, you still tend to make decisions based on past experiences and feelings, rather than on your future and infinite potential.

4.    Values-Based decision-making

This involves examining your past beliefs and experiences and letting go of what no longer serves you anymore. When you move into values-based decision-making, you can create a future that resonates with who you truly are and want to become.  Values-based decision-making is based on your personal values and the future you want to create. You are in control of your actions and consult with others to consciously create the best outcome.

5.    Intuition-Based decisions

This is about allowing you to tap into a deeper and collective wisdom of a larger group. This may involve giving up your personal preference in service of the whole. You shift away from your ego-system into a larger eco-system view.

With intuition-based decisions, you expand our awareness of the whole, suspend your judgment, empty your mind, and are open to thoughts that arise and reflect a wisdom that is greater than your own.

6.    Inspiration-Based decision-making is responding to the promptings of our soul. This decision-making enables your soul to fulfill its purpose in this world. Barrett mentions that some forms of depression arise from ignoring these insistent promptings of the soul.

In this realm, thoughts seem to appear from nowhere, they are persistent, and there are emotional consequences for not listening to them.

Three Ways to Align Decisions with the Needs of Your Soul

Here are some tips you can practice to begin shifting to making decisions aligned to the needs of your soul:

1. Be Aware of the Level at Which You are Making Decisions 

  • Do you tend to get stuck in rational decision-making based on your past experience, without considering values? When is that appropriate? And when might you need to shift to exploring the involved in the situations.

2. Consult others 

  • Through consulting with others and becoming more aware of diverse perspectives, you begin to expand your own knowledge, gain deeper levels of understanding, and tap into a collective wisdom that is greater than your own.

3. Meditation, Prayer, Spiritual Practice

  • Tapping into values, intuition, and inspiration is a spiritual practice. Take 5 minutes per day to quiet your mind, be present, and seek wisdom from your ancestors in the spiritual realm and the wisdom of the universe. Ask for guidance in decision-making. It may come in a dream, while immersed in nature or in a quiet moment. Listen carefully and pay attention.

At what level do you tend to make decisions? At what level would you like to make decisions?  What is most effective for you in different life areas?  Would you benefit from coaching along these lines? Contact us.


Allow Freedom to Reign

 Notice amazing feelings of freedom wash over us every moment. And yet, conditioned fear cuts us off from this deeper reality. This flow or feeling of release comes and goes. Imagine instances that take your breath away and somehow bring it back. What compels us to ride waves as a surfer, to skate like the wind along the ice, to heel on a sailboat during a fierce storm, to cycle down the mountain or ride the equestrian jumping course of our lives? Perhaps its a glimpse of engagement in some kind flying through air; like hot air ballooning, skydiving, bunji jumping, hang gliding or otherwise merging with air currents that offers a taste of divine grace.

At some stage, through the course of our own direct experience, something arises in conscious awareness. It dawns, we are not simply a fragment of the universe. We are each a universe in and of itself, unfolding, expanding and interacting with others. Simply being here in this moment is enough. Although something prompts us to attempt to recreate the experience. What some would call thrill-seeking, others would call reaching for harmony or inner peace. Any desire to 'get back here' overlooks we never actually leave. Thoughts simply arise to block the truth of awareness.

So, be here now, in this moment. Taste it again, as if for the first time. Allow the wind to dance across the skin, tousle hair. Tune into breath, that which breathes you. Be that which passeth all understanding.